Emergency Comissions

Hey folks, its harpow!

Im currently working on commissions and game projects for this sit, but due to school payments and a bunch of other debts i have to deal with, Im currently opening quick emergency commissions.

7 slots are available with the following rates:

Flat Bust:$20
Flat Full:$35
Full Render Bust$40
Full Render Full Body:$50
If youre looking game sprites or tabletop art content im happy to work out a set payment that works for both of us

some art to use as an example

more examples on my media
NEWGROUNDS: harpow.newgrounds.com
Twitter: x.com

sharing and inquiries of any kind are super appreciated, it helpes me get through college and motivates me to get off my lazy ass to do more content for this site lol


heres more art to entice you dear god debt is crippling

a comm i got recently, any comms helps bros!

I might be a cheap ass but there ain’t no way you’re charging 65$ for that

had a feelin i was uppin the price too much, last guy i talked to was like “dude you charge too little for this gotta raise it up a bit” not sure if it was confidence boost or anything but i gave it a shot. ngl im gonna edit the prices to be more realistic anyways

also realizing alot of this art is old and ASS since this was before i switched programs and got a better tablet, imma make more art to show off soon enough