Currently Unnamed Expansive Furry RPG - Expansion for Hire?

Hey, just letting you guys know that the project is still on. Just been busy.


Take your time, my friend. If you need to take a break to de-stress and get your bearings, go for it. I myself know how taxing making art assets for games is, so you have my sympathy on that front.


We’re still here to support ya whenever you’re ready!

I know how it feels, just take your time and don’t burn yourself out

made an account to say that it’s super admirable and cool that you’re still working on your game after so long! i hope working on it is fun and goes super well, and it’s super cool that you’re keeping up the work on it ^-^

Thanks man. Just been hard to keep going some times, especially with everything going on in the last year.

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We understand, I’m sure. At the end of the day, sorting yourself and your affairs out is much more important than whatever hobby project. I don’t know if you’ve looked around here much, but things moving slow because of real life is the norm, and that’s how it should be. Don’t sweat over us. =)

This is still happening.


cool to hear, just don’t hurt yourself trying to finish it


Hey, Still aiming to work on this. Gonna take June to power through the remainder of this. Hopefully have a playable build.

Sorry about the lack of updates.


Good luck! Can’t wait to see it! :smiley:

Still alive lol so yeah, planning on work with this asap.


Still alive - With this weekend, I intend on diving back into my work - I apologize for the long wait


is there a link so i can play this game?

The game isn’t completed yet, thus ATM there’s no link

ah ok then just wanted to know