Earthquake Warriors (Expansion Sample Update)

Hey, is there a chance that you will add my oc into the game?

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If I decide to do expansions, maybe. I don’t know you well enough, though.

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As far as when the next demo will be created, I am not sure. Again, this is one of those projects I work on only when I feel like it. Most of the time, I’m preoccupied with video games, work and the book I’m writing. …about sumos wrestling hybrids and monsters.


How can I download the game?

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You can’t the game was taken down at the request of an OC owner that had a character featured in the game and no longer wanted said character in game. This will require @Baalf to remake or alter the demo.


I don’t know why I haven’t just deleted the file. Anyway, I plan on releasing another demo soon. I just have to finish up Bertha. I hope Kazecat likes what I got for his character so far, but I do have plans on adding more Sprites and Frames to Bertha’s maximum rabbit Striker.



Presenting my latest demo. Introducing to the roster: Bertha the Hippo!

Unlocking her works the same as it did with Grace. Defeat a gang of drunkards to learn about the capture of Bertha’s boyfriend and protect Rapid the Rabbit.

…and crush through the forces of the syndicate as the wide-bottomed wrestling champ: Bertha!

Bertha adds a different style to her among the other characters.

Utilize her spandex in battle for new moves.


Dang I hope she can use an attack like Peach Bomber that would be amazing. And even though peach has been nerfed on the new smash bros her peach bomber actually got stronger against boss battles but she was especially good in brawl


Come to think of it, she does have her Bertha Butt Bomb attack, but there currently isn’t a special animation of it. No reason I couldn’t make one for the next update, though.

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I have noticed that when you use bertha’s G.G. gem to go to her G.G. form the game put this error in the error in the screen and closes, I am secure that is the item because this only happen when you use it to go to her G.G. form and it doesn’t happen you get transformed automaticly like in the arena


Thanks for letting me know. I’ll get that fixed right away.


Edit: alright, it should be fixed now. I forgot to change all of the backgrounds for when Bertha go is into Gordo Grande mode from the old character.

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Ok I come with some bad news, now if you try to heal the bertha G.G. using the healing station in the hallway after you got healed fight doesn’t end causing you to get stuck and forcing to do a reset


facepalm Well this isn’t exactly doing good for my image. Alright, I’ll get that fixed too. Maybe I really need to do some thorough playtesting because I keep missing things.

I found most problems, but I want to add one more thing before I release an updated demo. Let me know if there are other errors.

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Ok I think i forgot to say that i think now all the atacks that causes a stun effect on the team is also causing poison status

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Alright, fixed the errors and also added a new sprite to Bertha’s attack. Now her Butt Bomb actually looks like her iconic attack. Links are above where the old lonks were.

Also here:


I’m really hoping I all the game breakers out this time. But other than that, let me know if you guys have any suggestions.

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I actually haven’t really been working on this lately because I’ve kind of been waiting for Cabel and HIJOKE to finish the Sprites for their characters so I can add more enemies without having to repaste coding, but I should probably get to working on other Sprites at least.

Speaking of which, does anyone have any ideas for what I could use as a boss for a science lab? That is going to be a level four.


How about a big ol’ slime that mimics your party? What if it had a 2nd phase where it randomly chooses 1 party memeber and turns into his big version? Dunno


Ooh! Interesting. Might be difficult to program, but absolutely doable.

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