DoughMutts (0.3.1)

DOUGHMUTTS!! The game where you fry, fill, and sell anthropomorphic donuts!

(Currently a WIP, any feedback or criticisms would be very much appreciated)

You can play the game here on Itch!

So I’ve been chipping away at this for several months now, and finally feel like it’s at a point where I can share it with the public. It’s not finished, there’s still a ton of stuff I want to add and polish, but it’d be good to get what I have out there now and get some input.

I’m not sure how much steam I’ll have left and how much further I’ll progress, but I’m going to try to put what I can into this game!

If I do end up adding more to the game, here’s some features I’ve been considering. It all depends if I have the energy and motivation to implement them though.

Potential Future Features
  • More weight stages Even MORE weight stages!! >:3
  • A five-day limit (one workweek)
  • Scores and leader boards (Save functionality required)
  • Rougelike perks and purchasable upgrades Improving and adding more upgrades
  • Difficulty options, maybe other modes?
  • Achievements, Gallery, Endings, etc? (Basically anything to give the player a reason to play more)
  • Game balancing
  • Title screen and menus

whoa this looks super good, good job on this !!!


The art is very cute and im glad you put a limit on the filling or else i would leave them chugging non stop.
If you are feeling tired or burned out from the project i would say maybe add the day limit and score and call it a day as that for me would be enough to be called a complete game.

Also minor spelling mistake, on the tutorial for the fryer.
It says "This is were (where) you will be making…
Non native english speaker / writer so i might be wrong. Good work still, always glad to see your stuff.


yyeahhhhhhhhhhh new jacotomo content!!! everyone wake up peak just dropped!!!

this post was originally in all caps but i wasnt allowed to post that so please add in post


Thanks!! That’s a good idea, I’ll try to focus on the little things required to make the game complete, and then see if I have the strength to keep going or leave it at that. ^w^

Oh that’s a new one!! I already found one incorrect ‘where’ (we’re) at the selling part, had no idea there was a typo here too though. I’m getting all my 'were/where/we’re’s wrong LMAO >w>


I really love the zooming in and out concept for keeping track of the stations, I don’t think I’ve seen that done in any other food prep type game but it’s a really cool way of letting the player switch while still keeping an eye on everything else. The art is great as always, the mechanics are fairly intuitive. The only issue I had was the tutorial breaking on me the first time around after cooking my first round of mutts, even after I clicked on all of them after cooking them the tutorial wouldn’t go to the next page and I got softlocked.
Super excited to see where this goes, this is already a phenomenal game!


Thanks you! Also thanks for letting me know of this issue, I’ll look into it and try to get it fixed up. That tutorial was the last major thing that got made with the least amount of play testing, so with that and me just rushing to slap a tutorial together I’m not too surprised it has some issues. >w>
Glad you liked it so far, thank you again!

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I figured it out. I made it to where you cannot burn the DoughPups during the tutorial… Or that’s what I thought, turned out I only prevented the pups from changing to their burnt sprite, but they were still being labeled “burnt” and running the code for burnt pups.
Clicking on burnt pups discards them, instead of putting them on the conveyor belt. If any of the three mutts are not sent to the conveyor belt, the tutorial cannot progress.


question, will you ever be opening a patreon?


This is super awesome, cute. and fun! I’d love to see where this project goes!

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Ah, that makes sense. I was intentionally trying to burn them the first time around to get a sense for the timing.

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I’ve considered it before, I just don’t wanna feel pressured to make and post content on there for everyone paying for it.
I think if I ever did make one, I’d do something like Nitro Rad did. Cheap tiers for some little things I can easily provide and keep up with.

Short answer I guess. No, not at the moment, may change my mind later on in the future though.


Got this together really quick. In 0.2.12, the tutorial softlock and some typos have been fix. A simple pause button has been added (Not in tutorial since same button is used to skip), and a five day limit as well as a score at the end of the week has been implemented (Although I don’t recommend playing to the end of the week since there’s nothing special at the end, unless you just wanna help out with playtesting).

Not a lot, and I’ll probably have to go back to tweak and polish some of it.


As both a registered superfan of the Papa Louie series & an internationally renowned Enjoyer of Men, this game struck a realdidy-deal chord with me! Loved the gameplay loop and the gain-play loops too, and I even had an idea—recurring customers! What I’m picturing is a little icon of the customer’s head next to each customer bubble to show who they are, and the more that you serve them + the higher the stages of the doughmutts you serve 'em, the fatter those faces gradually get, eh?


When i saw the tags i knew this would be good. And it was! Looking forward to future updates.


Glad you liked it! Oh that’s smart, I’ve been wondering if I were to ever show the customers, how I’d show them visually without it getting in the way. Having their portrait be a part of the bubble is a good idea.
I don’t know if I’ll get around to adding it, customer portraits would be more work on me and I’ve already got plenty of that LMAO. I’ll definitely keep it in mind though, if I’m ever itching to add more weight-gain content!


Hi! Super enjoying this. I think the formula is great, the designs are greater- and the mechanics are cool! what I would say-
A main menu where you can pick between modes would be nice.
Having the choice for a “zen mode” where it’s got a relaxing track with no day system, and the option to sell dough-mutts whenever you want, would be really appreciated.
As for the “arcade” mode you seem to be working on- Maybe upgrades between days would be cool? like a rogue-like. So you can spend earned cash to speed up various utilities and extend customer patience, for example.
No pressure, just some funny ideas I thought I could chip in!


Thanks a ton! Yeah I think getting a title and menu screen would help make it feel better.
When my friend mentioned the idea of difficulty settings, a zen mode was the first thing both of us thought of. The game can be very intense and punishing at times, and I think having a separate chill mode would let more people be able to enjoy the game.
That was definitely the idea with the rougelike stuff! Something inbetween days where you can make decisions and make the later days far more interesting.
These are great ideas!! I’m hoping one day I’ll be able to implement them, but at the moment my focus is just on getting the necessities done. >w>


oh! here’s an idea. What if you have to unlock the bigger sizes you briefly mentioned for the dough-mutts as an upgrade?


That’d be a good way to space things out and improve the pacing! The problem I have with it is that with other games that do that as an upgrade, players (or at least me anyways) tend to invest everything into increasing max weight and neglect everything else.

Yet I also want to try avoiding giving access to all weight stages from the very start, so it’ll probably be smart to implement anyways. I think if I did something like this, it wouldn’t an upgrades you can purchase, but just something given to you after each day for free, increased in little bits throughout the week.