D.I.E.T. - Did I Eat Today? - 12.01.2024 - Version 0.31.0 Out Now!

That’s always a good feeling!

I’ll just quietly point over here: Version Control and the Lone Developer

For me, we’ve got a workaround, so that’s all good. There’s a good bit more content after that point, and I’d encourage anyone who thought there wasn’t to give this game another go!

However, with my trying-to-make-some-cash-on-the-side-from-game-dev cap on, it may be worth doing something, even if it’s a downgrade of your 0.2 or just making 0.2 your demo. The demo is your free sample to encourage people to buy (and no, pausing briefly to get the BOFH hat, most users won’t read “known bugs” even if they’re right there - they’ll be laser focused on that Download button). Having a demo VN that (for some users) freezes on the third choice isn’t a great and isn’t going to encourage them want to part with their cash.