Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

Thanks for pointing this out to me, it will be fixed in the next update!

The ranked times were recently recomputed but I think I made the S-tier ones a little too strict, I’ll be revisiting them soon.

Hopefully this won’t be so much a problem once I implement the confirmation screen for resetting

These are things I can do. Where would you prefer the map to default to?

I’m curious, what prompted you to reset? I’ve been having second thoughts about the reset button in its entirety

The game is currently pretty big and I haven’t put in a loading screen yet

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I would personally prefer that it stay on the level I just did, or at least the most recent level I completed. That way, if I am trying to grind a specific level, I can just keep doing that level.

If you don’t want to lose the sense of progression, you could have it where as long as there is at least one incomplete level it defaults to the first incomplete level, and if all levels have been completed it starts defaulting to the level most recently fought.

EDIT: I just ran a level and it did exactly what I just wrote. Which makes no sense, as yesterday it was defaulting to the last bonus mission every time.

As far as I can tell, one basic rule is that you need at least .5 seconds per enemy that has only sword or sword+divine health types, and .7 per enemy with only divine health type, as that is about the fastest you can reasonably clear them out with a spellblade/knight/cleric, even with points in speed. Any faster would require a macro (or some insane mouse sensitivity). With the Illusionist added to the game, magic and sneak are both easily applied to all enemies at once, so any enemy with magic or sneak health types can be mostly ignored for time calculations, with a basic 1 sec per room that has only enemies with at least either sneak or magic health types (with extra time added for sword/divine types)
That means that for the first bonus round, a ‘perfect’ time would be ~6 seconds (1 sec per room + .5 seconds per enemy with only sword health type). For comparison, my current best is ~6.5 seconds. I would suggest ~1 second of leeway for the S times, making the S time for the first bonus mission 7 seconds.
I think the tutorial level is the biggest offender. It has 12 rooms, and a total of 19 enemies with sword and/or divine health types, and has a current S time of less than 10 seconds. I’m not even sure this is possible with a macro. In fact, the A time is 19 seconds, which I have yet to get.

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well, the biggest reason was to reallocate the stats since in the beginning, I didn’t know anything, and I went forward making many mistakes like, as only recently i noticed that compared to the other characters the thief is weaker in power but can attack more often

but still in the act of relocating I make mistakes, forcing myself to reset certain characters a third time

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This is actually the current behavior. Earlier you mentioned the game defaulted to the an uncompleted level. Once all the levels are complete it will stay on the level you just completed. I’m guessing you must have finished all the levels?

Sounds like you need to start farming some more fat. There are lot of suggestions in this thread for the best way to go about that. Good luck!

now im just thinking about the tutorial being the group (excluding the spell-blade, knight and illusonist) rescuing the bard because she got trapped in a dungeon


I think that’s a cool idea

The thing was, I had completed all of the levels, but it still defaulted to the last level on the map. It was only after later reloading the page that it started defaulting to the last mission completed.

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Thank you, I’ll investigate this more thoroughly. There must be an edge case that I didn’t catch

Eat the Dungeon Update v0.6.4! This week was spent on fixing bugs and features!

Read the patch notes here:


i love being able to scroll through the map so easily, it looks pretty too <3

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Whenever I head to the site, it takes a bit to load and then either A) crashes immediately (normal tabs) or B) crashes after the tutorial (incognito).

Using Silk on a Kindle Fire.

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Is it possible for you to open the developer tools and see if there are any error messages?


Eat the Dungeon Update v0.6.5: The Spellblade’s final weight set! She attains TRUE ULTIMATE POWER



HOLY FRICKING CRAP! thats awesome.

Seems I’ve lost everything, again. RIP my investment in this game. Guess I’ll wait for it to be finished.

Did you try all configurations of the URL to see which one your save data is on?

I tried all of those. All of them start at the beginning.

I’m very sorry, I don’t understand how this could have happened? What browser are you using?

Is it possible you recently updated/restarted your computer, happens to mine a few times as of late?

I use Firefox, have since the start.