Code Serpent's Fat-Related Skyrim Mods

The description for Body Builders reads that you can feed NPCs by applying another mod, but it doesn’t say.

I uninstalled a bunch of mods and now the game doesn’t seem to be crashing anymore! I’ll have to start reinstalling them back and narrow down which one was causing it.

Making a post to tell everyone that Morphology has been updated. It now includes some spells that can transfer weight between the player and NPCs, and includes ‘size effects’ so large bodies increase some attributes at the cost of lowered mobility.


I don’t know how Active this thread is any more. But I figured I should bring this mod to everyone’s attention.


Is there an existing mod to feed NPCs? The mod page says an external mod is required for feeding NPCs but I can’t seem to find one.

Thought I’d chime in and say Body Builders has been recently updated so it can potentially support newer slider sets like BHUNP and CBBE 3BA, and male slider sets like HIMBO. I haven’t added support yet but it would just require some simple changes to some of the scripts.

Also, Corruption was updated a little while ago to implement better weight gain sliders and fat faces:



Good stuff as always! As a dedicated Skyrim modder who plays a fat khajiit gal in-game, Corruption adds so much to my playthrough on Skyrim SE. Hoping to see 3BA support for BodyBuilders sometime soon, or may even try to make it happen myself if I can fumble with enough tutorials!

Keep up the good work!

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Does anybody have any good body and face presets for these mods? I’m very new to modding skyrim

Also, are any of these mods compatible with BHUNP?

I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking for. If you’re asking about bodyslide presets, I just use the default and let my mods modify my character’s body normally. I don’t use face presets either, because the game already has in-game face customization.

As for BHUNP, it’s kinda compatible. A few of the morph names were changed between UUNP/CBBE and BHUNP/CBBE 3BA, so there will be some odd behavior, but it will mostly work.

is it hard to get all this running?
i member having a lot of trouble doing this kinda stuff a long time ago.

The hardest part is ensuring you have all the requirements installed, and nowadays there should be plenty of guides online that can help with this.


How can we tell if the mod is working. I’ve had my character doing some stuff but nothing seems to be happening. Also how can I pull up the corruption UI like you have in the screenshots?

ah, cool.
i take it the feedback from mods is also a bit better than just a straight up crash if you mispelled a folder name xD

I assume these mods are still not compatible with Skyrim SE? I remember trying the Morphology mod last year sometime. It would load and I could make some of the potions and harvest the new ingredients, but none of the potions actually did anything.

Note: I have modded Skyrim before and am familiar with how RaceMenu, NiOverride, Bodyslide, etc… work. I prefer to use the SE version for the extra stability and better memory usage. I wouldn’t say I’m an expert in their use, but I’ve gotten them to work with several other mods in the past.

Edit: I see Corruption is listed on LL as SE-Compatible, but not Morphology or Body Builders. I never gave BB a try, and I think Morphology was pre-2.0 when I last tried that mod…

Have you not installed SkyUI yet? You’ll need that for the mod configuration menu.

The game can crash if you miss some requirements. For example, the game will crash before reaching the main menu if you’re missing a .esp or .esm file that another mod depends on. The game will also crash if you don’t install an appropriate player skeleton mod like XPMSE and try to use body meshes that require them.

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Morphology likely wasn’t working because you didn’t have the .tri files to go along with the character body meshes and outfits. They often come packaged with Bodyslide compatible armors, but occasionally you’ll need to rebuild armors with Bodyslide. I made a guide of all this here.

As for SE/AE compatibility, the only incompatibility would likely to be caused by different slider sets. The mods are built around LE CBBE/UUNP sliders, whereas SE nowadays often uses BHUNP/3BA CBBE. I’m working on making those new sliders compatible, though.

It’s been about a year since I last played with it, so I don’t recall everything I did to troubleshoot it, but I do remember I had my Body Morphs & .tri files set up correctly (I’ve used CBBE and Bodyslide through numerous playthroughs with both Skyrim and Fallout 4)). I used a clean install, and then used a few other simple mods to make sure my morphs were set up and triggering correctly. IIRC, no effects from the mod were affecting my character, including non-morphing effects.

So you’re saying it should work with the Special Edition of Skyrim (and not just the Legacy version?

What do you mean by ‘Non-morphing effects’?

Can i adjust the morph for the weight gain?
Or is that a big ask?
on the corruption mod that is

Guess this answers my question! xD
Keep up the good work!