Does Leupai's 'Elflands' still exist in any form?

So, incase anyone was curious like I was, I did a quick Google of leupai and saw his DA just had some recent activity. Two images from old updates that were on his tumblr along with a journal post from a little over a week ago (of this post, incase someone finds this much later and there’s still silence), so they are saying they want to continue Revecroir in general, so who knows, but it will be slow progress.

I won’t post their DA just to keep them from getting pestered about updates from us.

I would never do that, I just want to see what the heck he is doing that is more important than finishing the awesome game that he made the mistake of canceling

What’s the point of it? You can only change like three things and then not do anything with it. :confused:

Howdy y’all!
Just here to pop a few of the delightful little tidbits I’ve discovered onto this chat. Really fun game, and there appear to be a decent amount of hidden events, though they take some time to show up. Not sure how much was designed to work, and how much is inoperable, but definitely a fun one. I will try to keep this updated as I discover more of the fun. Internet Explorer does request access to Javascript to run, and the HTML document appears to be unable to access beyond the first page of the script on IE, but Chrome is still working nicely.

  1. The miradiation counter does go up, and the grand extend of noticeable changes is that the fat cap increases, and the mirajin event counter decreases (for a while) (currently over 100)
  2. Armies do spawn, and can kill your elves, but maintain a count at the bottom of the page (allowing you to know how many soldiers remain on for the enemy)
  3. There are two major “knowledge” achievements that unlock after you first encounter a Leupai, and are generated based on the Leupai’s trust in your village. The first identifies the Leupai and the miracrystals (previously called mysterious crystals), and the second allows more Leupai to arrive by teaching you how to build Leupai Mounds.
  4. You can eat MiraCrystals by clicking on their Materials listing, which appear to increase your miradiation for a random amount, ranging between -.5 and around 2.5)
  5. After you get enough to have a capacity of 100, you must build a Sun Shrine, which allows you to gain magic, which can later be made to make Sun Knights.
  6. Hunters and Whisperers can grow into more powerful versions of themselves. Hunters go into Elven Hunters, which can go into Elven Rangers, that then go into Sun Knights. Whisperers go into Magi.
  7. Elves can get corrupted/infected, and later appear to either turn into Leupai or bring Leupai with them when they recover. These Leupai can be put into the mines to further gather materials. Leupai Miners apparently can also become Leupai Queens, who may be able to lay eggs…? I have not yet gotten to that point.
  8. After the first Sun Shrine is constructed, a Smokehouse and a Bakery can be constructed. Once the Bakery is constructed, an Elven Bladesinger comes to mill the flour, and potentially may conduct experiments as the story develops. The Bakery allows for cakes to be made, and the Smokehouse allows for the creation of meat pies. Both can be fed to the livestock.
  9. Elven Lords appear as your numbers increase, and they allow for buildings to be constructed within set parameters, without you giving up a turn to do so.
  10. Your hunting crew can capture animals randomly, allowing you to feed and butcher stags, pheasants, humans, and dragons. Leupais may also be butchered, but flavor text hints that it may create problems… When humans are captured, the chance of a human army attacking is increased.
  11. Holidays occur when the Leupai are happy and exist in your village, and increase the amount of food given to the elves. They can last an extended period of time (I’ve seen from a week to almost three weeks).
  12. Random encounters allow for more Leupai Mounds to be discovered as well.
  13. I’m theorizing that the increase in the miradiation still may increase the likelihood of a mirajin event (as it has gone down from 1 in 256 early in game to 1 in 128).

Does Elfland need flash? I thought it was just an HTML doc game

Apologies, when opened in Internet Explorer (I know, I know, outdated af), it requests access to Javascript. I have adjusted the original post accordingly. Thanks for that catch!

I tried it out; raising the miradiation counter raises the cap on how fat elves can get.


Awesome, thanks for the update! I see that now.

Don’t know what I did to get it but I got a unicorn in my livestock.

I can’t butcher it and releasing it doesn’t have any apparent effect.

anyone else get one and know what it’s good for?

You can get Unicorns very rarely from Rangers hunting in the forest. They can be fed and fattened with the normal livestock foods, but don’t seem to do anything. I’ve tried running a game long enough with large amounts of Rangers to see if two of them can breed, but so far I haven’t been able to catch a second one. I’m not certain they serve a purpose in this build of the game.

You can also very rarely catch Dragons. They also seem to serve no purpose, and they also don’t seem to be feedable. I thought maybe Dragons would eat Humans, but that doesn’t seem to work. Or you need far more humans in stockpile than I ever had. They will slowly starve to death and eventually break out and go berserk, which will prompt an army-style fight which you will probably win easily. Like captured Unicorns, I’m pretty sure they serve no purpose in this version of the game.


yeah hi sorry for the late add on but does anyone have a link to this? ive become very interested in leupais games

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Sorry for the late response - yes, that game does exist, it’s called Spiteful Fatty.

I’d also like to plug my Discord server, where we talk about Leupai’s lore and such. :.3