Creating a game similar to Voracious Riches

Hey! Long time member of the website, just never really decided to create an account.

There’s a game that was previously created for the 2022 WeightGaming game jam called Voracious riches which was created by someoneinflative which if you somehow haven’t played or seen it I suggest giving it a play here: Voracious Riches by SomeoneInflative

I really enjoyed this game and it’s mechanics but from what I’ve seen there hasn’t been any updates to it recently which I get since it was only for a gain jam, but I decided to take inspiration from that game to create a game that I can enjoy just as much and that way if I’m like “Hey this game could use blah blah…” then I can just add more and more content as I go.

A few things I plan to add to it are the things like Weight gain, Inflation, Blueberry, Stuffing and probably some other things. Also I know some people like things more than others so I might do options in the settings to toggle what you want and just try to find a way to balance the game regardless of preference (e.g Weight gain enabled, Inflation disabled, popping disabled, stuffing enabled, stuff like that). I’m more into inflation but want this to be a game that captures the majority of groups here on the website. Enabling different options will come after I get the general gameplay loop finished.

If anyone want’s to do the sprites for the game let me know since art is my weakness, otherwise I can figure that part out. Any suggestions for content in the game feel free to comment.

Downside is I get distracted SUPER easily, since having more than one monitor obviously means I’ll end up programming 5% of the time then 95% watching something this project my take awhile.

When I get things planned out and set in stone I’ll make a post in Projects to update occasionally on progress for the game. I can’t imagine the game will take THAT long so long as I don’t get distracted too much, for now though I need sleep.


Color me interested, then. Also, welcome to the site! ^^

Welcome. I wish you luck and succes!

this seems like a big proyect

Thanks! It might be somewhat a big project but that’s alright, working on the indexing for cards right now and there’s a good amount of card variations. This is what I’m settling on for now.

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Small update, had some time to work on the game and got a small amount finished so far. All the artwork is placeholder stuff/borrowed assets and things are pretty roughly done like sprite sheet alignment but I’m liking how it’s turning out so far.

Adding the proper drawing cards and map system later on tonight then I’ll clean up the appearance a bit to make it look better.

Going to make a post in Projects for the game so I’m not using the wrong topic for updates.


It looks pretty cool ^w^