Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

Try clearing the cache for the website and reloading it. If that doesn’t work, then next time it bugs out press CTRL+SHIFT+I to open the inspector. If there are any error messages in the console, take a screenshot and post it here.

Magus winner & update coming soon!

The genie will be our Magus! Look forward to him being added to the game soon!

That’s right! Soon! Along with all the other characters, as well as many npcs, levels, and cutscenes. The next update will include 90% of the stuff that was supposed to be released over the past year.

I can‘t say exactly when but most everything is done, I just have to update the art for the world map and test everything.

It seems like every time I try to give a precise timeline for the next update I get hit by a car or get trapped in a once-a-century blizzard for weeks on end, so I‘m gonna just keep it vague and say it’s coming soon!