Desperate to find lost twine wg/tf rpg browser game

You might still be able to find the Boundless 4CE copy somewhere around the internet, the original Boundless dev got mad and slapped the mod team around a bunch, but IIRC they saved the files and hosted it somewhere else.
Also, yeah, Boundless was kinda awful, everything was so randomized, unexplained, overly complicated (not in a good way), and even a bit grindy, so you’re stuck just checking every tile of every area on every planet one-by-one in the hopes something good might happen and you might get lucky enough to NOT get hit by some unavoidable thing that’s going to turn you into a meat pile made of ???.
The 4CE fixed a bunch of stuff and improved quite a lot, but they added in some sexual content, which set the dev off, but I’ll never understand why that goober was so pissed because it’s not like there were any OCs being messed with and it’s not like the original game was being updated. Sometimes I figure he got mad because they were taking away some of the attention.


Amazing responses thanks, nice to see the flashes of vague memories were enough to describe the hot, buggy mess it was. It’s a shame to hear the game’s discontinuation, but rightfully said it was very random and difficult to understand.

I remember coming back to it and the experience being much different after a couple years, so better versions earlier on sounds about right. Don’t believe I’m familiar with 4CE, so I’ll give that a hunt to play/read up on, and regardless check out the boundless thread.

Many thanks again, speedy & informative responses have been brill ta.

Are there any other download links for the WGRPG? I’ve never played that one, I’d like to try it! This download link seems to have died at some point.

Believe you can find it on the WGRPG thread here: Wgrpg

Otherwise, think I downloaded it here: wgrpg mod

I took an interest in the game and decided to dig around a bit for a download, of which I managed to snag the original so I’ll link below a download for both the mod and the original.

Clickity click
Please note: these are untested, I literally just grabbed and threw it into a zip file.

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Is Boundless the one with the Kobolds and can turn you into a Kobold or am I thinking of a different one?

I believe you’re thinking of Yaffaif.

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Oh I see it’s been updated, how is it?

I’m definitely gonna say Boundless. (the spider mech thing)

That game was like a fever dream and I could barely understand it, but a very unique project in terms of ambition and execution.

anyone have the olld versions of boundless? they were sent to me before but the link is dead

Is the 4CE version of Boundless that was mentioned still around?

What’s the difference between the regular/mod version? Does the Mod already have the Version 2 stuff already installed?

the link right above your reply from loller is the 4CE version / the mod version. it tells you all of the changes that had been made to it in the link on the bottom of the page that goes to here

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Are the Death and Infections really a part of the fetishes included in the game or just more so content warning. Cause I am not into snuff. Or is the death referring to vore and infections like zombies or something?

what about the original version? do you have a link to that? btw, does anyone else have links to the short text based game by leupai? it was “a very short text-based choose your own adventure that took place in the leupai universe he created”

Speaking of Boundless does anyone know what the heck to do/go since there doesn’t seem to be any quests and I haven’t arrived to a town yet. Also is there a way to like check my characters’ status to get a better description of how fat they are besides like the stat bar?

i’m pretty sure that version has been scrubbed clean by the original author. I remember going through mega links of all sorts. I dont have it on hand and i definitely have no intention on trying to hunt down something from someone who has decidedly not want to be known that even the modder has respected not to provide downloads of 4CE or its original versions anymore as of the last handful of years.

also gluttonyan, this was released in its very early plot-based reaches. I BELIEVE in one of the other wg forum threads there are some resources on some things that work and there was a wiki at some point with some of the same info… not sure if it’s still up and around.

also in regards to snuff. its not really super duper fetish death as it is actual punishments for certain events. it just makes you fade to black or restart/have a new body in the same instance, really. Nothing too intensely detailed. You’re not going to get much info about this game as it was left pretty much in limbo sadly.


Unfortunately you can really tell this is unfinished due to how slow the weight gain is, the limited number of items, and lack of any NPC’s and only one exploration event. It’s ambitious but not for me. Hope someone can pick up where Villified left off though

Just to clarify for anyone still wondering, it was definitely boundless! And managed to try out 4ce. The original was just as I remembered it, and though unfinished, just as enjoyable too. Great concept, but yeah, very ambitious.

4ce was a great step forward for the game too, and in my opinion, much more interesting with added content. Worth playing at least once.