In case you need to grind for points once you hit the end of the currently-available level list, I’d recommend taking the Witch to the level, Crystal Hall. Just make sure her stats have been upped a fair deal, she’ll be the star of the show.
Side note: Shame the Dragongirl didn’t win, but I don’t have a problem with the winner, either.
eeeeahhh… I’d more prefer “Cakes From Hell” for grinding, as you can just use Witch and a significantly powered up Bard to clear the level and gain ~5000+ fat from it each run.
i appreciate the fact that you pay attention to the people who play on mobile. that said, the speed controls helped counteract the slowdown on my phone or tablet when i played. so now it just feels suuuuuper sluggish.
if you get your witch and supporters (bard knight warrior priest) to a good point you can use the candy dragon level to spam kill off the enemies with 80 magic health, gives me like 5k every 9-17 second run
I notice that the speed upgrades get smaller and smaller the more you buy, like there’s some diminishing returns going on behind the scenes. At what point is it no longer useful to invest in speed?
I’m confident that these are just flat increases. This kinda makes sense; if it was a flat % increase, eventually you’d just have 100% and then go beyond that, at which point, you have no cooldowns and then somehow have negative cooldowns. By contrast, power and capacity are just flat values.
As i’ve asked before and haven’t really gotten an answer to, at what point would you say it’s unneeded to upgrade capacity or power. I already know/had assumed they were flat increases. I’d just like to know at what point is it not practical to upgrade the stats for whatever reason (for example with power, at what level is it unneeded to upgrade it because at that level all enemies get oneshotted)
Capacity is more rather an alternative for Metabolism, as it prevents KO’s, but with a high enough Metabolism there’s no point. Power is pretty subjective, as for attacking characters only need about 50 attack at most, where for supports it’s more dependent on which character it is. Bard Needs a large amount of power, not just for buffing but to refresh units who don’t have a point of speed added, as she does technically double healing in terms of both healing and refreshing.