With that in mind, what if she decided to turn one of her followers into a planet? Like, remember how in Mario Galaxy there was this Luma you had to feed a hundred Star Bits and then it turned into a planet you could jump around on? Or like how Ego the Living Planet was a thing? I think that would be an interesting approach to solving that problem.
All of the planets need to be sufficiently earth-like of course, thus necessitating terraformation. But what if when a cultist becomes a planet, it’s topography and colors and such are based on their personal aesthetics? That’d be cool, yeah?
Like she gets so fat, she can be turned into a planet?
It’s a hard task but I’m sure a few followers will be up for the task.
This is an interesting idea to play around with, but I’m ultimately biased against it because I’m personally not into any size past a certain point, and planet-size is just absurd to me; so when I give my thoughts on it, bear in mind that I might not be entirely fair to the concept.
When you bring up that idea, the idea that comes to my mind that I like most is this: a given cultist, for whatever reason, earns Obby’s favor. She then has the choice to, over time, bloat up until her mass is equivalent to that of an Earth-like planet–that is, in a safe environment to do that, of course, maybe in Obby’s dark dimension until she’s big enough. Radiation is, uh…not fun, and space is full of it. During this time, she enters a state where she sorta transcends consciousness and life as we understand it, until she’s literally just an entire planet–no face, no humanoid features, you wouldn’t even know the difference without a history lesson.
This obviously takes a lot of time, but is done in advance in case of emergency (i.e. a black hole starts travelling towards an inhabited world and an evacuation is necessary). Such a fate is considered the most prestigious alternative to dying, being a sort of oneness with the universe and the ultimate expression of gluttony (through the initial feeding) and lust (through creating a planet’s worth of life). These planets may be used to harbor entirely new life, or they may be used for additional space for existing civilizations under Obby’s care.
Like I said, I’m not personally sold on this idea and I feel like it strays from the scope of the initial pitch a little, which was more grounded on a personal level, and with the sheer vastness of the universe I don’t think it’s necessary to make the concept work. I just brought up aliens as a venue for new technologies to enhance a cultist’s experience; wildly-exotic foods, garments, and cultures to interact with; and, of course, monster girls. It would also give more context and a sense of far-reaching importance to the central goddess herself by showing that she can even manipulate the course of evolution for the sake of her endgame.
Skip the getting so fat part, go straight to turning into a planet. Gain the power to create an avatar of yourself too, so you can live a normal, if immortal, life.
Okay, that works too. Gets to the same goal relatively safely too. I like the transcending conciousness bit too. Really sells the divine power of the situation.
I agree. I wholeheartedly agree. Also, being able to create an avatar of yourself is a must in my opinion. What’s the point of being a planet if you can’t experience what it has to offer yourself?
Well, this is all hypothetical, and I’m unsure if I will add this to the paste anytime soon. I will leave it here though, in case anyone else were to see potential in the idea.
Thanks for the input gang, I’ll be back later. Praise O’bby’shx!
That sounds like paradise!
Why yes it DOES, my pedigree chum!
Okay, I feel like I should explain myself on the whole “gamers who are converted start liking From Software games now too” idea. This whole idea about fat cultist girls came from a Dark Souls bbw fanart by Twitter user @j8867bbw
Specifically this image again:
I just thought it would be funny is all, mentioning that, as a callback to the original image that inspired it all. On that note, how about another picture that’s tangentially related that could provide some ideas? Here we go?:
What could be pulled from this? Maybe the coming of this religion’s version of Jesus? I’d be happy to see what happens, what other people theorize, and what I can build off of it.