Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

yay! time to start grinding!


My, what a marvelous thixen we have here.


@bewildered_angel I’m hoping its not because of my pc but I can’t load the game. After clicking on the title screen I get this

and on the inspect network tab I get this error
utility.js?v=0.8.1:52 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute ‘drawImage’ on ‘CanvasRenderingContext2D’: The HTMLImageElement provided is in the ‘broken’ state.
at draw_center (
at Object.ADVENTURER.self.draw_small (
at Array.update_upgrade_gamestate (
at main (
draw_center @ utility.js?v=0.8.1:52
ADVENTURER.self.draw_small @ adventurer.js?v=0.8.1:418
update_upgrade_gamestate @ upgrade_gamestate.js?v=0.8.1:603
main @ (index):387
setInterval (async)
(anonymous) @ (index):138
1139utility.js?v=0.8.1:52 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute ‘drawImage’ on ‘CanvasRenderingContext2D’: The HTMLImageElement provided is in the ‘broken’ state.
at CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage ()
at draw_center (
at Object.ADVENTURER.self.draw_small (
at Array.update_upgrade_gamestate (
at main (
draw_center @ utility.js?v=0.8.1:52
ADVENTURER.self.draw_small @ adventurer.js?v=0.8.1:418
update_upgrade_gamestate @ upgrade_gamestate.js?v=0.8.1:603
main @ (index):387
setInterval (async)
(anonymous) @ (index):138

Like you suggested in the last update as a solution is to wait for the page to fully load its assets or to hit refresh but that seems to not work. I did try to suggest you might need to offer a download version or move into that direction so instead of the game loading from a webpage as it currently is but be able to load from its own file with all of its resources there. It could still be a https: game as I’ve seen some in the past have done

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I’ve been investigating this issue and it seems to be related to a false positive generated by Malwarebytes Browser Guard or other similar Chrome extensions. I am not able to fix this right now, and am currently in contact with Malwarebytes regarding the issue. For now you can avoid this by whitelisting or allowlisting in your browser extension

What’s y’alls favourite level to grind with the new ranger character? I’m having a hard time with grinding as it seems the best enemies are the zombies but alas they sap your weight away, so I net zero weight gained for the level.

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I’ve been playing this game since the releases first became public but I don’t think I’ve ever shared my thoughts on it before. It’s fun and I like it! But it also feels kinda grindy and heavily (hehe) favors characters with a slower base speed + aoe attacks.

The illusionist can clear most maps in the game in under 10 seconds as long as you pair her with the engineer, another support, and a character that can cover whatever damage types she’s missing. The ranger works well for this because she happens to cover a common type the illusionist doesn’t.

It’s a party based game so all the characters falling into specific roles works, but since upgrades are infinite more aoe/more coverage wins out. For example: the illusionist hits the same damage type that the witch does but she also hits another type and more tiles, so if you put enough points into power on her the witch is entirely outclassed. The slower speed on the illusionist doesn’t matter as much because upgrades on supports can give her near constant turns regardless.

I think that having the favorite food types be more impactful could help make the witch and illusionist distinct, as well as future characters. Another change could be reworking the level up system and capping max stats, though that would really change up the game formula and idk if that’s a consideration at this point. Lastly, there could be levels that restrict which characters can be brought to make it so the entire game can’t be steamrolled by one party. Sorry if some of these ideas have already been planned/mentioned and I missed them I usually only skim this thread for stuff!

I’ll end by saying that I really love the design of the ranger and engineer, alongside the witch those are my favorites. I look forward to more updates in the future and thank you for the time you’ve put into making this game!

This is something I’ve been thinking. Even something as simple as making the fav food multiplier x4 instead of x2 would make a big difference I think.

It could yeah! Some simple ideas I had for it were like, bonus effects associated with pairing food types properly, whether it’s a reduced cooldown on the character’s next action or buffed damage for their next attack. On the topic of complicated ideas though, the witch could have additional splash damage when matching types properly and the ranger could have pierce damage that hits the tile behind. Just as two quick examples. I know these aren’t easy things to implement, but food for thought.


She’s still going to get the big b o o b a like the Witch, right?


boy I can’t wait to see the final weight level for Iona the Illusionist and the 2nd and last weight levels for Elena the Engineer and Riina the Ranger. :smiley:

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Agreed, but please stop giving them names no-one else, including Bewildered and the creators themselves, have agreed to.


Nice Names you got there :smiley:

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this says a lot about society


I like the Class Names, i just came up with the names not to put in the game, they are just names for fun.

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Finally, someone who does this that isn’t me.


Sorry about that; I just set it to delete. I was unaware of your comment when I posted it, so I feel awful at having said anything. I actually agree that it may be best to just leave the naming to the creator (if they decide on names at all)

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take it easy on yourself, you didn’t do anything wrong.


Failmuseum’s right. Apologies.


witch: so, who broke it. im not mad just wanna know
Priest: breaths i di…
witch: no no, no you didn’t. the thief?
thief: dont look at me damn it, what about miss smug shot
ranger: POPOSTEROUS, i did not break it
thief: peculiar on hoq you knew it was broken
thief: suspicious
ranger: ANGY
engineer: If it matters, of course not… miss big belly was the last one to use it.
illusionist: YOU RAT! I don’t even drink that filth!
engineer: hmm indeed? Then what were you doing by the tea stump earlier?
illusionist: I use the branches to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, YOU IMBECILE!
priest: Alright let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pa…
witch: SILENCE. now who broke it?
warrior: [whispering] hey, our knight been awfully quiet…
knight: SERIOUSLY?!
warrior: Yes indeed!
witch: I broke it. I burned my hand so I exploded it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a ton of celluite in their bodies. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.


I’m tempted to declare something silly for their canon names, like by a strange coincidence they all have the same first name and that’s why they have to go by their class monikers.