Chub, Chomp, Chill (Version 1.2 Out Now!)

Versions 0.4 and 0.4.2 had cosmic fat/weight gain possible, but it was changed for some reason.

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Like in Tomodachi life it would be nice to see new locations like a town square, a beach ect and see the citizens go to different locations at random, doing stuff or going out with other citizens just like you would see in Tomodachi life, and while were at it a sleeping mechanic with dreams would be nice since i feel like sleeping at least will be added too this at some point since it’s a tomodachi like title.

Seriously i got like 1000 hours in Tomodachi life so a fetish based game like this that ticks all my boxes is like a god sent to me, And this game has greatly improved through the years, i remember playing it back when it was 0.02 or something.


I would definitely love seeing more bottom heavy sizes in the game, something similar to this image

One feature I would love to see, though not sure how well it would be implemented, is to see citizens interact with each other at certain locations, do group activities, play games with each other, stuff like that.

As for my favorite element in this game, currently it’s the badge system, it’s been helping me keep the food storage up to date while ballooning my citizens to massive sizes.


Minigames and/or interaction between characters to make the world feel lived in.

I haven’t felt the need to make too many characters besides the one because each character is completely self contained.

Seeing small characters mess around with blob characters would be cool etc.


It’s been said a lot and I know it’d be a lot of work, but if only one new feature could be added I’d have to suggest characters interacting with other characters. Even just having dialogue blurbs / text events referencing or involving other characters the player has created would go a long way.

As far as body shapes go, I feel like the game already covers my personal tastes. Aside from further refinements to clipping or additional hairstyles (which will likely happen anyways), the only major inclusion I can think of would be an alternate body type that develops rolls.

  1. probably just a more realistic body shape (i like the chibi, maybe an alternative?).

  2. i’m split between a stuffing mechanic that bloats out the citizens belly depending on how full they are, and a way to import / create custom 3D models, because a lot of the clothes (like marie’s dress) are just custom dresses for a specific character, and CCC is kinda lacking in basic clothing designs. for something to be expanded on, maybe the voice elements and a higher shape customization (height is the only one that really matters tbh, head size has very limited usage and the others are basically useless since you can adjust them naturally and at bananahead’s weight loss clinic.

  3. i really like the character creator, i just wish that it was less clogged with options that are tailor made for creating pre-existing characters. i like the little voice bubbles (though i think more personality customization would be amazing). i also like the weight gaining system, it flows really well and doesn’t clip as much as you think it would, especially with how far citizens can grow.


ahahaaa, i’m having a lot of fun with this!
thus far my only real request is for a mohawk hairstyle in character creation. for…reasons. 6u9;;

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  1. Flabbier bodytypes(belly rolls, leg rolls, ect). Furry options for head shapes and features would be nice; canine head, feline head, reptile head, stuff like that. Maybe horns as accessories. I also agree with billy5641 on the NSFW models.
  2. I think a chat feature where you can engage in conversation with citizens would be nice. Also maybe a common room where they can all show up in, provided they can still walk.
  3. The character creation goes hard even now.
  1. I prefer rounder/smoother bellies to ones with lots of folds, I don’t have any art I can actually post since I’m on mobile, but Spacethumper is the best example I can think of for a good balance between having realistic folds while still keeping the main belly nice and round.

  2. I still think minigames of some sort to gain happiness points would be perfect. Maybe not essential, like the question says, but definitely a good addition. Bonus points if said minigames involve interacting directly with the belly. On a related note, I’m not sure how much you can do with the physics here, but it would be nice to have the character’s body react to being touched with the mouse. It works fine the way it is now, but being able to actually jiggle your favorite bits of the character’s flabby body would be just… Yes.

  3. My current favorite thing about the game is watching the character gradually grow over time, especially once they become immobile. I like using the environment around them (objects, the texture of the ground, etc) to set reference points for myself, then watching as they expand outwards to cover them.

There’s also a handful of quality of life changes I can think of, but I wanted to focus on answering the three questions you posted for now.

Thank you for making this game, and I can’t wait to see where it goes next!

  1. I like bottom heavy figures so I’d love to see longer and more detailed legs ie a distinct calf and thigh. I also really love weights ranging from overweight to obese and would love to see slightly more detailed fold and such for those earlier weights.

(red lines are to highlight shapes)

  1. Bit of a stretch but tight/outgrowing clothes? As for things to expand on more dialogue for more weight levels. Maybe some visuals for the events similar to tomodachi life?

  2. I love the existing dialogue as well as some of the subtle sound effects such as the floor creaking and characters making “sloshing” sounds as they get bigger.


I’m having an issue. I’ve downloaded the zip file, unpacked, and launched the game. I can interact with the main menu, and open the apartments screen, but when I try to create a character, the game freezes at the last bit of loading. No error code gets thrown at me, but I can keep looking.

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not sure if this is still ongoing, but i figured i’d chip in.

  1. i’d enjoy some slightly more masculine body shapes. (ie. more compact, less chest and bottom heavy ones that still have a decent amount of both) fat bodies are generally more androgynous than thin ones but as someone who’s only into dudes, it’s not super difficult to tell that the male models aren’t quite as individual as they could be. that being said, i’d put the whole “chubby cheeks” thing i was talking about earlier at a much higher priority than that :woman_shrugging:
  2. an easier way to get happiness points would be appreciated! a lot of my sessions with the game were spent just kind of waiting for my points to refill so i could buy more stuff. the belly rub mechanic is technically this? but it doesn’t really give anywhere near enough points for it to be useful.
  3. i really like the character creation, but i do wish there were more customization/options with the faces. most of the eyes are a little too cartoony and/or feminine for me so i usually just go with the dots, and there’s not a TON of options for them lol

overall, just what most other people have been saying :person_shrugging:


I love your first point. I like them the same way, so you got a good idea there.

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Do you plan on adding a slider for face fat in the weight loss clinic? I find it to be cute so it’s just something I’d like to play with. Also, just a personal opinion, But I think that gaining weight on the face should happen at a much lower weight. Anyways, great game overall, I look forward to whatever you add next.


pochi is one of the best artists to get examples of those said shapes from :pear:

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ooh, wait
you know what would be fun?
just a big old reset button with some carryover
like keep your badge points (or half, if you want to exact a price) but drop all weight down to zero or whatever you started with at character creation
that way if your jam is partially the process you can enjoy doin’ it all over again without giving up some of the progress made. roguelite thought processes, i guess
mostly this suggestion/request just comes because it’s nigh impossible to actually be able to pay for an impactful amount of weight loss when you’re at larger sizes

edit: oh, chocolate coins would be a good cost for this I think?? that way there’s a use for them once you’ve already bought all the badges you want. it would also kinda make a funny little excuse to make a new character and grind levels to hit a bunch of coins for the sake of the older character getting a reset lmao


Adding on to this but maybe a centaur bodyshape?

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would love to be able to create this masculine bodytype as well, it’s an ai generated image (dall-e)


Hey I found a cool trick
I don’t know if it works on fullscreen, but when playing windowed mode if you hold the belly rubbing action and ALT+TAB into another window while still holding it the game will glitch in a way that it keeps performing belly rubs on it’s own
Then you can go watch some videos and the game will be generating happiness points on the background. You can even go back to the game and it will continue glitched until you click anywhere in the screen

Best paired with the Happiness Booster badge. Avoid the Certified Belly Rubber badge though, this would be a recipe for leveling up more than once and getting the only one stat point bug.

I wouldn’t consider this an exploit but- well, technically this IS an exploit but- but please don’t fix it!! It’s so harmless and I don’t have 2 monitors to watch videos while playing the game!

I’ll also just leave this here


I’m not happy with my reply to Scribbles so I’m ranking things that I would like to see in the game here, from the most wanted to still wanted but less wanted
Not that I think all these will make it into the game, it feels like Scribbles wants to work on other things now, I’m just sharing things that make me go “wow that would be cool” and their priority in my head

Look at these not like a to-do list, but a list to choose one or two from.


  1. Any form of citizen interaction (citizens (that can) hanging out, a common place for everyone, or whatever is better. I don’t know, a game like this feels like it would have something along those lines in it’s complete version)

  2. Minigames. Self-explanatory

  3. Official mod support. I dunno how adding mod support works nor how to make mods but that never crossed my mind until Indulgent_Anon posted about mods. That would be HUGE

  4. Strings of letters and numbers and symbols working like “blueprints” of characters in the character creator

  5. Situational blurbs. I know that they already talk about feeling full/hungry/ill, but more things would be cool, like a citizen complaining or being grateful for a visit to the weight loss clinic depending on how they feel about gaining, commenting on how much you just spent on Gretta, commenting on how many choco coins you accumulated after something like 100, commenting on their own stomach capacity depending on how many points you invested, commenting when a citizen arrives or leaves, things like that. That would be one hell of a lot of blurbs to write though, as I assume Scribbles will have to write all of them since only he will know what events are registered by the game
    (I consider this a NEW STUFF rather than CHANGE because normal blurbs would be untouched, it’s basically just adding on top of this feature)

  6. A free cam like the one on the Unity scene view

  7. I feel like that’s asking too much but a whole new option of body type to choose from that has rolls as they get fatter, so there would be the smooth one and the foldy one (I’m half-joking with this one) Scrap that, an attribute for rolls and buffed food for rolls sound like a much better idea

  8. Super unnecessary but little sprites of the food in their hands when they eat/drink

  9. Make 'em bigger™


  1. Make the warehouse more worthwhile… somehow

  2. Make it so that really expensive foods sell at half the quantity to make it more affordable (25 foods = 56250hp will become 12 foods = 27000hp and so on). We can click “Buy” as many times as our money allows anyway

  3. thighs

  4. Flesh out the day and night cycle, like changing the color of the skybox, changing the lighting in the city or making the screen go black at 24:00 with a text like “[character_name] is sleeping” while the game saves and restocks the shops. Or not. That last part doesn’t sound that great

Edits: reorganized the “this”, hopefully it should be more comprehensible now


I’ve been figuring out how to mod the game, and I’ve made VERY good progress so far. I’ve found how to add new customization slots and such. Would anyone be interested in a modding thread?
