Dragon's life. A harem full of bbws

no but in the alien girl yea. Sorry I am not into fat man

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I’ve tried giving every type of food to vera and none seem to advance her. maybe she was coded in with a mistake?

I notice. only one is not is grace. My friend weirdobeardo89 is helping me to fix it… I swear I might not be cut off to be game maker. There are moments I doubt my skills

Game making punishes small mistakes hard, it’s probably not a skill thing and more of a time thing

I see. Well I hope my friend can fix it soon. I really want others enjoy the games. As well the characters.

By the way, do you plan to add anything when the characters reach their final weight? At the moment you eventually get to a stage where no picture shows if you look at them

no worry I update them each girls have 5 stage. you can tell they eat from the burp noise they make. if they don’t burp they don’t eats


I add score system. Why? I want to see the highest score you gets and tell me. I need it as research for what the highest score you can get. The score I will add in will be determent be the score you need to get for the true ending. Under that you just get a good ending. You been warn

Final score after reaching the point where all pictures stop showing (max with all pictures showing would be ~339)

thank you very much. With this I can determent the goal score for the final ending

Important news

Yea in the future update… Wear headphones if you in public. Why? I am adding sex scene. And with that I add sexual moan of woman noise… So yea get ready hear woman moans…

I am buckled up alredy. Good Idea to add the sound, btw.

thank you. I hope no one stupid enough do it in public…

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It is more about finding your own way of doing things that makes sense to you than about doing things the “correct” way. If you find code that works, and that you can follow, then you are doing it right. Efficiency and more advanced stuff can come in later. Looking at what other people do, and trying to emulate what feels right for you, can get you very far. Excited to see how the rest of the game turns out! When you are ready for some help squashing some quest bugs, or for some grammar and spelling correction, you know where to find me :slight_smile:


Hey everyone, this is about next update. I am add lore right now. I just finish with the sex part. I plan add few more NPC. Not for feed but for lore history, few new shops too. I hope I can add few new foods too… I hope you like the idea of the lore add to it


Hwy everyone I have couple of new. one I’ll update the next demo soon. grammar be bad but there be lore. Interact and sex scene with the girls. most of the girls have 2 sex dialog, only one don’t Themis. Since She know the mc for long time.

I’ll send the game data to be edit by weirdobeardo89 for grammar fixing along with other thing.

Other news. I won’t be active on my game on 29 and the 30. I’ll be at too many game event with my friends and brother.

I hope you like the next update.


Good news! The game is complete. And to unlock the ending. You need to make sure the score is over 200. Under 200 you won’t get the ending. two endings are depending on how high your school. Want to know the limit for ending 1 or how high the score needs to unlock ending 2? That is a secret. Sorry. Best you learn on your own.


You can’t speak to the 5 girls at the start of the game in this version (meaning you can’t start the game).

I seem to have the same problem with the newest version you uploaded. May you have accidentally made the bag not visible?

Also: don’t rush to finish a game. There seems to still be some spell correcting and bugs to squash. Get the help from the community and get those things squashed before you move on. This community is very helpful :slight_smile:


thanks for telling me