Chub, Chomp, Chill (Version 1.2 Out Now!)

If you don’t like certain changes, why not try asking around and see if someone has versions of the game that have the features that you desire.

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I have to say this game is fun, the updates for like see what items will make you sick was what this game need also the crazy thing you can eat is wonderful I mean you can eat a whale now that is Fun just the game needs little fixes like how when I go to new areas then back home it zooms to my character or when yo get bigger the Outfit get a bit jagged but beside that this good is so good.

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please fix the masculine voice so it stops playing the fem voice when you select it!

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I got bored and wanted to see how fat I could get my character. I got her to ~250m wobbs before I called it quits. Fun times.

Also is there any sort of pattern/reasoning behind the mystery bag being different colours or does each colour have the same chance of getting any item?


Honestly, I like the idea of this break from adding entirely new stuff and working on what is already in the game. The buff bloat and ill icons are such a small and nice addition that would have probably been overlooked or delayed if the focus was on new features again. Not that I wouldn’t like new stuff too haha but I understand that being a “feature creep” is not the best approach

I was fortunate enough to not have any problems that made the game unplayable, not in this or any of the versions, somehow (that is, aside from the default citizen bug), but there are some small problems that were already mentioned here and in the itch,io page.

I was also wondering if the mystery bag color has anything to do with the loot table or if it’s all the same. At first I thought that each of the 3 secret addiction badges could only be found in a certain bag color but that’s not the case since I got 2 of the same badge from different bags.

Are all citizens’ arms kinda clipping into their bodies even while not being that heavy or am I just giving them too much hip buff?


I’m extremely fond of this game, it’s incredibly hot to me. The moment I saw you could make catgirls I was all in, and I think I’ve played this game for longer than any other fetish game I’ve downloaded on here. My only complaints are that the 3D models start to look quite janky at the largest sizes, around the time you end up in the city, particularly around the head and neck and arms. I don’t do 3D modelling myself but I’m assuming it’s quite difficult to have them change dynamically based on the weight values and also look smooth. There’s also some weirdness when it comes to belly rubs at a certain size, like right before immobility, where the character refuses to stand still for some reason and keeps sliding around while you rub. Awesome game, thank you for the fun <3

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I found something that could be a bug.If you do a lot of level-ups at once, there is a bug that skips the rest except for one level-up bonus

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Found some bugs:

  • Characters at higher mobile sizes sometimes stop walking and instead “skid” around, moving without any animation. When they’re getting really big, closer to immobility, they’ll either do this or keep walking when I give them belly rubs. Unlike normal walking, the skid doesn’t seem to respect the character’s expanded hitbox, and their extra mass can end up halfway through a wall.
  • Giving belly rubs to a large enough character (approaching immobility or above) tends to cause their pose to glitch, swapping rapidly between the normal T-pose and a pose where their arms stick straight up. Sometimes they just go to the other pose and stay there.
  • No matter how bloated a character is, leaving their room and coming back (by switching characters, closing/reloading the game, visiting a store, whatever) resets them to the first stage of bloat.
  • When entering one of the standard apartment rooms, the bed and computer monitor fall from a short height, which sometimes causes them to land improperly (the monitor tends to end up on the floor).
  • Tops that cover the butt (e.g. long coats, dresses) tend to have tearing issues in that area that can’t be corrected with offset adjustments.

Hey there, everybody. Thank you very much on all the feedback so far on the update. I might not always reply to every comment individually, but I am most definitely keeping track of things!
Here’s hoping 0.6 will be a good one.

Also if some of you could do the following things, it would be greatly if appreciated!

  1. I had a pretty sizable breakthrough recently that will hopefully save on development time and allow for a wider variety of shapes and sizes. If possible, post some pics/art that contain sizes and body types you wish you could make with the game. This is by no means a guarantee that they will be coming to the game. But at the very least, I’d like to get an idea of the type of stuff players would want to aim for.

  2. List one feature/concept not in the game that you think the game absolutely NEEDS. Like, if CCC had one final update and it was up to you to decide what major feature would make the game feel “complete”. As well as one feature that is currently in the game that you think can be feasibly be expanded on more.

  3. List your current favorite element(s) about the game.

If you’re able to do any of those, that would be help be out a good bit!

Also, if you’re experiencing any of the following bugs, please send me a DM. I’m in the process of figuring out the cause:

  • Unable to exit the options menu.
  • Unable to finish creating a character.

The one big needed for me would NSFW models in game. The characters look off when they have no clothing on so, such an option or mode would be big. One thing you could expand is more variety of items wether it be rooms, badges, food, etc. This is all my own personal thoughts on the matter. So far the the game is great as it currently is now and I am excited to see what you do for 0.6.


One feature I would like to see are various randomly generated peeps walking around in the outdoor areas, maybe characters from the apartment too.


Loving the game, but if I can make one selfish request…

My favourite aspect of the game is the character creator and making recognisable characters. It’s fun to experiment with a character in gaining in different ways and at different rates, although it’s a pain to remake them each time. What I would love to see in the game is a means to save a citizen during creation as a stored character template. In subsequent plays, when creating a new citizen you could have the option of loading a template.

That’s a feature I think would be pretty popular, and hopefully not too taxing to implement!


I’m don’t really have a point for 1 at this moment (mainly since i’m not sure how to showcase it using my prefered type of art (being pixel art) and how to showcase it since i’m still practicing set art.

for 2 Taking a note from Tomodachi life Having a catalog of previously bought food can make the grind for them less annoying, the thing i keep seeing for those that want to reach the biggest size as soon as possible is the fact (besides the price) that they have to wait an unspecified amount of time before they can buy what they need. and often it leads to one of the following scenario’s:

  • The item shows up, but you can’t afford it at the moment
  • The item shows up, you are grinding to get enough, and the items switch just as you got enough
  • you have enough, but the item isn’t there.

Having a Catalog of the item’s you’ve bought i believe would solve this issue as you’re still gathering points for the item you want, without the possible drawbacks if you bought a mystery bag.

for 3 i’d say creating a character is very fun for me. I often tend to make already exisiting characters using what the character creator provides. (though i’d wish i could make a seal-like character but that’s more a #sillysealrequest)
another thing is seeing the size changes as the pounds reach the thousands to millions. and being able to see things get smaller as the character gets bigger.
a final note is badge builds. being able to customize the character using BP allows for specific playstyles and body types that i enjoy.

Wish you the best of luck on 0.6 and I’ll be looking forward that what the community provides. this has lots of potential that i’m all for

Ps. hope that android patreon goal gets met at some point. You can bet i’ll be installing that (assuming it’s free and hopefully has no forced ads, i’m down for watching ads to provide a minor tip to you(I don’t know if it works like that but i’d like to think it does))


It would be sick if there were bigger sizes. Like, maybe becoming so big that you can see earth and then you (idk how to explain it lol) and then bigger than the solar system, galaxy and universe? Bigger food items like, buildings or food trucks. More clothings from for example animes like One Piece, Bleach and Naruto? Shapes should be an option like in the creator menu (Pear shape, apple shape, strawberry shape and onwards). More hairstyles, rooms, music and you should be able to feed the retail girl, the backyard girl and the chocolate girl. Maybe I am asking too much lol. (Sorry for the bad english, it is my third language)

This is an example of a picture that I was talking about earlier. Credit to DarkMetalDragon666 on DeviantArt


The only thing I can think of to make the game feature complete would be a mechanic where you can pay an exorbitant fee to instantly restock the shop, just to make getting specific foods easier when you hit endgame and have a ton to spend.


My number 1 feature would be more dialogue, more frequent dialogue blurbs from your citizens, and spellchecking/grammar checks on the existing dialogue. In fact, I’d like to offer to do the spellchecking and grammar checking on the existing dialogue for you if you aren’t interested in spending time on it.


Hmm, well I can’t exactly think of anything for 1 since my general preferred body type is already in the game. For 2, one feature that I really think the game needs is mini-games. I know that this has been planned for awhile now, but I do think that mini-games are necessary in order to fill some of those empty periods during gameplay/pass the time. Mini-games are part of what makes Tomodachi Life-esque idle games so addictive, so I do think a small variety (at least 2 or 3?) are necessary for the game to be truly complete. As for a feature that is already in the game, I think the events system needs to be expanded on, as I recall having seen all of the events in less than 3 days of playing, which means in subsequent gameplay it became kinda boring to see the same ones repeat over and over. So I would love to see more events, possibly with more options and outcomes, implemented to make events overall more interesting. Finally, for 3, my most favorite aspect about the game is without a doubt seeing the progression of characters from their starting weight to game-breaking sizes. I also love the ability to customize how each character gains so that no two characters are the same–my first character was fairly bottom heavy, but the next character gained most of his weight in his chest. Adds some fun replayability!


The game is in a pretty solid state imo, like, if development stopped today (with bugs fixed), I would be very sad, but I wouldn’t feel that “it could have been better/more” kind of feeling. Although, (2) something that I think would make the game feel complete is some form of interaction among citizens (casually momentarily forgors that Scribbles said “one feature”) and a system to make and load character customization codes like Nioh 2 (that’s the only game i played that has it). That way we could save the codes for later for ourselves and share it in a dedicated topic here in the forum. Bystanders walking in the city sounds cool too.
(Still 2) Also I think the warehouse needs… something more. In the apartments we have walking animations, props with collision and lots of different rooms to choose. In the city we have buildings with collision to demolish and the city scenery itself. And lastly the warehouse, that has… none of the above. We do have blurbs exclusive to the warehouse, but I still find myself trying to get to the city as soon as possible. It doesn’t need anything fancy, just something to make our time there more worthwhile.

Casually forgets that it's supposed to be ONE feature AGAIN and now is too lazy to delete everything

(STILL 2) Mini-games would add a ton of value to the game too. I know that they were planned already but just to elabore, the game is really fun as is, but with Mini-games, possibly having Your carefully customized citizen visually participating in it, would be a blast. It would be like using your Mii in Wii Sports for the first time again.
That last part would make it way too complex but I can dream.

(1) This shapes and sizes breakthrough sounds exciting. I wonder if it will allow for more thighs content in the game? Right now, unless your citizen is at like the max height, thighs vanish faster than whales in the shop. They get destroyed by the butt. I do like them buns a lot, but I would really appreciated the option to have a bit more attention to those that are thicc and save lives.
(Still 1)Aside from that I don’t know what else could be done. I don’t have any art for that, but maybe make the really huge sizes (warehouse and city) more unique? The tendency of growth is to the front and back and hip buffs have very little effect at a certain point anyways. Some wideness could be added somewhere. The general shape in these sizes could change more noticeably, making the mid-warehouse size slightly but noticeably different from early-city, then the mid-city noticeably different from early-city and so on. To make it so that it doesn’t look like a scaled up version of the citizen in the warehouse.

(3)Finally, my favorite aspects of the game is making recognisable characters and experimenting with the different variables, like height, hips, etc. The big thing when I started playing all the way back in 0.1 was finding how the shapes change throughout the game and how big you can get. It’s really fun to experiment with different clothes and buffs and I also have a few citizens stuck below 1000 wobbs because I found a nice combination of the two and don’t want to lose that look.
The resource management aspect is really good too, I don’t think the game would be the same if food and money were infinite. Although we go from having barely any food to having lots of food quite fast. Which is good I guess (And the specific foods take a while to appear anyway). As a sandbox, this currency system shouldn’t be a challenge but rather a way to balance progression. I think. Probably. I don’t know what I am talking about. I think that’s all.

Unrelated but this is one of my all-time favorite games here, hence the wall of text!
I’m already hyped for 0.6, can’t wait!


A couple suggestions I could propose is to have a more in-depth colour picker in the character creator, such as with hex values, and for notifications to work a bit more like The Sims 4, where any new notifications move the previous one down before disappearing after a set amount of time. This would help a ton for seeing multiple badge effects that activate at once.

And my favourite part about the game is absolutely the huge variety in stomach noises and burps!
Love the game to bits and can’t wait to see how it improves!


I just realized how cheeky it is to list 3 features and blame it on my short term memory so if I had to choose one I would probably choose the citizens interaction. It’s more like an excuse to see 2 or more at the same time and compare them side by side.
Although I think the codes system wouldn’t be too hard to make along with that one, doesn’t need to be exactly like Nioh 2

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