Chub, Chomp, Chill (Version 1.2 Out Now!)

Hey there, everyone. Thanks a whole lot for all the feedback given since release! Another update is coming really soon that addresses a lot of the problems brought up (especially illness). Thank you all a bunch for your patience!


IS there any option to fully disable “bloating”?
It’s annoying cause there’s no way to prevent it from happening

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The upcoming update includes a feature that will help remedy that


Here’s the overview presentation showcasing all the new things and changes coming: Chub Chomp Chill 0.5.2 | New Stuff, Changes, and Fixes - YouTube


Wow that was FAST

“jiggle sliders”

Best patch update

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I’d love to see more support for arbitrary resolutions and different aspect ratios as I can’t select a 16:10 aspect ratio as that’s what my computer has. Also 4:3 support would be nice too as I like old computer monitors like PC CRTs

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Just optimized the game to support 4:3, 5:4, and 16:10. It’ll be part of the update.


Thank you for that. Always love it when devs allow for other aspect ratios besides the standard 16:9


So… would 730:365 be possible too?

#sillysealquestions :seal:


Hello! First of all, great work on the game. I’ve run into an interesting issue, however, and while I don’t know if it’s a problem specific to me, I figured I’d let you know in case it isn’t.

  • When the options menu is opened, I cannot close it (i.e. the big red “X” does not work). The only way to escape this window once it’s opened is to close the game.
  • All of my game data was erased–or, it might still be there, but the game just isn’t recognizing it for whatever reason. This occurred immediately after I had to close the game after the unclosable options menu glitch that I described above. Have no idea if the two are related.
  • Additional issue I found: I cannot create any new citizens. I can go into the menu and go through all of the customization options, but when I click the “finish” button, nothing happens.
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Very pleased to see so many issues addressed in 0.5.2. Not too excited about the BP Trainer nerf but in all honesty, it’s deserved. If all game developers addressed complaints as quickly and efficiently as you did, I bet gaming as a whole would be a lot better right now, haha.


in the nerf’s defense. it was very easy to acumulate BP just by upgrading BP once and from there relying on BP trainer. after you get 6 BP just keep 6 BP trainer’s on and with the right set up you can easily get a lot of BP in a short time.

Making it less frequent still gives it merrit, but not a too broken badge, though if even that nerf still makes it a tad broken i propose that a hard cap is given to how much BP the badge can give total even with stacking.


Yeah, like I said I entirely understand why it had to be nerfed, but I’m still going to be a little sad to see it go.


Version 0.5.2 is out now! Good handful of new stuff and bug fixes.

Download here: Chub, Chomp, Chill by SolitaryScribbles
Patch Notes Here: Version 0.5.2 is Now Live! [PATCH NOTES] - Chub, Chomp, Chill by SolitaryScribbles


This is maybe silly but would it be possible in an update to make the vendors gain weight? I wanna make Rue fatttt lmao


So an odd thing has happened…

I get this message every time I press “finish” on the character creation screen. Have no idea what’s causing it. If it’s relevant, this was done on a completely fresh save–I had no save data from 0.5.1.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the oddball integer overflow that resets you from city filling back to room sized is still present. I got a character bigger than I did in the previous version but they zwooped back down in weight again.


hi! i like this game, but i DO have one thought/request/whatever you want to call it: faces! i always find it distracting when my little dude is like 700 pounds and still has the same face shape he did at the beginning of the game

basically: i think it’d be a good idea to add an option for chubby cheeks/fat faces much earlier/more proportionate. personally, i’d love it, but i can see really easily how that could be hell to implement lmao. fun time either way though!


Hey man, thanks so much for adding 4:3 support! This game never did perform very well on my ancient widescreen laptop, so it’s great to be able to run it on my slightly less ancient PC (no issues aside from some serious loading times, but that’s to be expected tbh). I even took the game up on its suggestion and made a blorbo.

Lily Apostles makes a great dump for breast buffs. WaxeRed please don’t kill me

I did notice that when I go to the grocery store, Gretta’s dialog box appears halfway out of the frame, like so:

And a few suggestions for features that I’d love to have:

  • More short hairstyles. The current selection has a lot of longer and particularly feminine hairstyles, but the selection of short options for my dudes is pretty lacking.
  • Sorting options for the food menu. Scrolling through all the foods at once, especially when I’m looking for something with a particular trait, is currently something of a pain.
  • Badge that lets you reduce/avoid bloating, similarly to the illness badge.
  • Stackability information in the descriptions of badges.
  • A page where you can review loading screen tips.
  • Weight gain for the neck, if possible. I would love to give my residents chin rolls.

All in all, though, I’m really enjoying this game. It’s come a long way since its inception, and it’s really turning into something unique and fun.


if im gonna be honest i liked addiction letting citizens eat past their stomach capacity, it felt like a tradeoff and made addiction not just annoying