Chub, Chomp, Chill (Version 1.2 Out Now!)

Found a glitch! If you feed someone food and it runs out, you can still feed them that food as long as you don’t click off it.

To build on the residents not digesting off-screen bit, it makes Stomach Capacity a pretty useless stat. Since they don’t digest when you’re not staring at them, there’s no way to take advantage of having more room in their belly. Digestion Speed is objectively better for eating more.

Also- it seems like for exceedingly busty characters, the standard T-shirt has a black void on the underside of the bust texture.

She’s 272.84klbs of practically nothing but boob, so this is a pretty extreme case. xD
idk if you expected someone to try to play a BE game in your sim.

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It’s definitely an improvement from 0.2, but the conversation system still needs work. I’ve had the introductory conversation with the reserved personality trait on the same character three times already, and I was on day 17.

It’s strange the digestion rate doesn’t do anything unless you’re with a character on a full stomach, so that could be a good change in the future.

As for potential ideas for future updates, maybe have fatties interact with their neighbors? Form relationships and things like that, seeing how their personalities and preference on gaining bounce off each other.

just a slight edit, but the bloating effect from chugging the soda for the special event quickly subsides after attempting it. But it still does the gurgling stomach noises.

dumb question but how do i change the camera angle? clicking the camera icon lust brings me to look straight at her.

you hold left click and drag anywhere on the screen.

Can you not change the cloth in this update? Also how do you progress in the dialogs?

Here’s a slightly odd one: This hair style has one side smoothmapped and the other not, both front and back.

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Does the keg do anything special?

Bug to report: during the 12:00 AM hour, going anywhere outside the apartment and coming back triggers another advancement of the day. For instance going to the grocery store on day 12 at 12:01, when you come back it’ll be day 13 at 12:01, and then if you go to the weight loss clinic at 12:05, when you come back it’ll suddenly be day 14.

Visual Bug: The normals of the shape key for weight gain are messed up.image
Hardware and driver information

Whew boy, wish it was possible to reply to more than one person per message!
I’ll address some of the recent comments in this message.

  • I’ve been made aware of the whole time travel thing. As well as food resetting the proportions made during character creation. And the “infinite food” exploit. And bloating ending immediately after it starts. Definitely noted.

  • At the moment, dialogue is intentionally pretty spaced out. There are technically around 50 conversations in the game. But in reality, there’s only around 7, which differ based on what personality your character is. They take a very long time to implement, which is why there aren’t too many in the game currently. More will be added in the future. But for now they are few and far between so people don’t burn through them too quickly.

  • Having time pass by for citizens while you’re playing with others is definitely being considered.

  • I’m not sure why events are happening in pairs. Looking into it.

  • Interesting boob void. Hmmm. I may or may not know what might be causing that.

  • I’m not sure what you mean by not being able to change clothes, King Novum? And you have to wait for when your characters feel like talking.

  • Thanks for letting me know about that hairstyle. Gosh Unity is weird sometimes. Sometimes stuff looks totally fine when you’re editing. Then when you export a build stuff looks jank, heh. That’s also the reason why the food tiles are so darn big. They aren’t supposed to look like that.

  • The keg is essentially a boatload of calories. It also qualifies for most of the craving categories. So when you use it, you’re most likely bound to get another extra 50% of calories and XP on top of that.

  • The normals aren’t messed up. That’s just how the shader works when they get stretched. Might have to tweak it a bit more.


High weights causes the face to overlap the eyes.

You can always take quotes by highlighting the text you want to quote and hitting the quote button. It lets you do this:

An interesting bug I hadn’t noticed because I’m using exclusively buff foods so no fat is getting to the face. xD

Also is my napkin math wrong or does a character have to be REALLY invested in stomach capacity to even attempt a keg? Guess that’s the payoff, a lot of slow leveling until you can finally access the super-efficient food. xD

(Seems like 30-60 levels in Stomach Cap or something?)

Oh wow! Thank you very much!

Yep, been notified on that one as well. Will fix.

Yep. It’s meant to be a food that fills you up faster when you get to really big sizes, but some people have been going all in on capacity to be able to down it early.

I am having a blast just chilling and watching my girl get bigger.

Question though, if I upgrade versions can I transfer any save data? Or do I have to start from scratch again?

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I updated and the save data carried over. I can’t confirm it’ll happen for everyone every time, though.

Did you just open the new executable after downloading it? Or did you overwrite any files?

I’m assuming CCC has an AppData folder where saves are kept, because a fresh install had my old data.

Edit: It’s in AppData/LocalLow/SolitaryScribbles/ChubChompChill if you want to back it up, you shouldn’t have to.


do you think that the fat could lay on the floor instead of going through it