Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

Gladiator for sure…

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If poll keeps up as it has been, we may be looking at a tie breaker round. Pretty exciting stuff.

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Shield bash or toe stab you choose, i stay with Shield bash. (Warrior)

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Can someone kindly tell me how Kobold is doing in the rankings? I can’t view the poll, I’m afraid.

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Floating between a distant 3rd and 4th place place with classic red Warrior. She is currently winning with one vote over Red Warrior but the two have been trading lead constantly since the poll started. Gladiator is a few points behind both, but not far behind.

Dragon and Glutton are head and shoulders over everyone else. And are near even.


Ah, thanks! Fingers crossed for our first non-human rep, then.


I concur. If we can’t have the kobold, then Dragon Girl all the way!


Hot take: If they’re tied for 1st place, Angel should combine their designs into one. If the dragonborn wins, though, I feel like her skirt should be a little more form-fitting and less poofy so it more easily accentuates her gains.


Rip kobold, i know somebody who prolly would’ve loved that.


The kobold has to be the most adorable thing I’ve seen on this discussion so far.


Honestly I feel like she needs more of those wide anime eyes all the other gals have

The smol beady eyes don’t quite do her justice IMNO

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I’m just worried that all of these polls will end up devolving into the most vanilla looking girl winning. We need some variety!


He won’t do that. He doesn’t alter backer-designed characters unless explicitly asked to by their creators.


Noted! I just hope the kobold gets another shot if she loses this one

If they’re within 5% of each other on Tuesday morning, I will post a tiebreaker poll

I want to keep bringing back old designs as options for new classes. I think the kobold fits for a few of them


To be fair, there weren’t a lot of options in the last two lineups. Same bloke submitted both Bard designs and a lot of people must’ve found the Nerd appearance cute.

If it’s any consolation, the Druid, Ranger and Monk designs are anything but normal.

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ko-bold! ko-bold!

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That Kobold’s got major Towergirls vibes going on in her design(not a complaint, Towergirls is great with loads of adorable designs).

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Slightly off-topic, but I noticed that the Thief’s and Spellblade’s portraits are blurrier than the other characters right now playing on bigger screens. Are their portraits at a lower resolution than the others? I didn’t notice it until I was playing on a better monitor, but its definitely noticeable on higher resolution screens, especially the last few sets of the Thief.


Yeah I think they have yet to be updated since they were added before this was noticed, but I’m sure Bewildered will fix it soon.