Chef's Kiss

My entry for the Gain Jam 2024. Barely get any time to work on it. But still managed to squeeze something for you, people, to check this out.


where’s the weight gain, if I may ask? played for around 10 minutes but there wasn’t any

Just tested it and it worked fine.

Fun little concept, would be cool to see it more fleshed out.
Using/sorting ingredients as they are tossed out with the option to eat them if the chef is overwhelmed, which would result in weight gain and slow the chef down or something, a consequence for not sorting ingredients fast enough.
As it stands now is there a ending?

The ending was originally planned, but I didn’t had the time to implement it. I plan to work some more on this in the future. Probably will redo the assets completely. Also plan on some gameplay features.


If this was a first attempt it wasn’t a bad one by any stretch! A bit more thought on the structure of the gameplay loop and in defining the experience for the player would be a good port of call. You have some of the fundamentals down but the focus should be on the design and structure of the game itself.

Very barebones, would have liked at least a small tutorial/character intro even if only in text