Chub, Chomp, Chill (Version 1.2 Out Now!)

So right off the bat, I’ve noticed a little hiccup: Opening the options menu for the first(?) time sets all the volumes to zero, as well as turning off the burps and stomach sounds. It’s not really a major issue, just something I thought I’d bring up.
Also, something weird, I accessed the New Citizen menu somehow from closing the options? Can’t seem to replicate it, tho.


It happens every time. It also disables Fullscreen and sets the (probably not functional) graphics preset to Low.

Also- is there no Belly Bonus food? That’s really what I want to be using. =/

That’s a known issue I’ve had in the past. I thought I had honed it in, but it seems to still be finicky. I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to look into that.

The graphics preset is functional. There are Belly Bonus foods as well. The grocery’s selection is different every day. They aren’t guaranteed to always carry a buffed food item.

Oh, ok. So hoard the belly bonus foods like I’m insane if I want to spam them then. xD

When you interact with the weight loss clinic and leave, the character end up looking like this.
At least is goes back to normal if you just leave the re-enter the apartment.

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Another couple things I’ve noticed is that Gretta’s shop seems to have some graphical issues, the room geometry glitches out occasionally, I have no idea why. Also multi-color clothes items in the character creator seems to have issues swapping between the available color tabs.

Working on a hotfix for this right now

When do the tabs seem to have issues? They used to be way more buggy. I thought I ironed most of those kinks out. The only one I’m currently aware of is if you click on the same clothing item multiple times.

Does bloating go down over time? Things are getting pretty… interesting. xD

I only really noticed it on the belt pants, but it seemingly removed the other two tabs when I tried to switch to either tab 2 or 3. Speaking of which, I tried to give my character a dark yellow buckle, but it came out bright cyan, not sure why.
Also the graphical issues are probably just cuz of my graphics card, since switching from OK graphics to Good graphics froze my PC much like I’ve dealt with before from other games.

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Bloating can stack up to 3 times. If I remember correctly each instance can last up to around 5 minutes? Or at least, that’s what it should be, heh heh

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Ok, things haven’t broken yet, then, afaict.

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0.3.1 is available to download now.
It should fix the Weight Loss Clinic bug some people have been having.

(there are other bugs that will be fixed, but this one seems like the most pressing at the moment)


Oh, the “back to apartment” button in the grocery store seems to pass a day. I couldn’t figure out what exactly was causing time travel to happen. xD

(But only sometimes? idrk what’s happening)

One of my characters’ boobs seem to have gotten stuck inside her body.

I can see them poking through her back sometimes. Front is flat, ofc.

If that’s not what’s happening, they disappeared, so… Definitely something up.

Edit: OH. Giving her a Chest Bonus food must have reset them, I think. They’re starting to gain in.

To expand (heh) on firesoul10’s issue, foods with a bonus to chest, hips, or butt zero out whatever you gave the character during creation. I haven’t grabbed that hotfix yet, but another problem I had on top of the clinic bug was that all of the food I had bought vanished after I returned to the character’s apartment.

A problem I found that nobody else has yet, is if you try to delete an empty apartment (inspired by getting a “null” character in the clinic bug), you will end up deleting your actual character. The next question would be what happens when you have multiple characters and try deleting a blank space…

I don’t think it’s working properly, I got a message saying the bloating subsided but my character is still bloated

Unless there’s a message for each bloat?

EDIT: There is a message for each bloat. Huh.

Also, just a suggestion - Make the dialog happen more often. It took ages for my character to talk to me, and took even longer for the next chat to happen

EDIT 2: While i’m making suggestions - it would be great if other apartment residents fullness ran out even when they’re not being focused on. At the moment I can fill someone up, go feed another resident, and then come back 30 minutes later and she’s still at max fullness. It would give us more reason to have more than 1 resident

A couple of other bugs, from what I can remember:

Events come in pairs
Bloating caused by events runs out in under a second (could be bad luck, but I did see it 3 separate times)
If you run out of a food, you can continue to use it as long as you don’t switch away from it

Bug report. As others have said, giving a character a food with a bonus to a certain area resets whatever you gave them at character creation.

Also, again, as others have pointed out, your other residents don’t decrease in fullness if you’re not looking at them. Ideally I’d have quite a few residents and cycle through them while waiting for stomachs to empty but as it is right now I just find myself waiting for ages.

Otherwise, fantastic work, looking forward to future updates and especially additional customization options.