Dragon's life. A harem full of bbws

Hello it my first game. Still in the demo phase. Also I am still learning. Each girls will have phase as well certain they will eats. I will program them into later. I hope you like it as well the plots…


There’s no way to open this because I don’t think there’s a way to open .quest files

you have to download Quest, here’s the link for it: Quest - Write text adventure games and interactive stories


Pretty simple and strange, thought I like where this is going. Here are misspells I found:
I stay because I don’t knowwhat to do really… Of coruse there fact
He is annoy too
Do waht you
Not my problrm
SHe give
I am grace
And a bug: after you give clothes, it doesnt disappear.

thank you. Like I say I am still learning… Thank again I hope make the game better

like ghostlyowl say you need download quest

ok bad news… the reason clothes won’t go because of a glitch, put it in the storage one or two in the future update ok?

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Poll time for those who like the game or feel need improvement. Should i add more heroine to the harem? Include the shop keeper for the clothes

  • yes there should be more. (I add up to 3 or 4 girls)
  • No the 5 girls are good enough
0 voters

ok with the recent vote on 3 new girls I am adding two new area forest east and forest west. To trigger you need do something for cloth shop owner in the future I am adding them now. as well 3 new foods base on Japanese noddle, carrot food, and fruits. I hope you be ready for it

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Looks good! In the next update, I would add a thiccoretta dragon babe (but that’s just me)

good idea but which look better:
dragon design a or dragon design b

  • Dragon design a
  • dragon design b
0 voters

it will end in a week

for the next two new girl here are their image


I am thinking. When I ever complete this game. What kind you rather see next. Play as alien, kidnapped woman for an experiment, or play as wolf king in America. kidnapping woman for higher chance have an heir to the throne

  • Alien kidnapped
  • wolf kidnapped
0 voters

end in 3 days

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sorry forget post what they look like and who they are

Gigas, yes name after villain from earthbound, the scientist test on woman’s body

Destone the king of west side of north America

Does that mean that the Destone game will be concentrated about pregnancy?

yea both almost the same expect one relate to pregnant, one relate to experiment with foods. Both relate to force feed. want to learn more or that it?

Yes, please. I dont like pregnancy and inflation, and if there will be no weight gain, stuffing or etc, there is no reason for me to play these.

don’t worry in alien there no pregnancy, just you use girls a feedee test out which food is most fatten. in it the girl can lost weight if you use the wrong food on them

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Head up I post update of another demo. This time you can feed the girls different foods… Bad news i might not add the dragon girl. something wrong with my AI program. Might be fact I low on memory… sign I need new laptop… I hope it not a sign. if you can help me on that I be graceful. But it up to you. Enjoy this demo. And away watch the girls change as they eats

ok nvm mind there some glitches i need to fix sorry

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Ok I finally fix the glitch and now I can add the dragon girl. Right now you can feed them. I am still planning the endings depending how well you feed the girls

While i did play the game when it came out originally (it was a buggy mess but i could see potential in it) & skimmed a lot of the posts, any chance for our protag getting fat with the girls?