More of a revival than a brand new project, i started to work again on a concept of an inflation based action plataformer (Think Mega Man Zero) with a main focus on explosions. Enemies explode on defeat, dealing damage to everything close to them. The player will also explode if defeated.
The objetives are simple, 4 short levels, 4 bosses and a lot of sexual content.
Only the first sprite is actually finished.
Do they look adult enough?
I wanted to give them a Kemono/Japanese Furry style, so they are kind of big headed.
It worries me since it is going to be sexual.
Edit 12/21:
I am still working on it, just slowly. Right now i’m reworking my code for the enemies, the one i did for the last version is pretty functional, but i want to simplify it.
Also, as an small extra, a rough concept sketch of the fox species enemy.
Characters have Kemono-like proportions, and pretty big paws to make them look a little more like monsters.
Ample fronts and backsides and a bit of a healthy potbelly.
The first time, i tried doing 5 stages of expansion, but was a little bit too much for me.
Also i overcomplicated things a lot by adding too many situational variables and stats like heat and pressure. It was a mess.
This time around i am trying to do only two stages, empty and full, and only 2 bars, HP and Pressure.
At least until i have something done.
The Inflation damage system is super basic, there are 3 types of main attacks: Impact or physical, projectile, and special.
Impact does half damage if you are inflated, projectile does half damage if you are empty and special does not deal damage but instead adds pressure.
All attacks deal also “overpressure”, that acts like a non player controlled pressure. The player can add or substract pressure to inflate at will, but not overpressure, that goes away with time.
HP acts like a shield, once your HP is gone, all attacks deal increased damage to pressure (x2 or x3, still not decided) You can (normally) only be defeated by filling your pressure bar to the max and then getting hit a last time.
Lore wise, every single character in the game is kind of an evolved goo creature that mimics another specie, creating an anthro/kemono version of that species. All of them have an energy core inside that gives them abilities (The cross thing mark on their belly buttons). Damage translate to unstability and the core overloading and producing more energy than is needed. To much damage means you just detonate like a magical warhead.
If i get around doing the basic stuff, i will try to add more stuff, but right now, i’m focused on finishing the basic stuff.
Small update: I’ve done some work and get this small teaser done, i reworked my original character code, now it feels much better than my first version from before. Also reworked my combo system.
Need to do a lot of fixes, but it is taking shape.
It is still nowhere near the point to think about music, still have not decided on most moves and enemies. Right now, i’m working on a base enemy and doing concept art for the diferent species.