Day One, Version 0.2.1


This one took a long time, is significantly more complex, has a BUNCH of new items/interactions, and is probably broken eight ways to Sunday, but I’ve tested it enough and I feel like putting it out!


-Fixed a few spelling errors

-Hopefully fixed bug in Jamie’s room regarding her bathroom



-You can go downstairs without pants now

+++Added 2 items in downstairs living room


-Attic is accessible from Hallway Closet after a series of events are completed

-The attic is one of the more complicated areas to get into, and also has a limiter on it (bloat level)


-Added cabinet containing new object
+++New object decreases “bloat level”, allowing entry to certain areas.


-Implemented new “bloat system”- not a visible status, but will affect output in certain areas/ open new areas/ block off other areas

-Slightly changed how to get into hallway closet
+++Must have hairpin, then use “pick lock” in hallway (I accidentally broke the old way)

-Changed how the Hallway Closet puzzle works, including addition of a new area

-Lots and lots of updated descriptions and changed wording

-Probably a zillion bugs

Great job so far - This is going very well!

Well, I’ve got one bug to report! I went back into Kriss’s bathroom, after misreading where the new de-bloating item is, and the game still thinks I’m sick and need Jamie’s Antacid to be used, before I leave.

Other than that, everything seems like it’s running pretty well. I ran into something that ended my play session when I tried the Old Sweatshirt on, the first time, but that might have just been a website thing, rather than your programming.

[quote=“chillmistressfreia, post:3, topic:906”]Well, I’ve got one bug to report! I went back into Kriss’s bathroom, after misreading where the new de-bloating item is, and the game still thinks I’m sick and need Jamie’s Antacid to be used, before I leave.

Other than that, everything seems like it’s running pretty well. I ran into something that ended my play session when I tried the Old Sweatshirt on, the first time, but that might have just been a website thing, rather than your programming.[/quote]

Should be fixed now.