You can’t reach the attic in this version. There’re a snack and a key for it that Darkeye has lost.

haven’t had any luck with the garage snack, where the heck is it?

Check comments in icho

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Accidentally went down an ending I’d already done before, forgot. Back button would be nice. :slight_smile:

Autor answer (it’s higher): "

Ah, yes, sorry about that! A back button simply isn’t there as a default UI element in chapbook, and I don’t know if it’s even possible to add one. I would if I could.


Alright, I’m well and truly stuck. Does anyone know how to get all the endings?

Hey, I’m back!

Alright, so, the game has been massively updated! Hence the additional title at the bottom of the other one: Seeker of Glutton. I reckon it makes things a little more exciting, almost as if a dlc just got installed. I also took the time to update the game’s title card too (:

There are now a total of 7 more endings, all following a common thread and related to the attic, which is now accessible. Well, you do have to find a way to climb up, but it’s there, albeit kind of hidden (hint: you’ll want to search around before entering the kitchen. Good luck!)

Once again, I did test it a bunch, but I’m not a coder and there’s bounds to be bugs or even softlocks in the game. Let me know if you find any, I’ll be sure to fix them once I have time for it.


Now, I got some good feedback on this project, and I did my best to address the most pressing issues:

  1. The third ending is now accessible. For real this time, I swear, I finally got it fixed.
  2. I found the car keys. Sometimes they are in the most obvious of places.

So, this whole game was made in Twine, yes, but using the Chapbook format. It is an extremely limited format.

  1. One of the most pressing issues was the lack of a back button. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible for Chapbook to make you go back in time, and as much as I tried, I could not find a way to force it to without a lot of errors.

  2. Another impossible thing for Chapbook is making saves - the game saves your progress on your browser, but you cannot implement a way for the player to make their own saves. So… I had to get creative. Old school, if you will.

  3. Codes! There are now a bunch of milestones in the game that will provide you with a 4 string numerical code. If you input the code on the title screen, you will be brought back to a significant point in the story. This feature took a while to develop, by the way.

  4. But I’m not giving any codes out! Well, I will later, dutifully spoiler-free. I’d like for people to find them on their own for a little while.

Ok, that’s it. Have fun!


Welcome back! Glad to see this continued. Think I found an issue? I clicked on the bowl on the coffee table in the living room and was presented with a blank page? Seems like I could just continue from there still, but think something happened?

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The new update was very enjoyable! I love how searching various things at different points in time results in different events happening and playing out. I was able to get endings 1-8 + 3 differently named 9 endings. Not sure if I hit them all or not.

The codes piece is a good idea, though it does make it a touch hard to know what you actually already did or not when using them. It also probably could use a few extra codes, as there were a few events I was constantly having to replay. I was only able to find 2 different codes.

One question though. Does the picture frame do anything right now? I could go into the picture frame, but it doesn’t seem like I can interact with anything there at any point.

It’s an ingredient for one of the rituals isn’t it?

Hey, it’s good to be back! Yep, that’s very much a bug, just a typo in a conditional though, should now be fixed.

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I’m glad you liked it! I do hear you about the codes, and there is a chance I’ve done something wrong and made the conditions for the codes to appear too specific. I will try to fix that when I have the time.

Good catch about the endings being named 9., just a little mistake on my part, that has been fixed.

As for the question, the picture frame is indeed an ingredient. Stil, if you’re referring to what happens once you go inside of the picture frame, I’d let you into a secret: I had completely forgotten about that whole section. That meant I did not debug it, and would you look at that, it was skipping you right to the end of the whole thing. Oops! It has now been fixed (:

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The one time I don’t check this forum for like a week, THIS drops! Guess I know what I’m spending my afternoon playing.


Alright then, it’s been a couple of days, as promised here are all the codes I have, as of yet, put into the game!

  • 9064
    This will bring you to just after you’ve raided the fridge.
    You will also be at a point where you’ve have eaten enough to feel full.
  • 6453
    This will bring you to just before you enter the pantry.
  • 8923
    This will bring you to just after you’ve raided the pantry.
  • 1116
    This will bring you to just after you’ve entered the basement.
    You will also have your phone with you.
  • 6688
    This will bring you to a point where you’ve eaten enough to feel bloated.
  • 4110
    This will bring you to a point where you’ve eaten enough to feel stuffed.
  • 7150
    This will bring you to a point where you’re just about to order something.
  • 1809
    This will bring you to a point where you’ve just entered the attic and discovered the tome.
  • 2461
    This will bring you to a point where you’ve just gathered all the possible spell ingredients in the house.

So, I finally get to this addon, and I am glad that I was hoping for it and sad that I didnt finish it earlier. And no, I dont think its the book beside all of it. I found a bug: when I try to take glass jugs, I see the text about I took them and then I teleport in the drasser, and the jugs stay in place.
Oh, and you still cant reach cupboard in laundry room.

Glad to hear you liked it! The bug with the glass jugs should now be fixed.

As for the cupboard… yep, you can’t reach it, too high up (: Although to be fair I hadn’t accounted for the steps tool, so now I’ve added a little text for when you do attempt to reach it with it in hand.


How do you know when you’ve reached an ending vs a softlock?

A big inscription and a number (ending number) will appear in the middle of the screen.

​Guys, I bring you most troublesome news. Just updated the game and the codes are getting retired, permanently

…and that’s because a smart fellow named Maliface has finally managed to work out a saving functionality to Chapbook games! Thanks to their hard work back at the lab, you can now create a save file anywhere during the game, have it on your device, and accordingly load it whenever you want.

You can check their other works on https://maliface.itch.io/ - I’ll also mention 100% Good Twine Chapbook Templates by manonamora this page by manoanamora, it’s where I initially found the template.

As usual, you can play the game here:

Other than that I changed the font to Nunito, as I feel it might be easier on the eye, and tweaked the colors a bit. I added nothing to the actual game…

…and that’s because I’m working on a new one! Still very much in development, so I won’t spoil too much. Just know that it’s much bigger in scope, isn’t set in our times, and will have a working inventory system (;


Isn’t set in our times

a man sitting on a couch talking to another man with #twinpeaks #showtime written below him