Dairy Tale 🐄 - Free Demo! MooooOOooOoOOoo!!!

Pretty fun story so far but the milking mini-game is pretty frustrating on a mouse.
The ‘hit boxes’ seem off or unreliable and, in my case, the movements and view make getting above 100% pretty rough.

Just to make sure I’m not going insane, do you get bonus milk for going above 100%?

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The hit boxes are reliable on the download version - the in-browser demo is frustrating because of the low framerate.

If you bought the game or download a demo, it will work better. If you bought the game and still don’t like it, just speedrun through a couple of endings and the game will ask you if you want to skip the milking minigame!!

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Thank you so much for the kind words! Games are my passion and I appreciate the warm reception.

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Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the new style and the storytelling. My skills have definitely come a long way. It’ll actually be hard to go back to Housewife Sim because my art style has changed so much :sweat_smile:

I have gotten feedback a lot that there wasn’t quite enough WG, I’ll make sure when I have more expansions that happens!


So just to stop me going a little mad.

Is the game meant to be more filtering you towards one direction in terms of favouring one or only a couple of people for deliveries or is it meant to be possible to manage all the max deliveries each time?

If it’s the later, any tips for the milking mini game because I can normally just about manage 100% in the time and I think I’ve managed about 109% before but I just don’t fee very good at it.

I get the “They need to be warmed up before producing milk” bit and the “The closer to the top the bar remains the faster the flow” but I feel like I’m still missing something still.

Otherwise loving what of the game I’ve got through so far and nice to see more people embracing the pay once model of development

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The game is a story. The milking game allows a vector for you to choose who you befriend more.

You can unlock basically every ending with 80% or less. Don’t stress about the minigame, enjoy the stories and relationships!

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If you enjoyed the pregnancy content in this game, you may also enjoy my most recent game. It’s a Game Jam entry for the 2024 Pregnancy Game Jam and is totally free: Birth of a New Realm by Ellie

The focus is pregnancy - and some people (me included) like both, so I hope it’s okay to post. If the mods think I should make a separate thread to keep this on topic, let me know!


If you’re planning to update the game beyond this jam release then I’d create a new thread so people can follow it, but even if not you’d probably get more eyes on it for longer with a separate thread than a comment that will eventually be buried.


Any plans for a downloadable version?


I saw and played what was there! It was a nice game and I might go back and try and get all the good dialogue options, since some girls weren’t as into pc than others. I liked being able to see certain backgrounds and being like “heh, I have seen those before” then there was that one character and I was flabbergasted. Excellent work as always Anonymoose!!

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Good point. I do plan on working on it more. It has a pregnancy theme with some AE and BE, but isn’t WG though, so I figured I’d ask before making a new thread. I probably will if Kromandoon says it’s ok. :slight_smile:


Yes absolutely! I wanted to get the game jam one out quick so I made it a web version without the usual GUI. I hope to have a downloadable version with the last 3 months of pregnancy and endings out sometime soon.


Thank you!!

The preg jam game is actually canonically how humans come to the realm Dairy Tale is in hundreds of years before the events of Dairy Tale. It assumes Good End 2 happened and the Goddess Miko can transcend space and time, so it’s all in the same universe. I was actually kinda proud of looping that together, there’s story continuity.

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Games don’t need to be weight gain nor fetish oriented to be on the site. There are many non weight gain games on the site. I would label it as not containing WG though just to save yourself the hassle of the question coming up in the thread (although not necessary.)

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Thank you.

I forgot to follow up, I did make another thread - here: Birth of a New Realm - that way Dairy Tale stays more on-topic. :grin:

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OK, almost finished my playthroughs, here are my thoughts. As usual, the praise is about most of the game and the criticism is mostly nitpicks.

I loved the worldbuilding and storytelling! It feels like the realm wasn’t made up just for this one story, and the MC is someone who has something to do other than be Mr. Viewpoint Character. There’s two kinds of magic! The locals don’t know all the history or current politics! I like how the milk clients have varied reactions to under-delivering; among the kinder ones, some are firmer than others. In retrospect, it was maybe a little too obvious who the baddies were, but that’s fine.

Of course the fetish content was chef’s kiss. I still love the Anonymooseism of the before/after on seeing growth. Because the setting and characters were good, the growth was more satisfying to see.

It was charming when Goddess Miko took pains to let Alaric know she was asking not telling about giving the harem babies. On the other hand, I was a little disappointed that everyone except Tiffany took the Goddess thing 100% casually. If you became a demigod, it would change you, and those around you. Even if everything goes perfectly, it’s a heavy weight, and worth at least a gesture of acknowledgment.

Negatives IMO:

The gallery hints are good, but the spoilery instructions are still not clear enough in a few cases! Bad End 5 took me many tries (I think there’s an unstated requirement there) and I still haven’t got Bad End 6 (by the time the 200 milk is mentioned, I don’t get another milking minigame, and trying to fail gets me the “I’m on a boat” end.) Again, probably something I have to do / not do not stated in the description.

The textboxes are too short, and I have to hit too often. I don’t mind if the writing takes up another line or two of screen - I came here to read, and “h” is easy.

Spelling - one or two small slipups that I forgor, but two super-frequent offenders:

  • “yea” is not “yeah”. “Yea” rhymes with “hay” and is an old-timey word for parliaments and things. “Yeah” is the workhorse casual “yes” you’re looking for.
  • “mk” doesn’t have an official spelling, but it doesn’t look right spelled that way. Better “mmkay” or “m’K”. Might be good to change things up a little and slip in some “'kay”, “OK”, “kaykay”, “mmhm”, “sure”, etc.

I’m not a fan of the endgame harem without real emotional depth/conflict. I liked Research Station M-00’s approach a lot better - makes the haremettes feel much more people-y and satisfying. But, to do that the story has to be about the harem stuff, starting it earlier, which would make it a different story. I might prefer not to see the beginning of the harem if it’s at the end of the story, but frankly not 100% sure what I want instead.

And, of course, keep doing what you do! Thanks for the stories!

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Wow - that’s a ton of really good feedback!

I have a lot more to do with Dairy Tale later this year… More endings and more characters - so this feedback is very welcomed, it’s all productive and objective. I’m going to copy this post over and see what I can do to update things where I can to improve it.

Thanks for taking the time to write all that!!! :grinning:


Glad to hear there will be an update to look forward to in the future! :heart: I just started playing and been enjoying it so far. :slight_smile:

Though I’m missing the voice acting from your other newer projects I’ve played (though I know this game has a lot of story!). Just a little ambience with sounds, effects, and a few lines here and there could add a ton to this world you’ve created!

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Yeah this was before I made sound! I had to cut a ton of content and never added sound, but I want to later this year.

Dairy Tale and the universe it is in has a whole depth of story that’s common with Birth of a New Realm and has a few more stories in it… So I want to finish Dairy Tale and add the cut content and then start some of the other stories there!

Plus Miko is my spirit animal, so there will be a lot more to come!. :smile: