College Fatty - a simple, text-based College weight gain life sim with a character creator

Hey everyone, I’m a big fan of text-based weight gain games on this website and wanted to make something of my own. This is definitely a very early version of it, and it is lacking in many aspects, however I do plan on updating it, and I’m sure some people can have playing what there is of it.

This game has a character creator and the gameplay is somewhat linear while allowing the user to make choices to affect how they manage their weight.

Most of what there is right now in the game is weight gain related dialogue, however I do plan on adding more social features and in general more things to do in the near future.

before I finish I’d also like to say that this game took inspiration from loads of games that I myself have liked, like

and , so this wouldn’t really have been a thing if it were not for them.

Here is the download, and if there’s any bugs or any changes you guys would like then let me know in this thread. To play the game simply run the EXE, and choices are made by pressing the number corresponding to the option.
Lastly, till I add a feature to restart your save file, (this will be very soon), you can simply delete the ‘save.txt’ file in the _internal folder, and then replace it with a new one which simply has the word ‘false’ in it (MAKE SURE IT DOES), afterwards letting you restart from a fresh file. The game saves everytime you go to sleep, and the ‘content’ ends once you start describing yourself as very obese.

I hope you guys enjoy!


Uh, my antivirus hates this game.


This looks like a fun little text adventure, been a while since I’ve seen a purely text-based game. Cool to see a custom engine being used too. I haven’t played very far into it yet (haven’t even gone up a weight stage), but a quick run through all of the interactions seems pretty solid.

I don’t know anything about Python, but if there’s a way to add word wrapping that would be greatly appreciated, currently words will just split between lines once they hit the edge of the console screen. I’ll give this a proper playthrough at some point, but for now this is a promising start!


Words should never be cut off partway through the word at the edge of the screen.

This might be a hard problem to solve yourself coding from scratch.

But most gaming sdk I’ve heard of would solve this for you… honestly without this feature reading was a strain that made me not wish to play.

I’m interested in trying this but it popped on VirusTotal - 4 flags on the main file. Is there a reason you’re using a bespoke engine instead of something like renpy?

Fun game! I enjoy text based games like this. As for the text wrapping, you can use something like this.

Also, you could get a lot of mileage out of ANSI escape codes. They can make text based programs more visually appealing. For example:


Clears the screen and moves the cursor back to the top. You can also change text colors/formatting with them too.

Great work so far, I look forward to future updates!

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Not bad, but I think I go to dorm AFTER classes:

While you’re walking to your dorm, your stomach seems to be visible through your shirt, it seems like you’ve had too much to eat today. You speed to your dorm in embarassment.
Enter to continue
You’ve been feeling a little more out of breath while rushing to classes.

Its not important, actually
And for some reason I cant eat Chicken’n’Pizza deluxe meal, its shown as invalid answer.

Nevermind, I got it, was just too skinny for it

For some reason, the game crashes whenever I try to go to sleep.

2 major things for me after playing (aside from the mention of wordwrapping like everyone else):

I think you overestimate how fat people get by 150 lbs. Descriptor wise I probably would say that most people are at the only ‘sort of chubby’ to having a bit of a gut stage by 130-150. The descriptors of waddling and being fat by then is… kind of a sudden jump and takes out of the experience. Atleast for me, imo.

I’m sure it’s just to showcase different stages since there isn’t much weight gain methods or events so far, though. So, I’m trying not to be TOO critical of it.

Next thing is uh. Well. When I reached around 170 or so it started to stop calculating my weight as, lets say as an example, 174.5 and just put it as 1745 lbs instead. O_O

Otherwise this is a nice start so far! Very excited to see where this goes!


Some writing critique:

As you walk into your dorm you leave your bags on the floor by the bed as you finally collapse on it.

I found that pair of “as you” phrases slightly disorienting. What about this phrasing:

You walk into your dorm room and drop your bags on the floor as you finally collapse onto the bed.

Also, not “brung” but “brought”.
“As well” is always two words. So is “a lot”.
“it fits you greatly” Better to say “it fits you great” or “it fits you very well”


It would be nice to have this playable for Mac users! I love these types of games.

As a Mac user, it worked fine on Wine, via Terminal. The command looks like $ WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine64" wine CollegeFatty/main.exe.
If MacOS tells you strange programs from the Internet are not for running, try $ xattr -d CollegeFatty/main.exe.

Run it in a Windows Sandbox. A nice feature I wasn’t aware of previously either:

That’s not supported for Windows Home, so it won’t work for most people.
It’d be better if the dev got the right certificates and signs their game to make sure it doesn’t trigger the antivirus.


Glad I’m not the only one who ran Virus Total on it, I only got 2 hits on the EXE file from there actually.

I honestly would say as some-one who isn’t hugely up on coding itself but has been around enough to see stuff round coding etc I think we’d need more info from OP to truly declare the file safe.

As is I see 3 possibilities.

  1. The file does contain a virus deliberaterly: (unlikely but hey packing a virus into a text game about feederism would be a great joke in the mind of some trolls who hate fat girls or just some-one looking for easy soft targets to go after in a place more suceptible).

  2. The file contains a virus by accident: a possibility depending on how OP wrapped the file / compiled it, I wouldn’t put it past there being some compilers online free to download and use that add their own extra stuff in to basically infect files and people did innicently.

  3. There is no virus and it’s a wrapper / compiler issue: This has happened to far bigger things and I think is most likely but OP would need to clarify. Basically some free online wrappers / compiler gets used by some nefarious individual making a virus. That wrapper coding / identificaition becomes known to antiviruses as one of the signs of said virus. Other people using said wrapper / compiler then have their files also marked as viruses because of the wrapper. This happened to a fairly well known interactive fiction program a few years ago and they had to change their compiler / wrapper


you have several people here who have opened the files already.
The reason it’s being flagged is because it has an EXE and python things love to be flagged as such so computer poop their pants when they see these things.

Yeh there’s also a few of us who have run virus total on the files or had it flag as potentially harmful by computers.

I’d rather be careful until I hear a bit more from OP just to be on the safe side


I’ve lost track of the amount of times I’ve seen false positives on newly uploaded files. I’ve scanned this multiple times with Microsoft Defender, before and after running it, and I’ve scanned it with VirusTotal (results for the Mega download and .exe file). None of these have indicated anything malicious with the entire folder, and the only antiviruses to flag the .exe as suspicious have a bunch of false positive stories when you search their name. More significant is the dozens of other antiviruses that detected nothing wrong with both scans.

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Love what you have here so far. Hope to see more of it in the near future.