Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

I would love to have those kind of quality of life choices. I just don’t know how they would pull it off, considering you have to select a unit first and apply it to an opponent.

Perhaps numbering each unit 1-4 on the numpad or something and then clicking an opponent, or pressing another number to buff/extract fullness from another unit.


I think the best way to do it is to just use the hotkeys to select your heroes (keys 1-4 by default) or items (QWERTY) and then click your enemy, otherwise you’d need as many as 9 hotkeys for enemies. So it’d still be KBAM, but you don’t have to move your mouse around the whole screen as much.

The only drawback is that this would make super fast clear times much easier to get, since your mouse only needs to move across half as much space on your screen.


Quality of life improvements are planned for update v0.14. I’ll consider adding hotkeys then. The schedule is here in the “About” section: Bewildered Angel is creating Art and Games about chubby women | Patreon

The work to add the sound effects has gone on much longer than I intended, but fortunately as of yesterday I have it working on both desktop and mobile environments. I still need to perform additional testing and finishing touches.

My plan for the future is to push the SFX update early this coming week and post the first stage of the new adventurer poll on Thursday

Additionally there will be a stream for all patrons tomorrow September 12th, 5pm UTC


Hello, Im new to this game. Is there a way to view the pictures of all the combatants in like a seperate menu? Also, how do i unlock the other characters?

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Clear certain levels with a good enough time to unlock the new adventurers.

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One of two, or both, solutions for this dilemma:

  1. Randomize enemies in each room, like changing positions every time you make the run, or changing enemies themselves into different ones, or variants.
  2. Randomize the enemies’ food types and/or damage types.

Doing either or both of these things would require more time to strategize before just spamming buttons over memorized paths.

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I don’t know how much of a drawback this really is, since I don’t think many people will take this game that seriously or competitively to care about how easy one control scheme is compared to another. After all, no one’s commented about how much tablet touchscreens make fast times easier than regular computer mice or laptop touchpads.


I don’t think adding the hotkeys control scheme will be a big deal from this standpoint. Touchscreen controls already work and I get much faster times with those than with the mouse. This would bring desktop closer to mobile in this regard.


Once SFX are added, i got some ideas for Psychic And Monk:

Psychic’s Final Form: Really Big Pillows and using telekinesis to keep her balanced

Monk’s 2nd Form: Bigger Bottle place on back and a battle staff like Bo’rai cho have


Entschuldige, wenn ich zu aufdringlich war oder zu viel gefragt habe

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There is no problem, feedback is always valuable

Eat the Dungeon Update v0.11 ALPHA

Read the post on Patreon here

Play the Alpha version here

Hello, the sound effects are all done. Similar to last time I did a large technical change to Eat the Dungeon, I’d like to provide an alpha version in case people have problems with the update. While I tested as many combinations of devices and browsers I can, I do not have access to an Android device or a Mac computer. If you have either of these please let me know whether or not the game works for you.

The above link will take you to the alpha version if you would wish to test it. If it seems stable, I will push the update later. This alpha will use your save data from the main game, so you can continue where you left off. If you do not want to try the alpha and just play the stable build, simply use the normal address.

Changes in this update:

  • Added sound effects

  • Added volume controls for BGM and sound effects

Here are some known issues and things I’d like to test:

  • Android device compatibility

  • Mac computer compatibility

  • KNOWN ISSUE: in-game BGM volume control does not work on mobile devices


Used on android and it appears to be working fine.

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Thank you for letting me know, that’s good to hear. I was worried about Android since mobile devices tend to be finnicky.

#Schnelligkeit, ist bei dir auch ein Teil des Bildschirms unbenutzt(kein Vollbildschirm) wenn nein, dann liegt es an meinem handy

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Wenn ich aber in Google eat the dungeons eingebe und direkt auf den link drücke ist es vollbildschirm(ich Weis nicht ob das eine Rolle spielt, welche Marke das Handy hat, aber vielleicht schon, weil ich hab ein Huawei)

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Please take a screenshot of what is happening and post it here. That way I can tell what is happening more clearly

It’s time to vote for a new character!

All patrons can vote here:


Amusingly enough, there are four Goblinoids in that picture. Only three are full Goblins and two start off fat.

Also, Dancer’s starting off pretty strong. 7 votes, closest are at 3.


dang. Dancer just shows up and everyone pounces on them as their choice.

We already have enough buffers imo for now, but eh, what’s one more?