Chub, Chomp, Chill (Version 1.2 Out Now!)

Unless something changed since the last time I played, the free BP for giving them stuff they like badge can be exploited by buying a ton of the little snacks like mints, saving them all up, then waiting for the character to crave the snack so you can feed them thousands of them for basically no effort and get a bazillion BP.

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the chances used to be higher then they are now, you can still get as many BP as you please with any character. it just overal takes longer before you’re given one. i do however still think with the lowered chance it’s still broken. there should either be a hard cap on the total BP one character can get (there does come a point where even with stacking all possible badges, you can have leftover BP) or you can only get a certain amount of BP from the BP trainer before it’s use becomes null.

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I don’t think they ever do.

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but i remember one saying that a lot of people are bulking up

I’m pretty sure that the energetic personality says something like that when they are still skinny. I don’t know if how they feel about gaining has something to do with it though.

I think they say that even if they are the only tenant lol

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ive been following this game for a bit now, i love how simple it is! and this update especially really elevates the game, as a huge burp-and-stomach-sounds enjoyer i love the badges system the most. although it cant be understated how good the mystery bags are, imo the worst part about the previous versions was that you were at the whims of the shop and if nothing good came up on it then youd be forced to wait a few minutes for the next day. if i had any criticisms about the game now itd only be about the limited interactions you can have with a character and asking for more customisation options, both of them are likely coming in updates regardless. at first i thought id never use the weight loss clinic but i realised i actually quite prefer the characters being on the cusp of immobility…

just made an account to show them so <3 i hope one day we’ll be able to fatten up the npcs a bit, but i dont expect that to ever come true and if it does itll be waay later


Perhaps a silly question:

Are most of the events and dialogue attached to the characters while they’re still mobile? Currently working my way through the various personality types and the like, and just wondering if I should start another character, or continue on with my current one.

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events are universal no matter what character you play nor the size they are. their dailogue does change as they get bigger.

you’re looking at about 21 different dialogue trees as there are 7 or so base personalites with 3 varriations based on how they feel about gaining weight.


I’m trying to move my save file from my desktop computer to my laptop without having to move over the entire game folder. But I’m not sure how to even find my save file in the game to do so. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks.

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One issue i currently see is that the game draws you in two different directions when it comes to progress. On the one side, it encorages sticking with one character because most badges work only on the current character. Happieness point are only gained from the currently active character as well. But those coins who are used to buy badges can only be gained by leveling, which is done more efficiently by creating multiple characters.


You can get Choco-Coins from special events, actually. Both the gacha event and the “check your body for loot” event have a chance to get you a coin if you choose the right option (having your character save their points for gacha, and check their bellybutton in the other one) and get a positive outcome. Investing in a few Not So Ravenous badges will boost your odds of getting them, too.

Also, if you’re short on badges, you can always take them off one character when you switch to another one. Bit tedious, but if you know how to farm Choco-Coins and BP you’ll reach a point p. soon where you don’t have to do that anymore.


Also there is something very glitchy going on with the XP and happiness badges, although i cannot say what exactly.

Hey there, everybody. I know it’s been quite a while. Here’s a little devlog update that says what the game’s been up to: The Current State of CCC - Chub, Chomp, Chill by SolitaryScribbles

Also a little preview.


Take all the time you need. For what it’s worth I haven’t experienced any major bugs but I completely understand the desire to futureproof the game for additional content. The new face system looks great, the level of customisation is really fleshed out, it’s just a shame it’ll all be buried in fat sooner or later.


New face customization is looking pretty robust now, quite exciting!
Don’t know if it’s final but the new body model is quite interesting and looking very good too.

Also, just wanted to say that ideas are different from promises, it’s okay if something needs more time or it doesn’t make it into the game.
I understand and respect how cautious Scribbles is in that regard, but just know that you don’t need to stress over it
if you’re not Scribbles and you’re also making a game this goes for you too


Just to make sure this is what you were going for, but you are aware that it looks like a Mii editor in that video, right?

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the body looks a bit weird to me?

Oo, this looks great so far! I love the Mii-style customization, it allows for a lot more possibilities than the old editor.


Not to sound like a hater, but I am not a big fan of this new lanky character model. I personally prefer the more chibi-esque look of the old one.

From your itchio post I know you are reworking pretty much everything in the game and I assume that includes the body as well, and that’s completely fair. I just feel this direction for the model doesn’t radiate the same charm as the previous one did. I also understand this is not the final version and it’s a subject to change. Otherwise the menu looks clean and comprehensive and I love how customizable the head is now.


In the video you can see not only body sliders but also a body type selector