Chub Club: A Quest Adventure

Awhile before now, it was mentioned that romance options were possible. Is there a way to romance certain characters?

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Thanks a bunch for the great game! And thanks for including guys in the story too, I can never find it on here and Hector was perfect :heart:

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Glad to assist, I do want to make an effort to include guys in my stories, it’s nice when every gender gets in on the action.

In any case, apologies for radio silence y’all, it looks like we have a winner! It was pretty close for a smidge but it looks like Gabriella has pulled ahead and clinched a win! So the Summer of Chub adventure is going to be centered around our favorite nerd becoming a chubster.

(And between you and me I actually find the Big in Japan idea pretty fun so I may roll with that.)

To that end, when my job lets up a bit I’m going to finally get a nice update out and start work on the summer thing, when that’s ready I may make a new thread just for my own projects so everything now and in the future will be in one nice package. Stay tuned!


Hey everyone! Sorry for the long period of radio silence, it’s been a crazy summer on my end and I haven’t found a lot of time to sit down and work out the summer vacation adventure. Hopefully I’ll get something done BEFORE summer vacation is actually over where I am, but we’ll see. :stuck_out_tongue:

Might actually be in Twine instead of Quest, but again we’ll see. :wink:


Heyo, still not dead!

Very sorry for going ghost on you guys, school got started up again and I kinda got distracted by some personal stuff. I’m still hammering out chub club stuff, but I haven’t been super happy with what I’ve made so far and I don’t want to half-ass it, especially after waiting for so long. It’s not the end of Chub Club by a long shot, but for the time being they’ll be on a heavyweight hiatus.

That’s the bad news, the good news is that while Chub Club is going on break, I’m not stopping work on a text adventure. In fact, I have something particularly sinful in the works, so stay tuned for a rather spooky text adventure this Halloween. :wink:


seems to have a bug where it just randomly won’t go. like commands will to register

Yeah the thing’s kind of buggy, but the launcher has been even buggier. A big part of why I haven’t been able to do more text adventure stuff is because I’ve had to fight with the quest creation tool. Heck I’m trying to work on a halloween thing and it nearly crashed my computer -_-

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Quest has given me no end of issues. Hell, most of the time, I couldn’t even get it running. Between that and the limitations of the engine, I just opted to move on.

I haven’t had those issues, maybe I’ve been lucky?

Probably. :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way I am.glad I have alternate tools I can use. Twine in particular seems really promising.

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Technical problems: the spookiest thing of all

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I kind of like this format but I’ve never been able to get past the video game store quest to get the game for lance. I go to get a burrito from the food court and it disappears from my inventory as soon as I leave. I thought that might have been the end of the demo but after reading some of the comments people seem to have gotten Gabbi’s quest and even endings, so how do I get passed this bug?

Your character is such a fatty that they just eat it on the way there (It’ll sayin the text), you need to hide it in a bunch of salad to be able to bring it to the clerk

Hey, how do I talk to the board stor clerk for Hector’s quest? I can’t get him to respond.

A kid stole the order slip Hector gave you, you must find him somewhere in the mall to get it back.

Check a cardboard cutout, unless you want to see everything else before hand.

Ok so basically, I can’t figure out how to find the freaking note book. And then my session times out.

Note it does require a bit of running back and forth:

If I remember correctly there is a comic book store where a nerd jerk is holding the book hostage. Talk to him to then set up the next line of actions to get it back ( if you go ahead to solve the problem before certain actions have been taken it may soft lock the game, just do things in order).


Best to probably download the file.

When you’re logged into the text adventure site look on the right hand side and scroll down. Just below the “Written by” section is the download file option and you can run it in a program like Quest.

That will deal with Session time out issues.

The solution to the bit you’re stuck on I think was to talk to the store owner, then go back and talk to the girl whose notebook it is and she’ll go after the store owner herself