OK, almost finished my playthroughs, here are my thoughts. As usual, the praise is about most of the game and the criticism is mostly nitpicks.
I loved the worldbuilding and storytelling! It feels like the realm wasn’t made up just for this one story, and the MC is someone who has something to do other than be Mr. Viewpoint Character. There’s two kinds of magic! The locals don’t know all the history or current politics! I like how the milk clients have varied reactions to under-delivering; among the kinder ones, some are firmer than others. In retrospect, it was maybe a little too obvious who the baddies were, but that’s fine.
Of course the fetish content was chef’s kiss. I still love the Anonymooseism of the before/after on seeing growth. Because the setting and characters were good, the growth was more satisfying to see.
It was charming when Goddess Miko took pains to let Alaric know she was asking not telling about giving the harem babies. On the other hand, I was a little disappointed that everyone except Tiffany took the Goddess thing 100% casually. If you became a demigod, it would change you, and those around you. Even if everything goes perfectly, it’s a heavy weight, and worth at least a gesture of acknowledgment.
Negatives IMO:
The gallery hints are good, but the spoilery instructions are still not clear enough in a few cases! Bad End 5 took me many tries (I think there’s an unstated requirement there) and I still haven’t got Bad End 6 (by the time the 200 milk is mentioned, I don’t get another milking minigame, and trying to fail gets me the “I’m on a boat” end.) Again, probably something I have to do / not do not stated in the description.
The textboxes are too short, and I have to hit too often. I don’t mind if the writing takes up another line or two of screen - I came here to read, and “h” is easy.
Spelling - one or two small slipups that I forgor, but two super-frequent offenders:
- “yea” is not “yeah”. “Yea” rhymes with “hay” and is an old-timey word for parliaments and things. “Yeah” is the workhorse casual “yes” you’re looking for.
- “mk” doesn’t have an official spelling, but it doesn’t look right spelled that way. Better “mmkay” or “m’K”. Might be good to change things up a little and slip in some “'kay”, “OK”, “kaykay”, “mmhm”, “sure”, etc.
I’m not a fan of the endgame harem without real emotional depth/conflict. I liked Research Station M-00’s approach a lot better - makes the haremettes feel much more people-y and satisfying. But, to do that the story has to be about the harem stuff, starting it earlier, which would make it a different story. I might prefer not to see the beginning of the harem if it’s at the end of the story, but frankly not 100% sure what I want instead.
And, of course, keep doing what you do! Thanks for the stories!