Hello everyone. I am new to the forums and I apologize that my first post is a cry for help. I have been trying to play Fetish Master because I am really into Breast Expansion. The game for the most part works great and I am very impressed by all of the content it has for being a free game. Even so as you may have gathered from the title I am having trouble with save files. At first everything is fine for the most part but there always comes a point when the game stops allowing me to create save files. I have been able to work around this to a degree through loading my last save and playing out the day differently but eventually there always comes a point when the game refuses to let me save at all. I have searched the internet for answers but I have yet to find any. So I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue? If anyone knows how to fix this I would be ever so grateful for the help.
If anyone is curious I have attached a save file to this post. just click next hour and try to save. If your game acts like mine it will not allow you to make a save file after that point.
Works fine for me, and 60 days seems awfully early to hit some sort of game-breaking bug.
Are you using the developer version? If so, can you copy and paste any errors from the command-line console when you run into save failures? I don’t know that the game logs it to a text file by default. Either way, it’d help more if we knew what the error was.
Thank you for your quick response. After I read your post I went into development mode and tried to go to the next hour to try and catch the bug in the act. At first it saved like normal so I repeated the process of moving forward an hour and saving. Eventually 3 days later it stopped allowing me to save in development mode. I then took a screen shot of the command-line console.
here is the last save and that screen shot.
As far as I could tell the error starts at this line.
Exception in thread “AWT-Eventqueue-0” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I will Google it after this post.
After copying and pasting that line into Google I have come to the conclusion that I need to expand the heap space but I confess I am unsure as to how to do that.
[quote=“80b-omb08, post:3, topic:1126”]Thank you for your quick response. After I read your post I went into development mode and tried to go to the next hour to try and catch the bug in the act. At first it saved like normal so I repeated the process of moving forward an hour and saving. Eventually 3 days later it stopped allowing me to save in development mode. I then took a screen shot of the command-line console.
here is the last save and that screen shot.
As far as I could tell the error starts at this line.
Exception in thread “AWT-Eventqueue-0” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I will Google it after this post.
After copying and pasting that line into Google I have come to the conclusion that I need to expand the heap space but I confess I am unsure as to how to do that.[/quote]
You can launch a given application with a larger heap space using the command line. However, running into this issue is usually indicative of a much larger issue within the code itself. Its very likely that increasing the heap space will only delay an error.
[quote=“80b-omb08, post:3, topic:1126”]Thank you for your quick response. After I read your post I went into development mode and tried to go to the next hour to try and catch the bug in the act. At first it saved like normal so I repeated the process of moving forward an hour and saving. Eventually 3 days later it stopped allowing me to save in development mode. I then took a screen shot of the command-line console.
here is the last save and that screen shot.
As far as I could tell the error starts at this line.
Exception in thread “AWT-Eventqueue-0” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I will Google it after this post.
After copying and pasting that line into Google I have come to the conclusion that I need to expand the heap space but I confess I am unsure as to how to do that.[/quote]
A few questions. how much ram does your computer have? If you have not much that might be your problem but it could be other things.
If you go back to an earlier save and keep playing does it happen again? If it does, does it happen in the same place? The same button?
Have you messed around with development mode? Alter any of the files? it could be a script continually running something
I won’t lie I am playing on an old laptop I have had since 2005. My computer recognizes that it has 1918 MB of ram. I have upgraded this old guy as far as I am capable. I also hate to admit that it is currently running windows vista 32 bit. The copy of Fetish Master I have been trying to run is the 0.985d version with the 0.985e.p1 patch. I don’t believe I have altered anything. when I go back to earlier saves and try something different most of the time I can go farther but eventually it always gets to a point where it will not save no matter what I try differently.
If you have less than 2GB of RAM, then Java is simply running out of it. If that’s your physical limit, there’s nothing you can really do at this point.
Couldn’t they use a flash drive and set it to run as the ram augment (Called ReadyBoost in Windows 10) or set their computer to use harddrive space for extra ram?
Couldn’t they use a flash drive and set it to run as the ram augment (Called ReadyBoost in Windows 10) or set their computer to use harddrive space for extra ram?[/quote]
Not sure about ReadyBoost, but they should be able to use the virtual memory for the task. I don’t think Java restricts itself to only using physical RAM.
On my own machine game with 30-40 characters use in memory about 200-300mb. with Java7 most times. So even 2Gb RAM should be enough, if no other problems in OS or hardware present. Another thing - Java like to take much memory for caching, optimizing, and other internal things, not directly related with application needs itself. So, it’s possible to restrict this behavior with option to control max memory that Java take:
-Xmx1G - with this option java will take only 1Gb maximum. Option can be added in the .bat statup game scripts.