Hey SolitaryScribbles, is there by any chance you could add in more personality and customization features into the game?
Customization features for anyone that wants an orc feedee, the western greenskin kind with short pointy ears and tusk on the lower jaw and not the eastern kind of pig orcs. please 
One of the personalities I wish to incorporate for the female feedee’s would be the yandere one. Although it may require a identification feature for them to address player either as a male or female feeder.
Just harmlessly spitballing ideas to help make the game more fun for everybody.
Loving it so far
Interesting stuff. What do you plan on doing with something like this?
Would it ever be possible to have multiple characters with collision detection interact in the same room?
Edit: Also are noses coming to the game? It’s possible to create noses by using hats, but it’s pretty tricky to figure out.
Well, everyone else is submitting their ideas, so I’ll throw in my own:
More anthro accessories?
Here’s another idea, creating a Predator Badge.
The predator badge will basically allow any tenant in the building to basically devour another tenant while
By attaching this badge to a tenant, this would allow the user the option to basically grab a tenant to take to the predator aka person in the building with The predator badge to be consumed, allowing set predator to even grow bigger and larger and gain the badges/skills of the tenant they consumed.
Let me know what devs and fans of this game think of this idea.
my tenant got so fat they got ‘‘skinny’’ and the wobbs are negative
Ah yes, the integer overflow.
Congrats! You have officially beaten the game
Wouldn’t it make more sense to store weight as an unsigned integer? There’s no reason for the value to ever be negative and it would double the achievable weight range.
I’m personally not into death/vore, but I think the idea of being able to use a tenant’s weight elsewhere is interesting. Perhaps weight removed in the “weight loss clinic” could be stored and used to feed your tenants later rather than being wasted (though eating pure human body fat should probably add to the sickness meter).

That does seem like a good idea, although when it comes to removing a lot of weight it requires a lot of funding, AKA The game’s currency to afford one of the tenants or heavier tenants liposuction surgery
Kinda late but the 0.5.2 update gave me an idea with the “preferences” options
There could be a toggle for gradual weight gain like it was on 0.1 and 0.2, would be cool to mess around with it on characters on fast speed and badges like Savor it and Gastronomical Inflation
That was a thing? I started playing on 0.5 so, i had no clue. Sounds like a solid idea though.
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So this is PROBABLY something nobody but my dumb ass has done but. apparently if close the game, and open it again (at a later point), go into the room shop you are able to buy duplicates of rooms you already own. (the one in the bottom right is also a duplicate, but its counterpart just so happens to be not right next to it).

as you can guess, found this out via city skyline, but i decided to see if this was a repeat problem or if it was universal.
i did the glitch to i did it twice
Funnily enough the only duplicates I have are two Piss Voids that I got from a single mystery bag.
Brenda gifted me with two copies of the best room in the game
I really hope there will be an update soon for the rooms to purchase an acquire new ones
The currency used to buy badges, don’t know what it’s called. How do you get more? It seems just slow and random, is there anyway to intentionally earn them?
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i think it’s called choco-coins. and every time any character levels up, you gain one choco-coin. (you can also sometimes get them as a random reward from certain choice events)
these can be exchanged for badges in the badge shop.
you may already know but just in case, badges require BP to equip, the BP is not shared between characters. these are awarded as a choice from leveling up a character (in fact on a fresh character this is the only way to get BP, eventually you’ll be able to buy a badge that gives BP for giving food the character craves for, the chance is very low even with the max amount you can possibly stack, but this way you can spend level up bonuses elsewhere.)
hope this helps.
when do the citizen start to say a lot of people are fat
i wish this game had a wiki
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