Dungeons & Dragons 3.fat

Hello everyone! I’m Bob Jones. I’ve lurked on this site for a long time, occationally posted some comments, and now, I’m making a thread about some rules I’ve created for the objectivly superior version of dungeons and dragons (in my subjective oppinion), that I wanted to share with you all. Apologies in advance if anything is out of order. These doctuments is for d&d 3.5, and contains rules for weight gain, stuffing, vore, size stuff, and inflation.

Here is the majority of stuff, from fats, to giants, voring, slobs, etc. It’s mostly done, though some stuff are added every now and then.

Here is the second document, Liber Lipogenesis, a monster manual containing WG related monsters, templates, and even prestige classes for DM’s, or players who wish to play something more unusual.

And lastly, D&D 3.fwomp, a more or less playable document containing the rules for body inflation, only lacking spells for the most part currently.

I hope you enjoy playing it, and if you have questions, suggestions, or just wanna chat, feel free to message me, and I’ll respond when I am able :slight_smile:


What is your favorite prestige class from this document? And what is your favorite regular class?

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I’m going through the first doc right now, This is a really thorough expansion (ha), and covers a ton of kinks! Lipomancy is also a very fun way to enable spellcasters into transformation shenanigans and the like. If I knew anything about playing 3.5E, I’d love to playtest this. Really good stuff here!


I think Posterias championis my favorite of the prestige classes, its incredibly dynamic and versitile, and I like big butts lol. As for the base classes, it is (and likely always will be) paladin. Was the first class I ever played in neverwinter night 2, and have yet to enjoy another class as much. Although I would like to try a crusader one day, as it is basically a paladin that gets more martial tricks instead of magic.
Crusader isn’t one of the core classes, but came in a book called tome of battle, alongside the swordsage, and warblade.

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Oh I highly recomend learing 3.5 if you’re interested in ttrpgs, it’s dense with content, letting you make almost any character possible. And all you really need to get going is the player handbook, which can easily be found for free online.

I don’t think I can fit another player in my current game, but if you have a discord I can teach you the basics of the game if you want to.


Thank you for the offer! I’ll shoot you a DM with my discord username, I’m pretty free most of the day so message me there whenever.

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And which is your favorite, of the prestige classes and core classes, from this document, or just in general? And do you have any favorite class outside of the core ones?

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I like the Posterias Chosen prestige class from the document as it relates to having large butts be used as weapons. I also like Sweltering Champion due to the gas and slob related mechanics it has going on. Degenerate Lipomancer is cool too. The Immobile Icon is my favorite prestige class overall though. You get to be super fat from meals offered by your deity every year, and you get a nice flying carpet and some servants from your deity. I wonder how it would be if it was a ten level prestige class instead of a five level prestige class.

My favorite official prestige class is the Master of Many Forms as it improves wild shape to let you turn into more forms and lets you talk normally in wild shape. I would likely pick to be a Druid as well because of this, since Druid is the main class to get the wild shape ability.

From the fifth edition of D&D, there aren’t official prestige classes, the closest equivalent to the Master of Many Forms is the Druid’s subclass Circle of the Moon, which doesn’t let you turn into non-animals with Wild Shape or talk normally. Though you get normal spellcasting with this still.

DND: Full Fantasy’s Lipomancer and Avatar of Gluttony prestige classes appear as nice options for me. The former due to its spell selection, powers, and theming. The latter isn’t supposed to be powerful, but the theme of a fatty delving deeper into fattening rituals over time is interesting.

I also like the Druid Circle of the Hive from that document because of the bee themed powers and the spell selection.


Yeah, when making the Immobile Icon, the thought behind it was to concentrate its abilities in 5 level, rather than spreading it out over 10, so this way it does not have any dead levels, while full of fluffy, and powerful, features, at the cost of being a massive target. Giving it more that it already has would make it a bit overpowered I think (although there currently is one method to make it disgustingly overpowered, that I’m not sure how to nerf).

Though if you want the class to be longer, you should check out the uncanny trickster and legacy champion, which are two classes whose features are “another class you have advances its features” which can bring them beyond the classes normal limit. I’m pretty sure bloodlines can as well, though my memory of how they work are a little fussy atm. It wouldn’t give you any new features, but all features that scale with level would improve.

I haven’t read Full Fantasy yet, but it sounds like its got some cool stuff by your description. I’ll have to give it a look.

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I understand the level five decision for the prestige class. Which D&D deity do you think would have the most Immobile Icons? And what do you like most about that prestige class?

Out of the official deities, I would imagine one of the halfling gods to have the most icons, most likely Cyrrollalee, who has both gluttony and sloth as her domains. But the Caprinae and Kastrul’Mat also has more immobiles than most deities if the ones in my document are being counted.

As for what I like about it, I think it fills the fetish of being a ridiculously fat blob rather nicely, while still being able to do stuff (thanks to the carpet and servants). It also has some nice downtime and RP utility, depending on your servant choice, all of which makes it very fun to play in a variety of campaigns. As much as I like posterias champion, its probably not a very fun class in a RP heavy, low combat campaign, but the immobile icon can nicely fit into most campaigns.

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I’m not sure if I would be lawful enough for the deities listed, and I don’t want to be evil either. Maybe being a cleric of the feasting gods would be somewhat problematic with my alignment. Maybe being neutral good would be enough.

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I wonder what actions would please your four deities in the document the most.

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You have a few options if you want to be neutral good. Cyrrollalee is lawful good godess, so neutral good clerics are allowed to whorship her, and with the feat “Heretic of the Faith” you can have a greater alignment gap than what is normally allowed by the deity.

For the deities of the document, being lawful good would let you please 3/4 of them (Caprinae, Mameria, and Posteria). Though any lawful also allows 3/4 to be pleased (lawful evil replaces Mameria with Kastrul’Mat).

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I didn’t know about that feat before now. Anything else about D&D deities you want to talk about?

Not anything that comes to mind, unless you have anything you wanna talk about.

Though I should probably get to writing more in the deity section of the document, and add some more non lawful/chaotic gods and goddesses. If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them

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Hello everyone! I have made a few updates to the documents, and thought it would be a good idea to mention what has been added.

For 3.fat, there are new options for the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard.
The Cleric has two new options to replace turn/rebuke undead with fat gaining/draining powers.
The druid has gotten two rather simple ACF’s, letting your animal companion and wildshapes gain the edible construct template.
Lastly, there is a variant class for the wizard, called the cakemaster, that focuses heavily on creating custom constructs.
There also two new deities (Consum’Ate and Netilslaan), and all deities have received small lore blurbs.

For 3.fwomp, all core classes now have some inflation related abilities, and there is a new prestige class (the super-sized theurge). There is also a handful of new feats and flaws.

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I didn’t know you were still updating the main document. It will be nice to see more of this in the future. What kind of additions do you have the most interest introducing to the document?

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For the main document, I currently don’t have any real plans for adding more stuff, but if I get a good idea for something fat related I may make something for it.

For inflation doc, I plan on making a section for everything that the fat doc had, but adding prestige class is the priority now.

For the monster doc, it’s a bit on pause atm, until the inflation is more fleshed out, and then I can get to adding some inflation related ones.

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Other than the details already explained in the documents, what do you think the process of becoming a slobbish dragonborn is like? What would it be like to be one? Also, how do you think others would react to you becoming one, and how others react to slobbish dragonborns in general?

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