Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

I think you can add some statue, building or hire someone to help and some ceremony, can give some extra buff, like “Obesity altar” Basic reward multiple + x0.05, build new “Extraction room” to give more chance to extract, “Training room” cost a chance to use this Character but level up 1 status, Donate money to “church of fatty goddess” so that the sisters inside can eat more and fatter, making the statue of the goddess more and more huge and fat,And so on.


Oh, the statue getting fatter too is a DELICIOUS idea! :heart_eyes:

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An interesting thought right there, I must say. Since the statue doesn’t really have to still be able to move, I could see it reaching far more “impossible” levels of fatness than the girls do.

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I think a shop could be cool! I’m not sure about adding another currency type, it might just use the fat currency.

That statue getting fatter is actually pretty funny

darkest dungeon…nope, is fattest dungeon!
equipment, Consumable item, Town construction, fattening recreational facilities, There are also people affected by the magical powers radiated from the dungeon(but most is affected by Adventurer coming out of the dungeon.)

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quick, somebody gimme 300,000 dollars so I can make something on par with Darkest Dungeon lol

Also: the new stuffing levels are here, with some changes to weight/stuffing scaling

Patch notes here:


is there a reason why they have a +5 strength cap now?

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never mind i see what you have done the cap is x2 the base

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That is correct, the strength gain from weight is capped so that it doesn’t make leveling the power stat useless

I got a strange bug i have replay very fast the first map, when i go to weight extraction screen the characters have reset and lost the weight points, but besides of that the game was working normal.
Great work i love the new update.

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Damn now i kinda regret putting hundreds of upgrades into metabolism, they clear stomachs so fast i cant catch the full stomach lul, still love the new stuffing levels though :fire:

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I put “levels” into capacity, speed, and power… metabolism is actually on the bottom of my priorities.

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That’s very strange, what device and browser are you using?

I want to put in a respec option at some point, but I haven’t decided when I’m gonna do it yet

I was playing on the phone but i think it must have been more internet error, maybe it happened because I didn’t wait for the images of the enemys to load properly.

Is it possible to reset the data in your browser for the game?

Do you think you could add in an “animations” button on the main page that lets us see all the characters’ animations, in order?

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I see, let me know if it keeps happening

Your browser probably has an option for deleting browser data on a per-website basis. That would be the same as a reset

Possibly, I’m intrigued by the idea of a gallery of all unlocked weights but its not a priority at this time.

something i want is new levels (i mean stages (i mean like the playable portions of the game) ), ones with enemies that have ridiculous amounts of health maybe, if you dont want people to have to grind to really high stats to beat the game they could be some optional side levels for people who want big numbers.

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What would be an interesting “boss” would be one you defeat with fat. Like, he would spawn in more enemies that your girls fatten themselves up with, and instead of dealing damage, you would “attack” it by giving your stored fat to it, until it is immobile (or explodes).


…actually that gives me a sort of thought. what about some enemy type that cannibalizes other enemies to buff/heal itself?