Dungeons & Dragons 3.fat

I suppose that would be pretty campaign dependent, but in general, the common populace would not have a huge reaction to someone becoming a slobbish dragonborn, save for the initial shock of a previously not scaly person suddenly becoming one. Unlike the dragonborns of Bahamut, who swear oaths to fight against evil dragons, the slobbish dragonborn are only “bound” by their desire for easily attained power, but since it’s power that can be used for good or evil, it’s really up to the character and their actions how people will react to them (I sought power to defeat evil vs. I sought power to indulge myself).

For the person becoming a slobbish dragonborn, again, its up to the person. Someone who enjoys eating a bunch is gonna be thrilled by a mission to keep themselves stuffed for a whole day, while a more reserved person might see it as a chore to get over with. Once the stuffing is done, they’ll be asleep in the egg, and wont feel themselves change until they step out of it, but their senses will have been changed slightly. The wisdom damage and fat soul might turn them into more of a slob, if they were not one already, or make a persons unhealthy tendencies even worse. With the right power selection, they may even drag the people around them into slobhood, intentionally or not.

Since slobbish dragons are generally neutral, and pretty dumb, getting them to agree to give a person some scales to use for the ritual shouldn’t be too hard, if you’re clever enough and good at talking.

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It’s interesting to see how the ritual can make you smaller in size, despite slobbish dragons being known for being one of the larger species of dragons. I wonder what makes that possible. I also expected that they would be a greenish color, though they seem to be brown colored instead. Brown is more of a dirty color after all.

Anyways, what do you think it would be like to be a frock? How would a vrock react to turning into a frock? Is it possible for a frock be generated/born directly as one? I also would like to know about the frock creature, similar to my questions on the slobbish dragonborn.

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The idea behind the shrinking of the ritual was that, since slobbish dragons are not as naturally occuring as other dragons (other dragons have to become slobbish and then breed to create the slobbish ones), the shrinking was sort of their own way of generating kobolds (small dragon blooded creatures) to serve them. And while shrinking, they are still much larger than kobold (kobolds in 3.5 are so lean they count as being tiny under certain circumstances, while a slob dragonborn is always overweight).
Their brown coloration also has do with the “another dragon becomes slobbish to create them” thing. Since any dragon can become slobbish, the color is the outcome of mixing many colors, making a brown hue. That, and green dragons are already a thing lol.

For the frocks, despite being overweight, they are great hunters, and never actually have to eat, due to their fat souls making it impossible for them to become malnourished. But surviving in the abyss would be a real challange for them, since all other demons hate them for being able to spread their sloby nature to other demons, which is why most frocks try to get to the material realm as soon as they can.

Most vrocks would hate to turn into a frock, since they are so much weaker, but a frock who has made it to the living world is usually quite content with life, as they are very strong compared to most surface dwellers.

I don’t think demons can breed with eachother (with the exception of succubi), but with how capable they are at making babies with mortals, they very well might be. For now, I’ll say that true frocks can only be spawned from lipomancied vrocks, or being born from succubi (and succulenti). Otherwise it becomes a halfrock.

As for how normal people would react to a frock, it usually contains a lot of screaming and terror at the giant demon lol. Some evil cultists might love them, but even they would rather have some sort of wall between themselves and a bloodthirsty bird of prey. Halfrocks generally get the same treatment, but neutral ones might earn a tolerance among people, if not acceptance.

The brown color makes more sense than green because brown is the color of dirt and has a more direct association with dirtiness.

Frocks “never actually have to eat, due to their fat souls making it impossible for them to become malnourished.” That’s interesting, their souls are so fat, they have enough energy stored in them to not have to eat to starve off malnutrition for the rest of their lives. Are any other creatures like that? What about the slobbish dragons and dragonborn, who apparently also have fat souls? Also, how does a fat soul make you stay fat and nourished?

On a side note the Living Cauldron prestige class seems to be missing some of its sections, was it not completed at the time that was published, or a user error clipped out some of its sections?

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There are a handful of creatures with fat souls. Firstly there is the frock, but the weakened nupperibo also has it. The flatulent dracolich and fat lich also have it, with the lich being power up all the way to an immobile soul. The undead created by them also have fat “souls”.
Then there is the slobbish dragonborn, but the slobbish dragon actually doesn’t have a fat soul.

This is because the lipomancy required to turn a non dragon into a dragon is far greater than that required to turn a dragon fat, so it leaves a more permanent mark on the soul.

As the fat soul makes it impossible to lose weight at certain stages (you can’t be less than impeded), you’re never at risk of becoming malnourished, since the magic will keep you fat.

And the living cauldron is just not finished yet, so what is there is all that there for it atm

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Pretty impressive just how much content you’ve managed to put out for this! Definitely going to need some time to digest all of it and I’ll admit that I’m not the most experienced in 3.5, but there is a thing I’d like to comment on for the fat and inflation stages

While inflation and fat inflicting drawbacks that scale with total is fine, I do think a “Hard cap” should be implemented for stages 1 and 2. Similar to how inflation has a “maximum” AC penalty at the inflated and ballooned states. Otherwise I feel that it somewhat undermines the advantage of having higher limits compared to other player characters as you end up receiving larger penalties anyways at the same stages of debuffs. Up to the point where even if a warrior is at the pinnacle of strength, they might just end up near useless anyways the moment they hit stage one, which is a dichotomy I feel should only be reserved for the line between stage 2 and 3.

This also has the knock on effect that character with higher capacities for weight and inflation are actually MORE vulnerable to any effects that put them to the next stage flat out. Like the level 1 spell Burden Person, which again feels odd to me that being more resilient/able to handle it ends up making you straight up weaker compared to a scrawny wizard or inflexible fighter to these effects.

Beyond that, for Gas inflation, the fact that someone rises up per turn, rather then per round confuses me. It doesn’t intuitively or realistically make sense when a round is always 6 seconds that someone’s rises changes depending on how many people are fighting at once. A flat amount per round or perhaps merely on the character’s turn only would make a lot more sense and avoid cases where someone becomes ballooned and then suddenly rocketing into the air in a big fight before the round is even over.

Otherwise, I can’t comment much on class balance as I’m relatively inexperienced myself but keep up the good work and I look forward to future additions!

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Thank you for giving this a read, and taking your time to write this out! I love hearing peoples thoughts on what I write, positive and negative. I do agree with some of the stuff you’ve written here, and will do my best to justity the rest.

The reason that the stuff that is not armor isn’t capped is beacuse those higher limits take longer to reach for the stronger character. There are some abilities that target weight stage directly, as you pointed out, but those are not as common as things that gradually increases the weight of characters, and those penalties will hit earlier for those with low str.

Take for example an 8 str wizard and a 16 str fighter. At 270 lbs. the wizard will be impeded, while the fighter won’t have to worry about it until they’re 770 lbs. So any spell that simply increases current weight will be more dangerous for the weaker wizard, who will be burdened, and close to immobile, before the fighter has even started to feel the effects of their excess weight. The fighters higher str will also offset the penalties more than the wizard (at 800 lbs, the fighter would be making str checks at -5, while the wizard would be at -9). The wizard is also likely to not have as high a con score as the fighter, making them more vulnerable to feeding spells and effects, and cannot resist a force feeder very well.

All this of course assumes the characters would be gaining weight at a roughly equal pace, but different parties will have different dynamics, which is tricky to account for, but unless the DM is targeting a specific player they should all be on the same playingfield.

But in the instance of burden person, while the fighter gains more weight than the wizard, the spell only lasts for a few minutes, and does not affect any skill that they are likely to use in battle (in my experience, climb and jump are not commony used in battle, outside of specific builds), and it screws the wizard too, by giving them spell failure chance. The other penalites (getting up from prone, slower speed) would affect them equally, and the fighter could resist the spell more easily than the wizard, given that burden person targets fortitude saves (a good save for fighters, a bad save for wizards).

I do agree with your point on the gas rising. At first the idea was that its supposed to be a continual rise, but as you pointed out, a round is always 6 seconds, which I did not think of at the time of writing. So that I will be changing to rising only on ones turn, rather than every turn.

Hopefully that’s a good enough explanation, and if you have any further questions, I,d be happy to answer them!

Hi ho! Once more I come bearing updates to the documents.

Nothing much for 3.fat this time, only thing of real note is that the paladin can now swap their turn undead for the sacred fattening (and divine inflation for 3.fwomp), like a cleric can. It works slightly differently for them too, with the power being slightly weaker, but more party friendly than the clerics version.

For 3.fwomp, a bunch of stuff has been added. There are now more prestige classes with

  • The living cauldron, an arcane class all about creating potions by brewing them in your gut

  • The strange shaper, who flattens their foes, before blowing them up into shapes other than spheres, and even reshapes them into clothing.

There are also 3 new exotic weapons and materials for armor and weapons

  • The flathead mallet, the tank club, and tank arrows/bolts

  • Bloatwood, gaseous resin, and weightless iron

Additionally, there are some new feats and flaws. Some inflation spells have also been added, though only level 0 -1 spells for now.

Lastly, for liber lipogenisis, there is 3 new monsters, a new prestige class, and a template. These are

  • The fumerousan, a gassy balloon devil, capable of creating a valuable resin.

  • The candy dragon & candy kobold, a frightening beast capable of turning the lands and people around them into sweets for it to consume, and softer, pinker kobolds, with a penchant for climbing.

  • The Anthropomorphizer prestige class, and the Anthropomorphized Creature template, a class all about turning animals, vermin, and magical beasts into more intelligent, humanoid forms, and the template to do it with.

Also, I have a question for those interested in seeing more fetish related content for 3.5. I have some ideas for what to make next once 3.fwomp is in a more finished state, and wanted to ask what you think I should get to first of these ideas:

  • Expanding heroes, a book that would add fat and inflation options for classes outside of core, such as initiatiors (crusader, swordsage, and warblade), invokers (dragonfire adept and warlock), and psionics (ardent, psychic warrior, and psion), as well as classes who don’t fit into a specific category, like the artificer, binder, and factotum.

  • 3.fap, or 3.fuck, or something similarly lewd, which would be a set of rules focused around more explicitly kinky expansion stuff, like cumflation and hyper pregnancy.

  • Focus more on the docs already written, adding more options for the core classes, as well as making more monsters and templates for players and DMs to use (suggestions are most welcome here).

I’m interested in options 1 and 3. The option for “Expanding Heroes” seems the most exciting due to covering classes and character options not likely to be found in fifth edition D&D.

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Alright, that is one vote for 1 and 3. If I would focus more on whats already written, what would you want to see more of? And thank you for your reply!

My vote are still in the 2nd option
Since i do want to have a concrete ruling before we can expand on other thing

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I’m interested in seeing features and stuff for spellcasting classes. Also we have something adjacent to the Master of Many Forms with that anthropomorpizer prestige class.

In other news, I found the living cauldron prestige class very interesting.

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Good evening, I return with more updates!

For 3.fat, there are two new class variants, the adiposian sorcerer, and the capra wizard. As the name suggests, these variants are race restricted, and plans are on the way to make 1-2 racial options for each fatty critter in the book.

3.fwomp, mostly new spells have been added (up to 7th level) and a few new feats.

Liber lipogenesis has seen a lot of new additions. For constructs, there is now a weightless iron golem, and a template for gaseous resin constructs.

The fey section has gotten two new entries,the dipodean swarm and queen, bee like fey with fattening stingers.

A new section has been added for humaniods, and it currently contains 3 new gobbling variants, the blue gobbling (the first psionic fatty), the hobgobbling ( hungry martial experts), and the gobblebear (a big strong and lazy glutton).

I never played 3.5 myself, but it sure looks fun!

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Nice, thats great to hear. I can’t really fit more players in the current campaign I got going, but if you want I can help you learn the basic of the game.

What do you like most so far of whats been written, and what if the following would you like to see as the next project (options for other classes, pregnancy content, or keep developing the core documents)

Maybe I should look into making a big discord server or something, that can run multiple games. Would certainly help a lot with playtesting and getting feedback.

That’s fine! I’m in 3 games myself right now! And I’m not sure if I got the time or brainpower for a new system right now. But thank you!

And The system for gaining weight seems pretty simple to wrap my head around, and the class features look neat, although I bet I’d be more excited if I understood it better. XD

And yeah, a discord server sounds like a great idea TBH!

I made an account because I wanted to pile on some praise(and ask a ruling question but praise first /lh).

As others have said, what you’ve made here is really thorough and well put together. You know your system well. I’m curious if this is your first homebrew or not, because either you’re applying experience, or you’ve made something that feels well balanced for your first time. Either way you did damn good. The stat blocks in the Lipogenesis are clear, the wg and inflation rules are good without being too complicated, the races are all cool(My favorite is probably the Phantine). I’m especially fond of the Lipomatic and Pneumatic Substitute metamagic feats, since they make the solo game I started less violence and more shenanigans. While I play Pathfinder, 3.5 is very similar, especially in that there’s not much material of this kind for either, so that these rules exist and well made just makes it all the better

All in all it’s a very fun set of rules I’m excited to explore more and see what else you come up with! Hats off to you

As for that rules question: This is specifically for Water inflation, but it also applies to a general understanding of how both Inflation and WG work together. Water adds effective weight, which makes sense, but a character with high Dex and low Str will hit the Impeded Threshold before the Inflated Threshold. When a character does get enough water to hit Inflated, does that overwrite Impeded since it is an inflation source first, or do they work together? If you just get completely waterlogged without bursting, can you end up both Blimped and Immobile? It’s a very specific scenario but I found myself pondering it while reading the berry-cursed template /lh


Thanks a bunch for your comments! Its very gratifying to hear my homebrew made such an impression you felt the need to make an account to tell me.

I have dabbled very little in homebrewing before this (mostly a few custom 5e races, and nothing fetish related), all this has come about as a result of, as you said, there not being a lot of this kind of stuff for games outside of 5e. I just kinda sat down one day and thought “Well, this stuff isn’t gonna write itself, so why don’t I do it?”
I have certainly gotten a better understanding of the game ands its rules during the writing of these things, as I really wanted everything to work well.

As for your question. As you said, water inflation adds to your current inflation and effective weight, but that does not mean you will hit the impeded weight stage (or any weight stage) from water, since weight stages use your Current weight, not effective weight.

I had an idea in the beginning to have inflation affect your current weight, but decided against it, instead having inflation affect its own weight category (the effective weight), since if inflation could affect your current weight, you would die very fast from gas inflation making your current weight lower that your root weight.

Inflation and weight stages are also seperate, so any penalty from them are calculated seperately and added together. This also means that yes, you can become blimped and immobile at the same time.

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Alright that all makes sense. It was definitely the effective weight that got me tripped up. Thank you for your answers!

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Glad I could be of help!