Dream Diver - An Adventure In The Mind Of A Troubled Woman

Friday Devlog!
Most of what I did over the past few days was figuring out the battle animations and fixing up the graphics to have a more consistent visual style. I also got a few more models done. It’s gonna be a shorter devlog because it was more involved, but I feel like I’m getting closer to being done.

Onto the battle system!
So the very very first thing I wanted to do was fix Velma’s design so she looks closer to the show. I also had to fix her skin / hair color to be much different because of how the visual effects change colors. She looks really cute though.

Next I did an idle animation for her and really made sure it was finished so I could make sure I could do animations. It looks really good. Originally I was gonna try learning animation and then just picking from a consistent area, but I think it’d look better stylistically if I hand-animated each of the frames. I pretty much started at making sure the bounce was good, then animated from her skirt up. I love how it looks tbh.
2024-10-11 velma idle promo

After this I wanted to do a rough draft of each of the attacks.
First one was her ass attack. I was inspired by fighting moves where the character hits with their ass lmao. I also wanted to make it more cartoony where she flies back and stumbles to get her footing back. it’s really cute. I think eventually I’ll have it to where there’s a small chance where if she misses she gets nommed for a turn or two.
2024-10-11 velma ass attack promo

After this I wanted to make an “attack” for Sasha where she falls on her face and it takes a while for her to get up. This is a more direct way to showcase that she’s more of a support unit and can’t attack, also emphasizing how she feels powerless in her own head. Starting with her preparing herself, then swinging and missing, then stumbling to get up, then fidgeting a bit afterwards. Also yes that is the Family Guy death pose lmfao.

The numbers / colors are for me to see what part of the battler sheet grid I’m working on.
2024-10-11 sasha fake attack promo

Here’s a slowed down version of it so you can see all the frames.
2024-10-11 sasha fake attack slow promo

This part of the animation also ended up being pretty good for a low HP animation. Though it being flipped is sort of annoying cause she’s got heterochromia. I think if I animate with Dragonbones in the future I can make animations more varied and tight.
2024-10-11 sasha low health promo

Rounding this section off I also made a short use item animation for her.
2024-10-11 sasha use item promo
2024-10-11 sasha use item slow promo

In the future I’ll probably use ren’py to test out animations because it’d be a lot faster than running rpg maker for every little alteration.
After this first release, I’m also gonna probably figure out how to use Dragonbones to make more varied and better timed animations cause I think it would make me able to make the combat feel a lot nicer.

Onto the texture fixes
So I wanted to start with Sasha’s room. I got a lot done. Lighting’s off for these.

I ended up settling on a darker wood for the doors / moulding and her walls being a soft pink. I think it contrasts extremely well. I also wanted to make most of her room’s aesthetic be either brown or pink. I think making all the wood a different type gives it a nice touch tbh.

One of the things I feel really proud of is the CRT model though. I ended up going for vertical lines instead of horizontal lines for the vents and I think the texture warping makes it look cool.

Also I added a bisexual flag above her bed cause it’s my game I can showcase Sasha’s bi if I want to lmao. I also wanted it to actually have stitching that you can see if you look close enough.

For Sasha’s closet I wanted to give her a bifold closet because it’s more visually interesting but it also signals to the player that it’s different than her main door.

Onto the library
So for the library I ended up doing a 60’s/70’s style wall panelling for the walls. I might still mess around with the colors but I feel like it really goes well with the artstyle I’ve been going for. Originally it was gonna just be HSV noise like in the bedroom but I feel like the straight lines help the walls from becoming a confusing mess. It looks super nice. I also started texturing everything so that it’s more consistent. There’s only 2 shades, and instead of doing black lines for the lines, it’s a darker variant of the color, so it’s /almost/ black. I think it adds a lot, and really showcases the visual style I’m starting to develop for this.

Then the last thing I did I actually started this morning, but I had an idea where for boss battles there’s an inital phase before the actual RPG battle that involves dodging attacks. I feel like it’d make the boss battles more interesting and distinct from the regular battles.
2024-10-11 damage test promo

I think I’m closing in on finishing up with the initial demo. In other news I actually have the ending figured out. I’m obviously not gonna say what it is but it’s a good one. I think over the next few days I’m gonna work on adding the rest of the animations and beginning to finalize them. Also working on finishing up texture mapping / texturing the models.


im so fugin excited!

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Gosh, that flail animation gives her such failgirl vibes, and I love it.

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I’m really excited to get this out. Hopefully in a couple weeks.

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Yeah I wanted to put some of Velma’s failgirlness from the shows into the game lol

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Tuesday Devlog!
Hi everyone! I didn’t do as much as what I’ve been doing normally, because I think I’ve been overworking myself a bit (I’ve been spending 6+ hours a day on this for most of the past month after going on a walk and getting groceries) and spent a good chunk of Sunday asleep. I got so stressed that I lied down and ended up falling asleep for 6-7 hours. It’s unrelated to game stuff, and doing game stuff is actually really fun and distracts me. It’s annoying cause I wanna work on the game all day, but my body’s telling me I need to rest lol. I don’t have a job and barely talk to anyone so it’s really easy for me to get sucked into this for 5-10 hours when my OCD wants to cooperate. So the past couple of days has been spent doing a little bit of work, but mostly resting and chilling by continuing to play through Kingdom Hearts 2.

Anyway! Onto the stuff I got done.
So the biggest thing I actually got figured out was the opening sequence. I’m not gonna post the progress video cause I want it to be a surprise, but it’ll be really good. I’ll post a screenshot though. I’m making the opening cinematic in ren’py.

After this I made what I think is the first mostly completed map of the game. It happens right after the cinematic, and I think it’d be a good teaser for the kind of vibe I’m gonna start going for with this.

I honestly really love the vibes that I’m going for here. I want to make the game uncomfortable but not dangerous. Like nothing’s gonna attack you or jump out at you or anything, but there will be a feeling of unease because the game takes place in Sasha’s head.

The other things I did outside of this was working on plushies for Sasha’s room and then starting to work on the Velma poster, cause I think I needed a break from what I was doing before.

This one I’d been working on modelling on and off. It’s been taking longer to do because it’s a humanoid model, but I something I thought would be fun would be making the Cirno fumo a 3D model instead of just a sprite. It’s not done yet but I love how it’s turning out so far.

After I posted the Cirno fumo, someone in my server suggested the Ikea shark and I decided to spend an hour or so making a rough draft of it. Sasha’s not trans, but she had trans classmates in high school and thought the shark was cute.

The last thing I wanted to do was start working on the Velma poster for the wall, cause as you progress through the game more waifu pictures would start popping up on the wall. I need to actually spend some time fixing it up or doing a closer angle, cause she looks a bit too much like Neco Arc lmfao.

Anyway, the next few days I’m gonna spend taking it easy while I work on stuff, and hopefully I can get this update out in a couple of weeks.


Here’s a shot I did for the Itch post that I figured I’d post here too. It’s nice.