Cyberpunk: FED

I’ve written up a pretty simple weight gain ruleset for Cyberpunk: RED and thought I’d release it in this tentative state. This was mostly just a challenge for me, more about “can I do it” than anything else. I don’t know if I’ll ever update this one, but if I do decide to it’ll probably be in the form of some more cyberware! If you have any questions, requests, or criticisms, I’d love to hear them!

Since this project has gotten a tad bit of engagement, if features are suggested I might take the time to add them. I look forward to any suggestions! :slightly_smiling_face:

Content Warning: Weight Gain, Fatness, Mild and Sparse Teasing/Name Calling

Cyberpunk_ FED (No Healthplay).pdf (66.0 KB)

If you like this project, consider checking out my other TTRPG fat supplement Savage Weight! It’s for the game “Savage Worlds,” which is one of the easiest to learn and most flexible TTRPGs I have ever played. Highly recommend it, even for non kink stuff. Take care!

A new addition has been made to the ruleset at the suggestion of a community member: Weight Loss! For some reason, I hadn’t considered that if a character got too fat to do much of anything in this grimdark setting, they’d be unable to provide for themselves! Oops! Here’s the updated download:

Cyberpunk_ FED (Lighter).pdf (68.6 KB)

PS: If you want the draft with healthplay stuff in it I’d just have to reformat it and post it. Don’t be afraid to ask!

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Awesome job~ I think the content warning is kind of funny considering that stuff is par for the course on here, but hey better safe than sorry. Wouldn’t want to accidentally give someone a heart attack with that lewd teasing <3


Hey, I just wanted to express my appreciation for the content warning you gave and that you avoided healthplay in your work. Personally, I really dislike some of the graphic stuff that is present on this site, and I really appreciate that others can work with that. So, thank you very much.

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Personally tried to run a normal-ish Cyberpunk Red thing a while back, won’t go into the exact details of disaster, but to make a long story short, I got pdfs for the official extra materials if people need it to help 'em do something with this.


This is so nice to see! I’m glad I could be of help, and I hope you enjoy the content!

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Thank you for the public service, you’re an asset to the community! :blush:

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Is anyone running a game with this?

Unfortunately, not that I know of. I’ve been toying with the idea of running a fetish one shot or campaign for a small group for a while, but that isn’t going to happen for a hot minute if it ever does. Sorry!

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Hey all! Since I’m tentatively active on this site again, I was wondering if anyone might like to see me update this ruleset at all? I have several additions I’ve been thinking about writing up, more cyberware, maybe a faction in the vein of the core game’s gangs focused on feedism, but since I have no group to run for at current I likely won’t write any of that if I don’t see an interest for it here.
I’ve also been thinking about adding significant healthplay elements to this rules supplement, given the grittier-than-average vibes of RED as compared to most ttrpgs. There would, of course, be an updated branch without healthplay as well.
TL;DR let me know if you’d like to see a rules update or refinement, or if you might like to see new content.

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Hey there! I haven’t played with this yet, but looking it over, it looks good, and personally, I would definitely be interested in seeing more. One suggestion I have should you continue is that there currently isn’t really any way to lose weight.

That sounds weird to say on this site.

One of the things that intrigues me about CPR is how gritty it is. You literally have to pay taxes each month if you don’t want to go starving and homeless. Let’s say your edgerunner gets too fat to properly do missions. Now your player’s character is basically dead which is fine thematically I guess, but what if they wanted to keep playing with them? I would add an exercise mechanic. Something like this:

You can exercise once per day. The stress of this exercise takes a toll on your body.
Lightweight Exercise: Lose 1 lb., Lose HP = BODY / 2
Heavyweight Exercise: Lose 2 lbs., Lose HP = BODY

This way, it’s a lot harder to lose weight than it is to gain weight and it’s probably a better idea to spend an offday licking your wounds than it is to do squats while you have a bullet in your ass. However, it’s still available to keep characters from becoming obsolete due to fat penalties. Of course, there are other ways to circumvent that, like the spider chairs, but I figure this adds more gameplay mechanics and more mechanics = more fun maybe?

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OMG, thanks so much for writing in! This is a criticism that I admit hadn’t crossed my mind at time of writing but makes a lot of sense actually. I’ll try to implement weight loss over the coming days, I guess. Looking back over my work I’m noticing a couple typos too, which is embarrassing. Thanks again for the correspondence, I really really really appreciate it!

It didn’t take as long as I’d thought it might to gather the motivation to do this, so it’s done! Take a gander when you’re so inclined, and thanks again for the criticism! Would love to hear more of your thoughts and ideas for additions in the future!