Cult of The Lamb Weight Gain mod?

I’m having a lot of fun playing Cult of the Lamb and I thought “What if it had weight gain?!”
The game is still new, so I’m not sure if it has modding capabilities yet. I’m inspired enough to give this idea a try. I’m just thinking that the followers would get fatter based on their level.
Any of you mod wizards got any tips to how I would go about making this a thing?


I think we really need to reign in expectations of what games are actually moddable and which are not. While I understand how a game like this could work rather well with such a concept, if we ever were to make a mod like this, we would likely need the source-code and need to know about as much about making the game as the developers.


Agreed, I think at a certain point it’s easier to make fan games inspired by the original rather than trying to force it with the code of the original.


There’s a lot of games out there that look and work well, but behind-the-scenes, are held together by the digital equivalent of duct tape and is so flimsy that even if you did have the code, the whole program could crash into a pile like a house of cards.

That said, I have no idea if this game you speak of falls into that category or not. I’ve not even heard of it, let alone played it.


ok I’m just saying I’ve thought of it to, and I think personally that how’d it work is like… I’d say if you fed them enough they’d probably start to get larger, they’d have 5 phases, 1-2 is just starved and normal behavior so… nothing new there, but stage 3 is “chubby” where they are just SLIGHTLY slower, stage four is “big” where they start to become even slower and usually eat more often, they also have more chance of survival on missions due to their intimidating presence, but stage 5 is “overweight”, where they might die and stop moving completely… just a thought

With the new update’s ability for followers to change their clothing and how their body looks, this mod idea is becoming more feasable. There is still however the issues with the lack of API or any other official mod support. But hell, maybe if we wait long enough the devs will add this officially without us needing to ask.

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