Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

This is easily one of the most varied lineups yet. First place looks like it’s probably gonna be a brawl. Oddly, these designs mostly don’t feel like a “druid,” which is a surprise to me, but that’ll just make the poll more interesting because now we don’t have the question of whether it’ll swing in favor of familiar tropes.

  • Spider: We’ve seen monstergirls win before, but arachnophobia has never been a factor. Nonetheless, we already have a dark-skinned monster with no (human) legs, so it’s not a stretch to think this will do well. The Mesoamerican influence makes her stand out a lot, again evoking the Egyptian influence of the Illusionist.
  • Garden Spirit: Is this a good design? Yes. The use of different vegetables to form her body make her really unique. Will she win? I don’t expect her to. I think that she’s a lot less waifu-y than the rest, and ultimately, mass appeal seems to win in these votes. That being said, she’s definitely got enough charm to deserve the spot.
  • Cactus: Frankly, I’m not concerned about the design so much as the logistics of fondling beeg tumby covered in spines. Anyway, she looks good. The plant element may again turn voters away, but may it never be said that she’s ugly.
  • Elementalist: Pretty straightforward. There’s not much to say other than, well, it’s a good design and it works. I can see her winning easily, although I don’t think I’ve ever called the winner once, thereby raising the question of what value these posts have…uh, fat chicks, am I right?
  • Miko: I can practically smell the “ara ara” from here. Even if she weren’t so damn tall, look at that face. If enough of the voters fall for the mommy vibes, the average height of the cast is going to shoot up. I just don’t want her to headbutt me…
  • Brain Freeze: Aren’t fat people in winter suits supposed to be jolly? Anyway, that coat’s the only real obstacle to victory here. She’s quirky and silly in a good way, but I think most players want to be able to see revealing clothes stretch out as the girls get fat. It’d be hard to keep track of all her fluff beneath all that actual fluff. Then again, it’s that time of year, so who knows, maybe the voters are in the mood.
  • Dragon Tamer: HOLY [cungadero]! TWO [fat-bottomed girls] FOR THE PRICE OF [your firstborn]?? The actual character herself is…well, probably the most intimidating design thus submitted for any contest. That probably doesn’t matter, I’m just pointing it out. I don’t think the profile view does her justice, I think that the outfit will be fun with regards to her expansion because it doesn’t look too secure, so we may get to watch her struggle to stay decent as she gains. But then…there’s Dimi. The smol. We got beeg dragon girl, we got smol. Take your pick, I guess. If Dimi gets fat alongside her master, that opens up a myriad of potential directions for what happens in the art. Does she get so fat, she eclipses her master, who now has to carry her around? Does the little dragon get trapped under her companion? Only time will tell. Well, that and whether or not this design wins.