Duke's Donuts (Post-Jam edition)

You are a private investigator searching for clues to find a missing person. So far they have led you to the abandoned Duke’s Donuts location she was last seen. What will the detective uncover in the long abandoned establishment?

Play it here: Duke’s Donuts by Axxisproductions (itch.io)

Last year I released the original version of the game as a Gain jam concept and now I have finally decided to go forward in updating it and fleshing out the wider story as a whole.
Browser/phone friendly versions and downloadable versions will be available at the same time.

Most recent update: 25th June 2024


I am please to announce that planning on chapter 3 update production has started and I have gotten into contact with an artist in regards to re-designing Duke’s jump scare and game over model to retroactively updated.


oh man I wwas so looking forward to this when I get the time later ima defenetely play it


Let me know what you think of the new update :slight_smile:

It’s pretty good, but a bit short 5 minutes and I was done also I was hopping for maybe a new jumpscare. But I’m hoping to see where this goes

In the next update there will be chapter selection too, big things planned for chapter 3 update and retroactive changes for chapters 1 & 2 are already being worked on. I have an artist hired and I got a voice actor hired too. Stay tuned, next update im shooting for October but could be sooner.

I liked the different art style for the backflash, that was pretty cool

I really glad you liked it, I wanted to convey a kind of vague recollection approach to the flashback scenes in the game, like in real life when you remember unimportant events so fine details are forgotten in a sense.
For these scenes I used a crayon tool in photoshop and turned off any smoothing so it would look more like a quick pen doodle you would sketch up while killing time.
There will be more of these in the future of the game :slight_smile:

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I am pleased to announce that I have made the game easier to play on browser and less of a memory hog on PC downloads. I was able to do this by reducing file sizes within both builds so hopefully it should load faster on web browser. Along with faster web version loading the downloadable version due to the total game files resources memory space being reduced by almost 2 thirds the game should be more appealing to download thanks to the slimming down.

p.s. Writing work on chapter 3 is currently going on as well as art resources for the chapter 3 update due out later this year, I also have an artist hired to do a small amount of work in the game and I have also been writing script for Voice acting in the chapter 3 update, stay tuned!!!

also p.s. It’s my birthday today as I’m writing this :slight_smile: