Cattle Castle 2

Though there isn’t a tf progression yet, it is planned. As for any help one might need
I will soon upload a guide made by another person.


It’s refreshing to play a something short and sweet like this. In my opinion, the brevity lends itself much better to multiple playthroughs. I find it exhausting and boring to replay a long game just to see what content I missed.

One bit of feedback I have is that some of the transformation animations seem a tad too fast, especially in the last two fights. I think they’d look better if they were slowed down to let each frame speak for itself, with no need to add more frames.

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Currently working on that, at 17 (Plus the two from the final battles inc).

RNG just suddenly decided to suck for a long time. HUGE stretches of no card drops and then when I did, I’d get a repeat. ><

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I recall seeing somewhere that there may be DLC planned, is that still a possibility?

ATM we are working on a general update to most stuff, specifically making combat better, but there is also going to be the addition of entire new content due to a patron paying for it to be added.

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