Coupon Book of Everything (GorgeWorld Module)

The Coupon Book of Everything is going to be a Fantasy Supplement, half of which will be the titular ‘coupon book’ which will use a half deck of cards to represent the ‘coupon book’ (I’ll also see about making a ‘print out’ version that can be cut and stapled together).

The Coupon Book of Everything is effectively my remix of the classic “Deck of Many Things”, or at least what people ‘think’ the deck does, as opposed to what it ‘actually’ does (AKA serve as the best cursed item with the highest body count and campaign end count). What the Coupon Book does is create randomized banes and boons that help twist and reshape campaigns as opposed to end them. Including things like monkey’s paw esque benefits that create fun adventures, for example, one of the coupons grants the party a new dwelling, a deed to a castle that can provide food and protection, problem is it is currently having a serious ‘monster’ infestation.

Other things that will probably be included are more specialty items and casting conduits, more stuff for players to buy, use, or find deep in treasure chests.

Most of the actual ‘coupon book’ portion is already written out. And I’m currently in the process of designing additional items, potions, and overall art and formatting.


Current progress, we have a bunch of the smaller images done, specifically for each potential result of the Coupon Book.

And it has also grown into more of a ‘fantasy item compendium’, which includes a ton of potions, weapons, new armor, new Casting Conduits (New magical abilities), and even new Burden Items for the players to be cursed with. There’s currently over 50 and I do hope to grow that to almost 100 new items in total.

This would include a new item property called “Twin” in which, if a character wields a second copy of that weapon, then they can perform two attacks without suffering a pentalty on the second attack. Weapons that scale in power with your weight. And just more consumables in general.

All of this, on top of the 30 ish pages of content just in the “Coupon Book” itself. :smiley:


Added more magic and ‘specialty’ items. Currently doubled the amount of Casting Conduits, so there should be a very good selection that represents a variety of ‘magic styles’. Including a very “Monk” combat style emphasizing unarmed attacks.

Got SO MANY potions, though I might end up adding more due to their temporary nature.

There’s also now more than DOUBLE the special weapons, including some that are heavily inspired by certain characters. A hefty selection of new wearable armors, allowing player characters to swap outfits for the correct occasion more often.

It’s really pulling together into a fun compendium of toys for any fantasy campaign.

Wip by Muldi

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So… You need players or?

Not in this case unfortunately.

Still, developed a few more items.

Got plenty of very fun Cursed items that have ‘non cursed’ equivalents that only reveal themselves after a certain action or stimulus.

Nothing tips off a player than having the “+5 Ashen Sword of Bloodthirst the Blatantly Evil” that ominously glows and speaks whispers the closer you get to it.

But (for a made up example), the Pot of Provisions, a perfectly normal item in the Coupon Book with a normal feature is nothing to fear. Heck, it seems ‘this’ one is a bit better with more abilities. Oh wait, why am I suddenly uncontrollably bloating up?

There will be your more ‘traditional’ cursed items, but the fun thing is that they are ‘powerful’ items with fun effects, so even if they know its cursed, they might try and work around the drawbacks.

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Still, working on the Coupon Book while GW For Two is on the path of being released.

Here’s a little sneak peak at a fun “mini dungeon” of a thief’s hideout that wraps around a tree, elevated. A potential coupon pull that has you going after the fiendish villain who’s stolen all your stuff.

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