College Fatty - a simple, text-based College weight gain life sim with a character creator

The game seems a little bare bones but I love it so far. Flesh out a litte more story / college life events and you have one solid game :slight_smile:

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There’s a solid framework for expanding on this as much as you want, in any direction you want. It’s barebones but that’s not a bad thing - a lot of people overcomplicate the systems or spend far too much time building horizontally and the game never acquires any vertical depth. More people really should start with stuff like this before trying to jump into a supermassive project, and people IMO overvalue images a lot of the time.

As to what I’d love to see - a notification when you hit the maximum weight and the end of new events, plus of course more! More weight levels, and eventually when the social system is in place, it’d be awesome to have an “end goal” of getting your character into feederism, getting a feeder, and achieving immobility. But that’s just my personal preferences shining through. :smiley:


i agree i’m waiting too


if i were to hazard a suggestion: perhaps more options at character customisation to ahem let you flesh out your character more. nothing much more than like, your beginning figure stats (apple, pear, etc) or letting you fudge with your initial bust size, and so on. Mostly just ‘window dressing’ for sure (or as far as text goes in thar regard, anyway), but folks like options.

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I feel like rather than focusing on adding complexity, the current focus should be the gameplay variety. More events, more activities, more going on rather than wake up, go to class, maybe interact with one of two people, eat, sleep. A great base and good writing, but you gotta get that variety up