Emmas Growth by Jobobot

I wanna post this here as the 2.1 patreon update adds weight gain and vore as well as belly stuffing, alongside feeding a girl in electronics store to make her curvier


If anyone is interested go ahead again not my game but just thought I spread it around as it is really fun.


This game has some good aspects to it, but I just wanted to warn those who are interested in supporting it. The dev has been repeatedly saying this update was ā€œcoming soonā€ for almost an entire year now, so I would just say to be aware if you plan on supporting the project in the long term.


Yeah he Tried way too much to cram in the update and it did take an entire year for this update to come out so hopefully updates come faster

Not really true at all, she has been very open with why development has taken so long. No one is forcing people to stay subscribed between updates.


Hi, itā€™s me Jobobot, the dev of the game. I appreciate the interest in my project. If anyone has any questions about anything, feel free to join my discord server, Iā€™m usually pretty active there.


Very true honestly the discord is great cause she is very active on there and will answer questions and show progress.

Iā€™m really enjoying this game. Is there any way to download it? I would also like to suggest a gallery so we can see the images.

It seems download is only via patreon , the current update wont be public until September 17th but there is atleqst 2gb of Images.

Truly a wild amount of images are in this game, itā€™s rare to see multiple paths fleshed out this much and for good reason, itā€™s very hard to do.

Kudos to @jobobot for the effort, that canā€™t have been easy to generate and code time wise. Hopefully scope creep doesnā€™t become a bigger issue, burnout due to scope is a real problem.

I enjoyed the game if that wasnā€™t clear, probably should have led with that.


Will this update, which will be available for free, be downloadable?

Hopefully,and honestly jobobot should make a public download link for free supporters on itchio and patreon

||fed up with the chickenshit rules & itā€™s a waste of time anyway. BBw-chan it is, I guess.||

Are you part of the Dev team or are these just opinions you have?

1 Like
  1. This is just completely untrue. Generating/editing the images was/is incredibly time consuming. In fact, itā€™s the most time consuming part of the development process. Over 1500 specific images being made for the game is no simple task. This latest update wasnā€™t made in a week; it took over a year to make.
  2. I do admit, however, that twine isnā€™t the most friendly development-wise for games that require large code bases such as this. However, twine is the engine Iā€™m most familiar with, so thatā€™s why I used it even if itā€™s not the most optimal engine for this particular project.
  3. Obviously viewing the game as shallow/bare is a matter of opinion. However, I like to think thereā€™s a lot more than immediately meets the eye. The game features a fully realized body simulation system that factors calories, physical activity, lean body mass, base metabolic rate, and more to determine the gain/loss of muscle/fat on a daily basis. Thereā€™s even a fully working body comp machine that tells you your lbm, body fat %, and more. And no, the body comp machine is not static based on a ā€˜stageā€™, itā€™s fully dynamic based on the body simulation system in the game. Every system in the game affects everything else. Eating calories over your bmr exponentially scales your muscle growth to a point; realistic diets that adapt to your bodies everchanging metabolic requirements; auto meals that automatically use the available food in your inventory to create meals tailored to your specific diet; and a lot more, but you get the idea. Obviously, this might not be very impressive to someone such as yourself, but I am proud of it.
  4. How would you suggest I refactor it and why do I need to? The code works as intended and I know how to navigate the code base? From my POV, that just seems like a lot of work that wouldnā€™t really change anything?
  5. Sorry for my spiel, got a little carried away there.

||fed up with the chickenshit rules & itā€™s a waste of time anyway. BBw-chan it is, I guess.||

A couple of things.

  1. Photorealism was never a goal or intended direction, that would break a lot of sitesā€™ TOS and is just not something I want to wade into.
  2. I think youā€™re grossly underestimating the exponential time cost of scale. Yes, creating random one-off images and sequences is quick and easy. However, doing it at scale, is not. Letā€™s take my game for example. Letā€™s say I already have all the images Iā€™ll need planned out and everything set up ready to go. Letā€™s say it takes me 10 minutes to take an image from nothing to prod (which for a lot of images, it definitely took more time). 1600 x 10 = 16,000. 16,000 / 60 = 266.67 hours, working non-stop at the minimum to get done. Sure, itā€™s not necessarily a lot if you donā€™t have anything else going on in your life. But unfortunately for me, I couldnā€™t work on it 8 hours a day; I had to work in my free time when I could. Sure, using something like PonyXL instead of SD 1.5 wouldā€™ve definitely been quicker. However, that didnā€™t exist when I started the project.
  3. Iā€™m honestly just not understanding how criticizing the code is a valid criticism here. Yes, Iā€™m not a rockstar coder, but the code works as intended and the game is not intensive to run whatsoever, so Iā€™m not sure how spending a lot of time redoing my whole code base is a good use of time considering Iā€™m the only dev and I understand it.
  4. Personally, I donā€™t see how 1000+ different possible body combinations with matching descriptions and images is barebones, but to each their own.
  5. I think a point of misunderstanding here is that weight gain/belly stuffing stuff wasnā€™t the original focus of the game and is not as fleshed out as the FMG stuff. My ultimate vision for the game is basically a body growth sandbox. However, content for different paths might not be released symmetrically unfortunately.
  6. Art and beauty is subjective obviously. For me personally, I find beauty and art in the intricate and complex systems of the game. I find it in the extreme freedom to grow your body however you want, in the sandbox nature of game. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some might not view that as art and beauty and thatā€™s ok. Some might find art and beauty in photorealistic depictions, or in certain creative directions, or in specific portrayals of characters. And thatā€™s ok.

I wouldnā€™t take their criticism too seriously, youā€™ve done good work and should take any success on Patreon as validation of your efforts.

Creating art assets and coding for multiple branching paths is a massive undertaking and what youā€™ve currently created is a really good foundation from which to build on.

If you do want feedback Iā€™d recommend polling your Patrons to see what content theyā€™d like to be focused on next. Not like the specific fetish content (you should be the one deciding that direction) but what gameplay content like focusing on the roommates, more activity content like the beach, more side character development, etc.

Also as a former creator and Patreon runner, never put a poll option you arenā€™t ok with doing or donā€™t want to do.

Also I apologize if you did not want any advice or recommendations, I mainly just wanted to voice my support.


Youā€™re right. However, I can admittedly be passionate about my work, so I am sometimes compelled to defend it strongly.

With the influx of new supporters recently, Patreon polls are definitely a good idea.

Thanks for your support.


As someone who took basic coding for websites in collage I UNDERSTAND cause just one number or letter out of place fucks the whole thing up and making sure every function is working correctly as well.

||fed up with the chickenshit rules & itā€™s a waste of time anyway. BBw-chan it is, I guess.||