Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

The Thief is kind of pear-shaped but the balance is off. I’m sure there will be a more traditionally pear-shaped character by the time ETD is done.

Knight is also a character I want to put in.

ughhhghghghgh I really wanted to release the Bard today but it’s taking me longer than I thought to put together the party select UI. She’ll definitely be ready next week though!


There’s all kinds of exciting video game news coming from E3, but I’ve got the only video game release you need: The Bard is now playable in Eat the Dungeon!


bug report:
Healing potion works too well, being able to heal so long as you keep you cursor on top of your allies (yes, you can spread the healing to all of your allies), and it bugs out the UI during the effect.


YAY!! I have been waiting for this!

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This should probably be moved to the Bug Report thread, where it can be kept better track of.

I just did the same thing, so don’t sweat it too much. :yum:

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Can you tell me what device and browser you are using?

PC, and using Chrome to play it.

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also, sorry bout that, didn’t notice a bug report thread so…

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There is something that I discovered:
Almost all the enemies have the purple boot or the wide sword so…
Your party can be the thief, bard, priest and warrior, but the only one that atack is the thief and the other three support her, in that way is really easy. The enemies that not have neither of that… elements? Have the faith one of the priest, so it is not a problem.

Sorry for the bad english, bdw.

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Thank you, I’ve found this bug and hopefully it will be fixed next week.

This is a very powerful team comp at the moment. In the future there will be more enemies especially vulnerable to magic.

One of the strengths of that comp is that Priestess can be used as an aggressive unit in those situations. Since the obvious unit you’re cutting for that comp is Witch.

Because of how beefy those Magic healthbars are, and how huge Witch’s AoE damage is, odds are even swinging with her will KO her well beyond her cap, not kill anything, and of course leave her on cooldown for an absolute eternity. You could pour in support to get her running again, but that ends up filling up all your supporting units before Witch swings again and puts you back at square one with most of a screen clear.

Because of that, I think the current meta comp was bound to happen, since Bard+Thief is much more useful for quickly clearing a screen than Witch ever could be.

That being said- stuffing her into space and seeing huge numbers is really funny. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She’s just not in a very good place for time trials right now- too slow.

Witch isn’t terrible, the problem lies in the aoe effect being… kinda lack luster at times, as focusing on her power does allow her to one-shot anything that is vulnerable to magic (and there are plenty already), it’s the fact her aoe is strictly a cross that’s a problem.

That and Bard is a ridiculous support, with the right investments (~80 points into speed and 20 in power), she can make sure that so long as she isn’t KOed, she can make the heavy hitters keep hitting.

I think this is less of a problem of fixing the Witch, and more of problem of putting in more enemies that the Witch is effective against.

I meant to put in monsters that are specifically weak to certain adventurers, but the Witch has none currently, which is a huge oversight. (By the same token, there are monsters that are difficult for certain adventurers, and the Witch has the largest amount of difficult monsters)

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I gotta say, this new update is solid! I’m not very skilled, but I enjoy the challenge of trying to balance my party’s actions. And I hear your making even MORE weight levels for each character, so bless you, your doing god’s work :pray:t2:


Creator has anyone given the idea that the thief could have the function to split the weights when he attacks?

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What do you mean by “split the weights”? Do you mean that other characters receive some of the weight she would normally receive?

I have to agree with Firesoul10
It’s not so much about the Witch being weak due to enemy weaknesses as much as her base AoE is too weak to do anything significant outside of stuffing her well past her limit. Of course, it doesn’t help that the few enemies that are weak to her have ridiculous amounts of health, which just results in the Witch ending KO’d either way.
Try running this comp:
Knight, Bard, Priestess, Witch.
Attack exclusively with the Witch while having the other three acting as nothing but support. On the one hand, you’re going to need to be constantly nursing the Witch back from KOs. On the other, you can easily end with the Witch gaining absolutely stupid amounts of weight per room. These two points speak to what I, and Firesoul, believe is the main problem with the class: Too much bark, not enough bite.
I am going to go ahead and guess that the Witch is supposed to be filling a “Glass Cannon” role, in which case she BADLY needs a buff. Her damage is not high enough to do much of anything, even to enemies she’s effective against. If, however, she’s not supposed to be a glass cannon, then the main issue becomes how much weight she gains. One attack is enough to completely KO her because she is gaining from four different enemies at the same time, so either the mathematics behind her AoE need to be adjusted or her attack needs to be nerfed again. That said, I don’t believe nerfing the Witch’s damage is going to do anything put put her deeper into the pit of “unplayable”.
Adding more enemies that she’s effective against is going to mitigate the issue, but the problem is still going to be there since, as I have mentioned before, her problem is two-fold. It’s how ineffective she is and how quickly she gets KO’d.
The fact that running the same comp I mentioned before, with a Thief instead of a Witch, is the “meta” indicates that (at the very least) I’m not too off the mark, moreso since she’s pretty much the polar opposite of the Witch. Low damage, high speed and she has two damage types. Running the comp with one, ideally, should go as smoothly as running the comp with the other, whether that’s butter smooth or caltrop-covered asphalt smooth.

Witch is weak. Adding more enemies weak to her is good, raising her KO cap is good, raising her damage is good. Doing those three with the right values (and that’s the tricky part) should make the Witch essentially not a burden.
Boy what a heckin’ textwall.


I’ll be re-evaluating the Witch as part of update v0.3, but it will probably come sometime after I put in the new levels.