nope still doesn’t work at all
For some reason the game’s being incredibly glitchy for me. Like, functionally everything seems to work, but every time i click the game will not stop registering click inputs until i click something else, upon which it will continue to keep registering click inputs somewhere else. Makes it pretty much unplayable.
emmm… I don’t know if I’m being stupid, but I can’t figure out what lollypops are for…
Click the purple arrow icon in the shop menu, you can spend lollipops to level up your citizen’s stats
It’s for the level up menu here. 1 lolipop = 1 stats level. It’s at the purple arrow like Trex mentioned.
so i think i found a glitch, after doing a few of the kandy quests i got one that doesn’t have anything on it, does anyone know how i could fix this?
uh actually nevermind it just fixed itself
It’s very puzzling to me that the progress update posts on the CCC Patreon are behind a paywall. I get keeping stuff like early access to new builds to paying members only, but progress updates? We’re expected to drop 3 dollars a month minimum just to have any idea of what is happening with this project?
I personally think it’s a fair ask, considering the game itself is free.
But aside from that, I do not like to share a lot of stuff publicly unless it is major news I can confirm with 100% certainty, and things change a lot during development.
But regardless, here’s a quick rundown of everything that has happened since last June (when 1.2 came out).
When I released 1.0, it was met with a lot of criticism. There’s was a lot of stuff people didn’t like. It was rough to deal with after working so long on it. After I put out 1.2, I wanted to try to work on some of the deeper rooted criticisms. Namely the flat faces, clothing clipping, immobile shapes, and the like. Going back to make major edits the main game model is always a pain because it always breaks so much in the game files and so much stuff needs to be retooled. So I figured, if I’m gonna have to edit the model again, I might as well go all out so I never have to deal with it again… again.
Another thing is the inventory system. Pre-1.0 the games inventory system was made from scratch. When I remade a large chunk of the game for 1.0, I didn’t want to have to deal with remaking the whole inventory system, so I used an asset from the Unity Asset store that seemed pretty capable. The problem is, people wanted to be able to do things with the inventory that the asset couldn’t do, like sorting items. So I’ve had to drop the whole asset and have to remake the whole inventory system from scratch anyways. BTW the inventory system isn’t just the inventory menu. It’s the game’s entire shop system and crafting system as well.
Yet another thing is trying to make the game more stable. I’ve gotten too many messages talking about corrupt files and players characters looking like faceless creepy pastas and I wanted to fix that too.
As you can probably guess, doing all these things at once has totally broken the game. So many scripts have needed to get completely rewritten. I’ve been working on all this stuff since past June and I only just accomplished getting a player’s character to properly transfer from the Character Creator to Apartment again this past Sunday.
Things ARE coming along though. Some highlights…
- The main model’s gain system and shapes have been pretty much redone. Without going through all the jargon, this new system should bring more customizability to gains.
- Immobiles look properly immobile.
- Clothing like tops and bottoms are now 2D texture based to remedy clipping.
- There are even more character customization categories now. Like jackets and dresses (though re-adding back all the old clothing assets will take time)
- Inventory items can be organized in a multitude of ways.
- You can “Buenos Dias”, I’d you know what I mean.
- A LOT of smaller stuff i can neither confirm nor deny at the moment in case any of it doesn’t make it into the next build.
I’m not sure when the next build will be ready. I was originally aiming for last November and that obviously didn’t happen. This build, similar to 1.0, has consisted of a lot of “rebuilding the game”. I dont want to release a build that isn’t at least on par with the completion of 1.2. But, idk, maybe people really want to try the new stuff and won’t mind if it’s not fully on party with 1.2 yet. I’m still thinking about that.
But that’s a quick rundown of what the past months have been like. I’m sure I’m forgetting some major thing I’ve added or something, but I’ll write another entry if it’s important enough. Feel free to ask any questions. Thanks for your patience.
is there a place for putting the personalities/models after we make them?