DOOM BFG (Big Fatty Game) - A DOOM mod IDEA

Are you looking for just general ideas atm?

I think the concept idea is great, however I think Wear would like to pass on the idea, perhaps a bit tweaked to someone who can actually create a functional mod

I guess this can work with trying to learn how to mod Doom ^ .^;

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You have a point. I forgot to mention about how the player would remain or maintain size. There could be some weight loss power ups added as well. Mod settings would be a great idea to configure the weight gain, and loss to the users delight. Unfortunately, I’m in the same boat when it comes to creating this mod. I can only express my ideas, and hope someone things it would be a worthwhile time to do. :blush:

I understand that cliche. Some people enjoy the themes of WG, and only want to experience that. At the same time, there is a degree of challenge and fun when the player is oversized, and has difficulty navigating what would seem simple to do. I figured the idea would be more entertaining through a gameplay perspective, with the WG of course.

That being said, upon reading some of the comments, I’ve been formulating an idea on a ‘trade-off’ system for the weight gain, that would give buffs, but debuffs as well. I’ll post it in a comment or something when I’m done.

Would the trade off system be very similar to Coldsteelj’s Fallout 4 mod? Where the higher your weight the more health that you have at the cost of agility(stamina maybe) and movement speed.

shoot the enemies until they become immobile


This post is all concept and ideas. After seeing and playing many DOOM mods, I think this whole thing could be possible. I wish I had the time to learn how to develop it. :sob:

is there online tutorials on how to make sprites or animations for Doom demons?

I was thinking of something in the lines of that. I also think a powerup of some sort like a futuristic mobility scooter would work too. However it would be a rare item that would be in a secret. That way it would prevent the ‘soft-lock’ of being immobile. Of course it could be a built in feature. (Or mod setting)

I can imagine a hidden weapon that can fatten enemies to immobility. That would be an cool concept.

On the topic of sprite editing, I was thinking about looking into it. I am currently in the middle of my work week, and do not have the time to delve into it just yet.

The biggest obstacle is the programming aspect. That’s out of my league :confused:

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If you need an example for really good sorting for inspiration check out a Doom mad called H-Doom.
Also there is an artist named cleverfoxman who created a Wolfenstien game Mod where you shoot inflation darts at enemies until they pop, he may be a good bet to get in contact with.

I’ve heard of H-Doom, and its spritework. I’ll look into some frame of reference and inspiration if I get into doing the sprites myself.

I actually think a good way to also help with the challenge is having mobility boosters hidden around the map, starting with a lower immobility threshold to start, capable for it to increase permanently with each pickup. For example you can start the limit at 100, but as you go and explore the map, you find powerups in the shape of sturdy boots, increasing the threshold by 10-15 each, or the rare scooter permanently increasing it by 50 each.
This would encourage exploration around the map as well as give people something so weight gain isn’t entirely a punishment.

I would also suggest secret rooms or pathways that can only be accessed by certain weight levels, so weight gain is encouraged while also a risk.

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Thats a good idea. It would encourage complete exploration, and the challenges that come with it. It would be cool if there was a level pack designed for the mod. But if this mod were to come to reality, it would have to work with the classics from the first and second Doom.

Placing the threshold enhancers in the secret areas (in hidden doors/corridors) would work very well.


I’m glad to see some love for this kinda idea! It’s something I thought about a while back, but never thought all the way through. I’m all for this and to see where it goes, and I’d love to help anyway I can!

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Good Morning/Evening/Night, fellow comrades!

I know this is kinda old, but I saw it recently while looking for something similar and, after realizing it didn’t exist, I decided to do it myself. I haven’t worked that much in it, but it is playable.

The character can eat burgers (which replace armor bonuses), which increase their “Fatness Level” in 10 points. The player’s speed will decrease and their max. HP will increase until immobility at 200, with 200 max. HP.

I also got the sprites to work, changing to a fat guy at 100 (I got the sprites from Skulltag) and at 200 it changes to a Mancubus.

PS: I got a message saying new users can’t upload attachments :neutral_face: please help.


Good work on this! Didn’t expect anyone to actually make a Doom mod lol. Might want to make your own topic for the mod when you get the chance. Especially because this one is tagged female but it seems like you’ve got a male mod


It has a male character, but if I got some female sprites I could add them. Anyways thanks.

PS: Do you know how could I upload the mod?


Alright, I was promoted so now I can upload the mod: (218.4 KB)

Hope you like it!