Chub, Chomp, Chill (Version 1.2 Out Now!)

How incredibly bizarre. I’ll give it a try too, see if it happens to me.
Edit: Seems fine on my end. It runs on Unity so maybe there are some common dependencies that need to be installed, but that’s just a guess.

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Oh wow, thank you all so much for all your feedback/bug reports so far! It’s seriously greatly appreciated! I’m glad you all seem to be liking it overall so far.
I’m currently making a Trello board of all the bugs and suggestions people have made. Hopefully I can have a decent chunk of these implemented by 0.2. Clothes clipping being the top priority of course, haha.


Honestly, I don’t think the clothes clipping is that big of a problem imho, it sort of makes it look like the clothes are tearing apart from the rapid expansion.


Other than the clipping issue which was brought up from getting to massive sizes, this game is amazing and I’m definitely excited for future instalments. Keep it up!

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my only wish is well a zoom out feature but other than that i love this game so darn much keep up your awesome work


I was genuinely wondering if it was on purpose.

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I was wondering if this could finally be the one.

I wanted a game where you can set a long term schedule for the longest time. Have some graphs, conditionals and all that and set up behavior for circumstances based on some values.

Imagine having the character walk around, occasionally use a threadmill… but then pizza is given to her. Every calorie lost is “rewarded” with double the amount of calories in food. Results should be obvious.

Could also be nice to have them try doing various regular stuff, cook their own food, leave for work (instantly returning to prevent downtime or being followed all the way and back), while constantly gaining weight. Eventually getting difficulties standing up, going through doors…
“That work chair has some tight arm rests, that could get problematic.”
I would just love to have the ability to create and watch my own “nadia wins doughnuts” scenario unfold.

On the topic of conditionals, I would say have alternative actions for some stuff.
Cannot work in the gym? They could use a secretary.
Unable to cook enough to satisfy the hunger? Start ordering pizza.
Literally cannot move? Hire a maid.

Could also be combined with weight loss attempts. Once the modelling job demands weight loss, try dieting or excercise. Of course, with the ability to slowly increase temptations, to make this futile, with eventually setting it up to have her give up and choose another career.


so uhhh, dumb question, but how exactly do the buff items work?

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I think they give a flat amount to the mentioned area per use. Some don’t show very quickly or at all until it hits a certain threshold and it doesn’t seem to affect weight. At least, the ones I tried didn’t. I think they might also add that flat bonus or a similar one when you do gain weight from a non buff item to that area in addition to what you’d normally gain.

Using only buff items can make some interesting things happen but they will happen very slowly.

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In my testing, it doesn’t seem to affect normal food to an appreciable degree. At least the Belly food doesn’t.

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Uhh… Help I glitching


um i guess start over

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That might be getting a bit bigger than what I had in mind, but being able to interact with things (i.e. treadmills, cooking, etc) is something that I’d really like to do. It’s mainly the ability to build and place objects that has me a bit apprehensive.

There is technically a way to place items in game already. It’s just not accessible. The reason why is because I haven’t yet figured out how to make the character “reanalyze” the room after objects are placed to see what they can and can’t walk around. So she can just walk through a table, for example.
If I can figure that tidbit out, I’ll definitely look into it more.


Alright, so for normal foods, 100% of those calories go towards overall standard weight gain.
For buffed foods, calories currently go 25% general gain, 75% gain on that specific body area.
So if you have a belly buff item that’s 300 calories, 225 of those calories are going specifically towards making the belly grow bigger.


Oh dear, that’s strange. What were you doing right before that happened?


start the application and it happend

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I keep hearing about “buffed” foods, what exactly is that all about?

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Some of the foods have a tag for a certain area of the body and if I recall correctly (I’m at work right now) the different parts are hips, butt, bust, and belly.

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This looks very much like a graphics card issue, I would try updating your drivers and see if the issue repeats.

Otherwise, your download might be corrupted and I would try downloading a fresh copy.

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That’s something that I definitely need to make clearer in 0.2. Many people haven’t been noticing the labels at the top right. I should probably incorporate it inside the info box and make it a more noticeable color.

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