Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

…also…uh, what do the numbers on the right side of the enemy portraits mean?
…Sorry for asking so many questions

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the numbers mean how damage they will do when they attack


Thanks a bunch for the help

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To continue Blacknight’s explanation on damage types;

White is Faith.


Or pray, depending on how you look at it.

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For some reason, i have to redo these levels to get the sword and wand items/upgrades again whenever the page reloads. Playing on an iPad and on chrome


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Here’s the other picture since i can’t put multiple in one post

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yea, I’ve been experiencing that too. It hasn’t felt like a huge deal or anything, but it is annoying

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I wonder if the bread dojo will have a character for a reward. Seems to be hinting at it…

Also, a ‘cleave’ attack would be very OP against the newer levels.

some enemy designs are awesome, others make me want to reevaluate my life , and the rest are giant versions of regular food. I love it

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to idk.this hasn’t encountered for me on pc so try that if you have one

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Made an account just to talk about how much I love this. The art and game-play are very unique and make this experience super enjoyable. Of all the games on here, this and Super Fatty Office Administrator Simulator are the best games on here. My absolute favorite part is how the characters change poses once they hit a certain weight. Right now there’s only 2 of those happening per character and id LOVE to see a 3rd or final weight. Another thing I like is how there’s no real lose state so I can play casually… with one hand…
My biggest gripe right now is how whenever I reload the page, I lose all my earned items. Kinda frustrating but nothing too major. Another thing is how when I Accidently choose the wrong formation of characters before a level starts, and I can’t exit to fix it. I really hope we get some kind of retreat function that makes it so that you can back to set up. The witch is my favorite character so far and I cant wait for more tits and ass focused characters like her. (gonna be honest the spellblade’s weight gain was a slight disappointment to me since the bard has the exact some gut stuff but that’s just personal taste.)
A gameplay suggestion involving a sort of proper damage system would be to have it so certain monsters can sap your fat. Just a few of these monster types exist so as to not overwhelm a player in the beginning, and also keep the casual game-play that it currently has. The monster would have to be a veggie, since there aren’t too many of those guys yet and the spellsword isn’t very useful right now. Maybe a Buff Salad or some kind of Beet Wizard? It’d be cool to see something like that, if possible!

I’m so glad this is being constantly updated!
If I could donate to your patreon, I would do it in a heart beat! Sadly, I’m dirt poor. Regardless, you have my full support!

Best of luck!

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There are also numbers by the attack types on the enemy portraits(like the shoe, sword, or cross), that’s their health, deplete ONE of those types(if they have multiple), and they’ll be defeated, so you might want to use the type with the lower number(less “health”) as then the enemy will be bested quicker, the number also gets translated to mass in your fighter’s stomach(doing 30 magic damage would fill up your fighter more than if you could defeat them by weapon damage, if it’s only, like, 15), you actually might WANT to attack them with the type they have the most health with if you’re trying to fatten up your fighters(target the weaker one if you’re going for time) and attacking them with a fighter that CAN’T deal any of the types they have health with(like if you use the bard, who doesn’t HAVE an offensive type) they take 1 point of health damage on each of their types(and likewise fills up the fighter very little(meaning the bard can only get fat from healing her allies).

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i have seen the Patreon and it might be called the scavenger,i have no idea how this character looks or works but it may be the coming during the march 3rd update

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speaking of dragons. candy dragon has no eyes

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Also speaking of dragons, I hope we can see the dragon girl in a future update!

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What would be good after you extract the weight to spend on upgrading power, speed, metabolism, and capacity, instead of all of them going up only the one you upgrade should go up, and the rest stay at the same price


I disagree because the current system doesn’t really incentivize specialization or upgrading all the stats so both options are open for character building


Maybe im doing it wrong but i gain as much weight as candy dragon level with time

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Will there be and update to extract the weight from them?

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